Framing Sample Clauses
Framing. It is requested that artists submit their paintings unframed. In the event of a public exhibit of the competition entries, WHC will provide the appropriate display format.
Framing. UVA shall determine the framing needs of individual works of art. This especially applies to photographs, which will generally be framed by UVA.
Framing. If the Gallery will be framing the Artwork, The Gallery and the Artist agree that The Gallery's expense will be factored into the retail price and full compensation for framing will be given to The Gallery upon the sale of Artwork. Should the Artwork be returned to the Artist as outlined in this agreement, the Artist and The Gallery are equally responsible for the wholesale cost of the framing expense.
Framing. All framing shall be of painted metal or dimensioned lumber. Pole type construction using treated peeled timbers is also acceptable.
Framing. [The implementation of the provisions of this Article should [reflect][be subject to] [national circumstances]] [common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities in light of different national circumstances and different development stages ] [differentiation between developed and developing country Parties ] [of LDCs and SIDs]. [The extent to which developing country Parties will effectively implement their commitments will depend on the effective implementation by developed country Parties of their commitments related to financial resources, transfer of technology and capacity-building.]
Framing theglobe in its sole discretion may frame all or any part of the Lowestfare website (currently, "http///"), or the Co-Branded Site, and any revenue theglobe derives from banner sales shall be solely theglobe's.
Framing. TownPages in its sole discretion may frame all or any part of the website (currently, "http///"), or the Co-Branded Site.
Framing. Frame the structure in accordance to the approved plans and shall be constructed using the following materials: We, ________________________, Presiding Officer and ________________________, Secretary of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on ________________________, a quorum being present, said committee, by majority vote of the members present, did resolve and authorize that ________________________ as ________________________ of the Corporation, is authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Agreement on behalf of the Corporation and to do and perform all acts and things which s/he deems to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms of the Agreement and documents contemplated by the Agreement. The undersigned further certifies that ________________________ now holds the office of ________________________ and s/he has held that office since ________________________.
Framing. 9.1 When a work already framed by the ARTIST before its deposit to the GALLERY is sold, the framing costs must be given to the ARTIST before sharing the proceeds of the work’s sale.
9.2 After discussion with the ARTIST and having obtained his or her consent in writing, the GALLERY may have the ARTIST’s works framed in order to facilitate their promotion and sale.
9.2.1 When the work so framed is sold, the framing costs, less the taxes, are shared between the ARTIST and the GALLERY according to the proportion established in paragraph 7.1, and the ARTIST’s share is deducted from the amount due to him or her by the GALLERY unless another agreement is reached in writing and signed between the parties.
9.2.2 When the work so framed has not been sold at the termination of the present contract and handed back with the frame to the ARTIST, the framing costs are shared in the same way, unless another agreement is made in writing and signed between the parties.
Framing. Wood or Metal Framed Walls Out of Plumb Interior walls should be straight and plumb within ¼ inch per 4 feet. Under this Warranty, Builder will repair any interior wall that is more than ¼ inch per 4 feet out of plum.