FORM OF ACCEPTANCE. By signing this part of the Form of Offer and Acceptance, the Client, identified below, accepts the Tenderer’s Offer. In consideration thereof, the Client shall pay the Consulting Engineer the amount due in accordance with the Conditions of Contract identified in the Contract Data. Acceptance of the Tenderer’s Offer shall form an agreement between the Client and the Tenderer upon the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and in the Contract, that is the subject of this Agreement. The terms of the contract are contained in: Part C1 Agreements and Contract Data (which includes this Agreement) Part C2 Pricing Data Part C3 Scope of Work Part C4 Measurement and Payments Part C5 CIDB Contract Skills Development Goals (CSDG) Part C6 Site Information and the schedules, forms, drawings and documents or parts thereof, which may be incorporated by reference into Parts C1 to C6 above. Deviations from and amendments to the documents listed in the Tender Data and any addenda thereto listed in the Tender Schedules as well as any changes to the terms of the Offer agreed by the Tenderer and the Client during this process of offer and acceptance, are contained in the Schedule of Deviations attached to and forming part of this Agreement. No amendments to or deviations from said documents are valid unless contained in this Schedule, which must be duly signed by the authorised representatives of both parties. The Tenderer shall within two weeks after receiving a completed copy of this Agreement, including the Schedule of Deviations (if any), contact the Client’s Representative (whose details are given in the Contract Data to arrange the delivery of any documentation to be provided in terms of the conditions of contract identified in the contract data. Failure to fulfil any of these obligations in accordance with those terms shall constitute a repudiation of this agreement. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, this agreement comes into effect on the date when the Tenderer receives written confirmation from the Client that the tender is accepted. Unless the tenderer (now consulting engineer), within five (5) working days of the date of such receipt, notifies the client in writing of any reason why he/she cannot accept the contents of this agreement, this agreement shall constitute a binding contract between the parties. Name of Client: (organisation)……………………………………………………………………................... Witness: Signature: ............................................... ...
FORM OF ACCEPTANCE. This RSU grant is conditioned upon the Participant’s written acceptance of the terms of the Agreement, including this Appendix A, and the Plan. The Company will provide the Participant with an acceptance form that must be signed and returned to the Company. If Company does not receive the Participant’s signed acceptance form within the deadline set forth therein, the RSUs will terminate and will become null and void.
FORM OF ACCEPTANCE. I agree to enter the Fashion Week Internships Internship Program on the terms and conditions stated above.
FORM OF ACCEPTANCE. We understand and acknowledge, and agree to observe and be bound by, the terms and conditions above, which constitute the entire Agreement between the Owner and Broadpeak.
FORM OF ACCEPTANCE. I/We have read and agree to be bound by and fully accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Offer Letter and in the appendix to this Offer Letter. Accepted for and on behalf of Utah Medical Products Limited pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors dated the 1 4 (day of) 0 3 (month) 2 0 0 8 (year). Authorised Signatory D D M M Y Y Y Y Authorised Signatory D D M M Y Y Y Y
FORM OF ACCEPTANCE. I accept this appointment on the terms and conditions stated above, and agree to the following:
FORM OF ACCEPTANCE. To: [l] as Facility Agent From: Imperial Tobacco Finance PLC Date: [ ]
1. We refer to the Agreement. This is an Acceptance Notice.
2. [[We wish to accept the following offer[s] pursuant to Clause 10.3(f) (Offer and Acceptance) for the Anticipated U.K. Duty Change Date of [l]: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] /[We do not wish to accept any offers pursuant to our Commitment Request dated [l].]
3. All other offers pursuant to our Commitment Request dated [l] have not been accepted. By:
FORM OF ACCEPTANCE. I acknowledge and accept the conditions of set out in this Honorary Contract. I have kept one copy of this Contract for my own information and will return the other copy to named person. I consent to the Trust processing and storing data and sensitive personal data (as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998).
FORM OF ACCEPTANCE. If you accept the appointment on these terms, please complete the attached Form of Acceptance and return it to me at the above address.