Full Address. Landlord (2) …………………………………………………………………………………………….....................................................
Full Address. (If you live abroad and wish to receive your rent without tax deductions, please provide Non Resident Landlord Certificate Number.) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Home no.……………..……….……………. Mobile no…….….……....…………………. Work no...……………....………..………. (This Agreement also includes any other additional properties that the Landlord requests the Agent to manage.) ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………..………... ………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………..………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Name, address, roll number and contact details.) ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………… (If Leasehold, please provide the name and address of the Freeholder or Managing Agent, along with a copy of the Lease.) FREEHOLD [ ] LEASEHOLD [ ] ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………… (To transfer rent to your account.) Name of Account Holder ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Account Number ……………………………………………….. Sort Code ………………………………………………..…………… (Please note, we strongly recommend all Landlords take out Rents and Legal Expenses Insurance. If you would like Buildings or Contents insurance please complete our Insurance Questionnaire sheet.) The Accommodation Shop to arrange Buildings Insurance [ ] The Accommodation Shop to arrange Contents Insurance [ ] The Accommodation Shop to arrange Rent and Legal Expenses Insurance [ ]
Full Address. Name.........................................................................................
Full Address. Note:
1. Full particulars of the circumstances shall be furnished in the case of loss or destruction of the Registration Certificate.
2. Strike out whichever is inapplicable. Number dated office of the A duplicate Certificate of Registration as requested above is issued with the note of agreement of Hire Purchase / Lease / Hypothecation on and is noted in the Original Registration records in Form 24. To By Regd. Post of delivered under To be made in quadrauplicate, if the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire purchase / lease / hypothecation the duplicate copy and the triplicate copy and the quadruplicate copy with the endorsement fo the Registering Authority to be returned to the registered owner of the vehicle, the Registering Authority in whose jurisdiction the vehicle is to be removed and the financier simultaneously on grant/refusal of no-objection certificate.
PART - 1 To The Registering Authority .................................................... I / We intend to transfer the vehicle to the jurisdiction of the Registering Authority ........................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... I / We intend to sell the vehicle to Sri/Smt/Kumari..........................................................................who resides in the jurisdiction of the Registering Authority ..........................................................................................of the State of I / We, therefore request for the issue of a ‘No Objection Certificate’ for my / our vehicle, the particulars which are furnished below:
1. Name and Address :
2. Son / Wife / Daughter of :
Full Address. Signature (Borrower) Signature (Co-Borrower) Signature (Co-Borrower 1) Signature (Co-Borrower 2) Signature (Co-Borrower 3) Signature (Co-Borrower 4)
Full Address. NO LEGISLATION REQUIRED Deutschland Germany [LETTERHEAD OF VOLLMACHT-POWER OF ATTORNEY APPEARS HERE] Vertretervollmacht erteilt fur das Anmelde- und Schutzbewilligungsverfahren, fur das erteilte bzw, eingetragene Schulzrecht sowie fur das Einspruchs-, Nichtigkeits-, Zwangsilzenzoder Loschungsverfahren vor dam Deutschen Patentamt, dam Bundespatentgericht und dem Bundesgerichtshof, Die Vollmacht schlieBt auch das Verfahren nach dem Vertrag uber die internationale Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebeit des Patentwesens (PCT) ein. Der (Die) Bevollmachtigte(n) ist (sind) berechtigt, Untervollmachten zu erteilen. Auf Xxxxx dieser Vollmacht ist er (sind sie) insbesondere zu folgenden Rechtsgeschalten und Verfugungen ermachtigt: Alle Mitteilungen, Bescheide und Beschlusse des Patentamtes und der Gerichte in Empfang zu nehmen. Rechtsmittel oder Rechtsbehelle einzulegen und zuruckzunehmen, Vergleiche abzuschlieBen, auf die Anmeldung oder das Schulzrecht ganz oder teilweise zu verzichten, die Beschrankung des Patentes zu beantragen, eine Lizenzbereitschaftserklarung abzugeben oder einen von einem Xxxxxx erhobenen Anspruch anzuerkennen, in Warenzeichen- und Markensachen Widerspruch gegen die Loschung des Zeichens oder Aberkennung des Schulzes der Marke und gegen die Eintragung anderer Zeichen sowie gegen die Schulzbewilligung fur andere IR-Xxxxxx zu erheben und die Loschung bzw. Schulzentziehung anderer Zeichen und fur andere IR-Xxxxxx zu beantragen, gesteilte Antrage zuruckzunehmen, Zahlungen fur den Auftraggeber in Empfang zu nehmen, Strafantrage zu stellen. (Nur bei auslandischen Vollmachtgebern:) Durch diese Vollmacht ist (sind) der Patentwalt (die Patentanwalte) zum Vertreter gemaB (S) 25 des Patentgesetzes. (S) 28 des Gebrauchsmustergesetzes. (S) 35 des Warenzeichengesetzes und (S) 16 des Geschmacksmustergesetzes bestallt. Erfullungsort fur alle Anspruche aus dam der Vollmacht zugrunde liegenden Rechtsverhaltnis und Gerichtsstand ist der Ort der Kanzlei des Patentanwaltes (der Patentanwalte) Die Vollmacht gilt auch fur einan Praxisverwaser (Trehander, Abwickler), solange sie diesem gegenuber nicht widerrlun wird. Philadelphia, PA July 21, 1995 _______________________________________________________________________________ to act for me/us in proceedings concerning applications, registrations, granted or registered industrial or intellectual property rights, and in proceedings concerning opposition, nullity, compulsory license, rectification, revocation or cancellation in...
Full Address. Signature (Borrower)
Full Address. Signature (Borrower) Signature (Borrower) Signature (Borrower) (FORMING PART OF LETTER OF UNDERTAKING EXECUTED BY THE UNDERSIGNED ON. )
Full Address. Contact Number(s) .................................................................................................................. …………………………………………..........................................................................................................................
Full Address. Mr. / Ms....................................................................................