GRANT OF WAIVER. In the case of a decision to grant a waiver described in subsection (b)(3) of this section, the report under paragraph (1) shall describe the terms and conditions of the waiver and the rights and obligations of the United States that are affected by the waiver.
GRANT OF WAIVER. Landlord hereby waives its right to exercise any remedies set forth in Section 23.2(a) or (b) of the Lease, except the remedy set forth in Section 23.2(b)(vii) which is expressly preserved, with respect to Tenant Events of Default under Section 23.1(g) or Section 23.1(h) of the Lease which may have occurred prior to the date hereof, are now existing or hereafter occur due to the Specified Defaults.
GRANT OF WAIVER. The Company hereby grants an exemption from the Stock Ownership Limit (as defined in the Governing Documents), to Investors and their Affiliates and establishes a Stock Ownership Limit (an “Exempted Holder Limit” as defined in the Governing Documents) for Investors and their Affiliates equal to (but not less than the Stock Ownership Limit set forth in the Governing Documents) a percentage that would allow Investors and their Affiliates to own (and continue to own) the Initial Shares, the Warrants and the Warrant Shares, together with any Capital Stock of the Company issued or issuable hereunder or pursuant to any provisions of this Agreement or the Warrants to Investors or their Affiliates or under any instrument issued hereunder.
GRANT OF WAIVER. Any waiver in the observance or in the compliance of any of the covenants or any change therein shall be granted to the Borrower only with the consent of the Majority Lenders. CLAUSE 9 EVENTS OF DEFAULT Each of the events or circumstances set out in Clause 9 below is an Event of Default.
GRANT OF WAIVER. Any waiver in the observance or in the compliance of any of the covenants or any change therein shall be granted to the Borrower only with the consent of the Majority Lenders.
GRANT OF WAIVER. The Restructuring may lead to a general offer for all the shares of GDC under the Takeovers Code by Shougang Holding unless otherwise waived by the Executive. As informed by Shougang Holding, (i) Shougang Holding applied to the Executive for a waiver to dispense with the obligation to make a mandatory general offer for the shares of GDC not already owned or agreed to be acquired by it pursuant to Rule 26.1 of the Takeovers Code as a result of the Restructuring; and (ii) the said waiver was granted by the Executive pursuant to Note 6(a) to Rule 26.1 of the Takeovers Code on 2 November 2018.
GRANT OF WAIVER. The Company has applied for, and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited has granted, a waiver (the “Waiver”) from Rules 13.36(1)(a) and 14A.36 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) in respect of the Revised Direct Purchase Option based on the Company’s funding need and subject to the following conditions:
GRANT OF WAIVER. The Lender agrees to formally waive the Events of Default which are continuing as a result of the Breaches. Any waiver granted in accordance with this Letter shall apply only to the matters specifically referred to in this Letter and is given in reliance upon any information supplied to the Lender by the Parent being true, complete and accurate. Such consent shall be without prejudice to any rights which the Lender may now or hereafter have in relation to any other circumstances or matters other than as specifically referred to in this Letter (and whether subsisting at the date hereof or otherwise) or in relation to any such information being other than true, complete and accurate, which rights shall remain in full force and effect. Any waiver granted in accordance with this Letter does not constitute an amendment, deletion or addition to the provisions of the Facilities Agreement, and it shall not operate as a waiver in respect of any other right or remedy.
GRANT OF WAIVER. The Company has applied for, and the Stock Exchange has granted, a waiver (the “Waiver”) from strict compliance with (i) the requirement of limiting the term of the Contractual Arrangements to three years or less, and (ii) the requirement of setting an annual cap for the transactions under the Contractual Arrangements under Rule 14A.53 of the Listing Rules, for so long as the shares of the Company are listed on the Stock Exchange. Relevant requirements under Rule 14A.52 of the Listing Rules requires that the period for a connected transaction agreement must be fixed and must not exceed three years except in special circumstances where the nature of the transaction requires a longer period. In this case, the listed issuer must appoint an independent financial adviser to explain why the agreement requires a longer period and to confirm that it is normal business practice for agreements of this type to be of such duration. Rule 14A.53 of the Listing Rules requires the listed issuer to set an annual cap for the continuing connected transactions. The annual cap must be: (1) expressed in monetary terms; (2) determined by reference to previous transactions and figures in the published information of the listed issuer’s group. If there were no previous transactions, the annual cap must be set based on reasonable assumptions; and (3) approved by shareholders if the transaction requires shareholders’ approval. The Company has applied for the Waiver under the following grounds:
GRANT OF WAIVER. The Company considers that it is impracticable or unduly burdensome to set a maximum aggregate annual caps under Rule 14A.53 and fix the terms of the VIE Contracts under Rule 14A.52 of the Listing Rules in relation to the CCTs given that: