Corporate Social Responsibility. The Parties affirm the importance of each Party encouraging enterprises operating within its Area or subject to its jurisdiction to voluntarily incorporate into their internal policies those internationally recognised standards, guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility that have been endorsed or are supported by that Party.
Corporate Social Responsibility. Investors and their enterprises operating within its territory of each Party shall endeavour to voluntarily incorporate internationally recognized standards of corporate social responsibility in their practices and internal policies, such as statements of principle that have been endorsed or are supported by the Parties. These principles may address issues such as labour, the environment, human rights, community relations and anti-corruption.
Chapter IV. Settlement of Disputes between an Investor and a Party
Corporate Social Responsibility. 1. Investors and their investments shall endeavor to achieve the highest possible level of contribution to the sustainable development of the Host Party and the local community by adopting a high degree of socially responsible practices, based on the voluntary principles and standards set forth in this Article.
2. Investors and their investments shall make their best efforts to comply with the following voluntary principles and standards for responsible business conduct and in accordance with the laws adopted by the host Party receiving the investment:
(a) Stimulate economic, social and environmental progress with a view to achieving sustainable development;
(b) Respect the human rights of those involved in the business activities in accordance with the Host Party's international obligations and commitments;
(c) Encourage local capacity building through close collaboration with the local community;
(d) Encourage the development of human capital, in particular by creating employment opportunities and facilitating workers' access to vocational training;
(e) Refrain from seeking or accepting exemptions not provided for in the Host Party's legislation relating to the environment, public health, safety, work, financial incentives or other areas;
(f) Support and maintain the principles of good corporate governance, develop and implement good corporate governance practices;
(g) Improve the transparency of its activities in the fight against corruption and extortion, and maintain accurate and reliable books, records and accounts which ensure that they cannot be used for the purposes of corruption and the concealment of acts of corruption;
(h) Refrain from offering, promising, granting or directly or indirectly soliciting unlawful payments or other improper advantages with a view to obtaining or maintaining a business or other improper advantage;
(i) Adopt internal control mechanisms and appropriate ethics and compliance programs or measures to prevent and detect corruption;
(j) Develop and implement effective self-discipline practices and management systems that xxxxxx a relationship of mutual trust between the companies and societies in which operations are performed;
(k) Promote workers' knowledge of corporate policy, through the appropriate dissemination of this policy, including through professional training programs;
(l) Refrain from any discriminatory or disciplinary action against employees who report to the Board of Directors or, where appropriate, to comp...
Corporate Social Responsibility. 1. Investors and their investment shall strive to achieve the highest possible level of contribution to the sustainable development of the Host Party and the local community, through the adoption of a high degree of socially responsible practices, based on the voluntary principles and standards set out in this Article.
2. The investors and their investment shall develop their best efforts to comply with the following voluntary principles and standards for a responsible business conduct and consistent with the laws adopted by the Host Party receiving the investment:
a) Stimulate the economic, social and environmental progress, aiming at achieving sustainable development;
b) Respect the human rights of those involved in the companies activities, consistent with the international obligations and commitments of the Host Party;
c) Encourage the strengthening of local capacities building through close cooperation with the local community;
d) Encourage the development of human capital, especially by creating employment opportunities and facilitating access of workers to professional training;
e) Refrain from seeking or accepting exemptions that are not established in the legislation of the f)Host Party, relating to environment, health, security, work or financial incentives, or other issues;
f) Support and maintain good corporate governance principles, and develop and apply good practices of corporate governance;
g) Develop and apply effective self-regulatory practices and management systems that xxxxxx a relationship of mutual trust between the companies and the society in which the operations are conducted;
h) Promote the knowledge of workers about the corporate policy, through appropriate dissemination of this policy, including programs for professional training;
i) Refrain from discriminatory or disciplinary action against the employees who submit grave reports to the board or, whenever appropriate, to the competent public authorities, about practices that violate the law or violate the standards of corporate governance that the company is subject to
j) Encourage, whenever possible, the business associates, including service providers and outsources, to apply the principles of business conduct consistent with the principles provided in this Article; and
k) Respect local political activities and processes.
Corporate Social Responsibility. The Parties agree to encourage investors to conduct their investment activities in compliance with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and to participate in the United Nations Global Compact.
Corporate Social Responsibility. 1. Investors and their investments shall comply with domestic laws and regulations of the host state, including laws and regulations on human rights, environmental protection and labor laws.
2. The Contracting Parties reaffirm the importance of each Contracting Party to encourage investors operating within its territory or subject to its jurisdiction to voluntarily incorporate into their internal policies those internationally recognized standards, guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility that have been endorsed or are supported by that Party, such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the Recommendation CM/REC(2016) of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on human rights and business.
3. The Contracting Parties reaffirm the importance of investors conducting a due diligence process to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for the environmental and social risks and impacts of its investment.
4. Investors shall be liable in accordance with the rules concerning jurisdiction of their home state for the acts or decisions made in relation to the investment where such acts or decisions lead to significant damage, personal injuries or loss of life in the host state.
5. The Contracting Parties express their commitment to the international framework on Business and Human Rights, such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and commit to strengthen this framework.
Corporate Social Responsibility. Upon Purchaser’s request, the Supplier shall provide the Purchaser with an assessment delivered by a qualified specialised agency reasonably acceptable to the Purchaser, evaluating Supplier’s Corporate Social Responsibility risks. The Supplier undertakes to implement the necessary preventive corrective and remedial actions and warrants to maintain in place, throughout the term of the Contract and/or the Order(s), risk assessment and prevention improvement plans aiming at preventing serious violations with respect to human rights and fundamental freedoms, health and safety of persons and the protection of the environment..
Corporate Social Responsibility. 1. Investors and their investment shall strive to achieve the highest possible level of contribution to the sustainable development of the Host State and the local community, through the adoption of a high degree of socially responsible practices, based on the voluntary principles and standards set out in this Article.
2. The investors and their investment shall endeavour to comply with the following voluntary principles and standards for a responsible business conduct and consistent with the laws adopted by the Host State:
a) Contribute to the economic, social and environmental progress, aiming at achieving sustainable development;
b) Respect the internationally recognized human rights of those involved in the investors' activities;
c) Encourage local capacity building through close cooperation with the local community;
d) Encourage the creation of human capital, especially by creating employment opportunities and offering professional training to workers;
e) Refrain from seeking or accepting exemptions that are not established in the legal or regulatory framework relating to human rights, environment, health, security, work, tax system, financial incentives, or other issues;
f) Support and advocate for good corporate governance principles, and develop and apply good practices of corporate governance;
g) Develop and implement effective self-regulatory practices and management systems that xxxxxx a relationship of mutual trust between the companies and the societies in which its operations are conducted;
h) Promote the knowledge of and the adherence to,by workers, the corporate policy, through appropriate dissemination of this policy, including programs for professional training;
i) Refrain from discriminatory or disciplinary action against employees who submit grave reports to the board or, whenever appropriate, to the competent public authorities, about practices that violate the law or corporate policy;
j) Encourage, whenever possible, business associates, including service providers and outsources, to apply the principles of business conduct consistent with the principles provided for in this Article; and
k) Refrain from any undue interference in local political activities.
Corporate Social Responsibility. The Renault Group operates in line with its corporate social responsibility, within the framework of its activities as a car manufacturer. Actions are focused on three priority areas: The Renault Group is involved in educational projects through support of innovative teaching programmes and other educational actions. These actions, carried out with employees and in partnership with local authorities, open doors to the world and to citizenship, and tangibly contribute to the development of tomorrow's skill base. The Renault Group promotes the integration of young people to the business world through various training and integration activities. The Renault Group is committed locally to the training of young people experiencing difficulties. In addition, it supports the development of work-study programmes, particularly in the form of apprenticeships. Targeted actions relating to higher-education are also included within the framework of the Renault Foundation in several countries. Conscious of the development all over the world of personal transport, the Renault Group equips its vehicles with the latest protection and accident-prevention technologies and implements educational initiatives and instruction in road safety for a variety of audiences: children, teenagers, professionals and the academic world.
Corporate Social Responsibility. Seller shall acknowledge and adhere to Buyer’s Supplier Code of Conduct, and all referenced policies and procedures as presented on Buyer’s Website at and as appropriate, in Buyer’s Global Supplier Quality Manual (QMS-1004255). The provisions of the Supplier Code of Conduct are in addition to, and not in lieu of, the provisions of any legal agreement or contract between a Supplier and Buyer or any of its affiliates. We expect Suppliers to hold their supply chain, including subcontractors and third party labor agencies, to the same standards contained in the Supplier Code of Conduct. The Supplier Code of Conduct does not create any third-party beneficiary rights or benefits for Suppliers, subcontractors, their respective employees or any other party. Xxxxx’s Suppliers are advised that they may be subject to survey and audit by third parties on behalf of Buyer to verify compliance with the following provisions. Non-compliance or misrepresentation of compliance by a Supplier may result in sanctions, including, but not limited to, termination of their agreements with Buyer for default.