General Responsibility The Consultant shall, at all times during the Agreement, remain responsible. The Consultant agrees, if requested by the Commissioner of NYSDOT or his or her designee, to present evidence of its continuing legal authority to do business in New York State, integrity, experience, ability, prior performance, and organizational and financial capacity.
General Responsibilities Issuer hereby engages Distributor to act as exclusive distributor of the shares of each class of the Funds. The Funds subject to this Agreement as of the date hereof are identified on SCHEDULE A, which may be amended from time to time in accordance with Section 11 below. Sales of a Fund's shares shall be made only to investors residing in those states in which such Fund is registered. After effectiveness of each Fund’s registration statement, Distributor will hold itself available to receive, as agent for the Fund, and will receive by mail, telex, telephone, or such other method as may be agreed upon between Distributor and Issuer, orders for the purchase of Fund shares, and will accept or reject such orders on behalf of the Fund in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Fund’s prospectus. Distributor will be available to transmit orders, as promptly as possible after it accepts such orders, to the Fund’s transfer agent for processing at the shares’ net asset value next determined in accordance with the prospectuses.
Personal Responsibility The Participant and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) certify that Participant has no physical or mental condition that precludes him/her from participating in the Activities and that he/she is not participating against medical advice.
School Responsibilities 1. The School shall have the total responsibility for planning and determining the adequacy of the educational experience of students in theoretical background, basic skill, professional ethics, attitude and behavior, and will assign to the Facility only those students who have satisfactorily completed the prerequisite didactic portion of the School’s curriculum. 2. The School shall provide proof to the Facility, of professional liability insurance policy of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence or claim and Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) in the aggregate covering the acts of such student while participating in the program at the Facility.
Professional Responsibility 19.01 The parties agree that resident care is enhanced if concerns relating to professional practice and workload are resolved in a timely and effective manner, as set out below; In the event that the Home assigns a number of residents or a workload to an individual employee or group of employees, such that she or they have cause to believe that she or they are being asked to perform more work than is consistent with proper resident care, she or they shall: i) At the time the workload issue occurs, discuss the issue within the Home to develop strategies to meet resident care needs using current resources. If necessary, using established lines of communication, seek immediate assistance from an individual(s) identified by the Home who has responsibility for timely resolution of workload issues. ii) Failing resolution at the time of occurrence of the workload issue, complain in writing to the Union-Management Committee within twenty (20) calendar days of the alleged improper assignment. The chairperson of the Union-Management Committee shall convene a meeting of the Union-Management Committee within twenty (20) calendar days of the filing of the complaint. The Union-Management Committee shall hear and attempt to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of both parties. The Employer will provide a written response to the Union, with a copy to the ONA representation within ten (10) calendar days. iii) Prior to the complaint being forwarded to the Independent Assessment Committee, the Union may forward a written report outlining the complaint and recommendations to the Director of Resident Care and/or the Administrator. iv) At any time during this process, the parties may agree to the use of a mediator to assist in the resolution of the Professional Practice issues. v) Any settlement arrived at under 19.01 (a) i) – iii) shall be signed by the parties. vi) Failing resolution of the complaint within twenty (20) calendar days of the meeting of the Union-Management Committee, the complaint shall be forwarded to an independent Assessment Committee composed of three (3) registered nurses; one chosen by the Ontario Nurses' Association, one chosen by the Home and one chosen from a panel of independent registered nurses who are well respected within the profession. The member of the Committee chosen from the panel of independent registered nurses shall act as Chairperson. vii) The Independent Assessment Committee shall set a date to conduct a hearing into the complaint, within twenty (20) calendar days of its appointment, and shall be empowered to investigate as is necessary to properly assess the merits of the complaint. The Independent Assessment Committee shall report its findings, in writing, to the parties within twenty (20) calendar days following completion of its hearing. (b) i) The list of Independent Assessment Committee Chairpersons is attached as Appendix “B”. The members of the panel shall sit in rotation as agreed by the parties. If a panel member is unable to sit within the time limit stipulated, the panel member next scheduled to sit will be appointed by the parties.
Legal Responsibility Nothing herein contained shall render any Party liable for the obligations of any other Party hereunder and the rights, obligations and liabilities of the Parties are several in accordance with their respective obligations, and not joint.
Contractor’s General Responsibilities The Contractor, regardless of any delegation or subcontract entered by the Contractor, shall be responsible for the following when providing information technology staff augmentation services: 3.1 The Contractor is responsible for the comprehensive management of Staff. Staff shall not be deemed an employee of the State or deemed to be entitled to any benefits associated with such employment and the Contractor shall be responsible for the administration and maintenance of all employment and payroll records, payroll processing, remittance of payroll and taxes, and all administrative tasks required by state and federal law associated with payment of Staff. 3.2 The Contractor shall provide Staff in accordance with Customer Requests for Quote (RFQ), and as described in Contract Exhibit J, Job Family Descriptions document. Customers may include detailed scopes of work, specific requirements of the work to be performed, and any requirements of Staff within the Request for Quote. 3.3 The Contractor shall possess the professional and technical staff necessary to allocate, outsource, and manage qualified Staff to perform the services requested by the Customer. 3.4 The Contractor shall provide Customers with Staff who have sufficient skill and experience to perform the services assigned to them. 3.5 The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all information technology staff augmentation services furnished under the Contract meet the professional standards and quality that prevails among information technology professionals in the same discipline and of similar knowledge and skill engaged in related work throughout Florida under the same or similar circumstances. 3.6 The Contractor shall provide, at its own expense, training necessary for keeping Contractor’s Staff abreast of industry advances and for maintaining proficiency in equipment and systems that are available on the commercial market. 3.7 The Contractor shall, at its own expense, be responsible for adhering to the Contract background screening requirements, testing, evaluations, advertising, recruitment, and disciplinary actions of Contractor’s Staff. 3.8 The Contractor, throughout the term of the Contract, shall maintain all licenses, permits, qualifications, insurance, and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required for Contractor and Staff to perform the information technology staff augmentation services. 3.9 Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the administration of this Contract. 3.10 The Contractor shall adhere to all work policies, procedures, and standards established by the Department and Customer. 3.11 The Contractor shall ensure that Staff conform with the Customer’s policies in all respects while on the Customer’s premises, and is responsible for obtaining all rules, regulations, policies, etc. 3.12 Contractor shall only provide information technology staff augmentation services for those Job Titles awarded to the Contractor and shall be paid on an hourly basis. Contracts resulting from this solicitation should not be structured as fixed-price agreements or used for any services requiring authorization for payment of milestone tasks.
Financial Responsibility You understand that you remain, solely and exclusively responsible for any and all financial risks, including, without limitation, insufficient funds associated with accessing the Service. The Credit Union shall not be liable in any manner for such risk unless Credit Union fails to follow the procedures described in materials for use of the service. You assume exclusive responsibility for the consequences of any instructions you give to the Credit Union, for your failures to access the Service properly in a manner prescribed by the Credit Union, and for your failure to supply accurate input information, including, without limitation, any information contained in an application.
MANAGERIAL RESPONSIBILITIES 6.01 Except to the extent provided herein, this Agreement in no way restricts the authority of those charged with managerial responsibilities in the public service.
Corporate Social Responsibility The Parties affirm the importance of each Party encouraging enterprises operating within its Area or subject to its jurisdiction to voluntarily incorporate into their internal policies those internationally recognised standards, guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility that have been endorsed or are supported by that Party.