Grant to Company Sample Clauses

Grant to Company. Subject to Company's compliance with this Agreement, Alfresco grants to Company, during the Subscription Period: (a) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non- sublicensable license to use, copy, test, and modify the Software solely for Company's own internal use and limited to the number of Cores, Named Users, and/or Active Processes designated in the Order Form, as applicable; (b) the rights in the third-party open source software provided with the Software, which rights are set forth in the applicable third-party licenses; and (c) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use the Software on the number of Cores designated in the Order Form for the purpose of backup and disaster- recovery purposes.
Grant to Company. Subject to Company's compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including timely payment of the Fees for the initial term and any renewal terms, Crafter grants to Company: (a) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, license to use, copy and modify the Software only for Company's own internal use of the Software and limited to the number of Installed Systems designated in an Order Form provided by either Crafter or a Crafter Reseller Partner; (b) the rights in the third party software provided with the Software set forth in the licenses applicable to such third party software; (c) for the term designated in an Order Form, the right to receive Support Services for the Software (“Support Services”); and (d) a license to use the Software for the purpose of disaster recovery testing.
Grant to Company. For the term of this Agreement and subject to Company's payment of the Subscription Fee (defined below) GetSet grants Company: 1) the right to a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub licensable license to use the Software only for Company's own internal use of the Software and limited to the number of Users; and 2) the right to receive standard support services and upgrades for the Software; and 3) the right to use the Software on CPU at GetSet for the purpose of disaster recovery testing.
Grant to Company. Subject to Company's compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including timely payment of the Fees for the initial term and any renewal terms, Alfresco grants to Company: (a) a non-exclusive, non- transferable, non-sublicensable, perpetual license to use, copy and modify the Software only for Company's own internal use of the Software and limited to the number of Installed Systems designated in an Order Form; (b) the rights in the third party software provided with the Software set forth in the licenses applicable to such third party software; (c) for the term designated in an Order Form, the right to receive Services for the Software; and (d) a perpetual license to use the Software on additional CPUs for the purpose of disaster recovery testing.
Grant to Company. For the term of Company’s Subscription Period (defined below) and subject to Company’s payment of the Subscription Fee, if any and defined below, ADS Advanced Data Services, Inc. (“ADS”) grants Company: (i) the non-exclusive, non- transferable, non sub-licensable right to use the Software only for Company’s own internal use by the number of Subscription Users for which Company has paid the applicable fee, if any; and (ii) the right to receive support pursuant to the Standard Support Services Plan or to purchase a Premium Support Services Plan.
Grant to Company. Subject to Company's compliance with this Agreement, Alfresco grants to Company, during the Subscription Period: (a) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non- sublicensable license to use, copy, test, and modify the Software solely for Company's own internal use and limited to the number of Cores, Named Users, and/or Active Processes designated in the Order Form, as applicable; (b) the rights in the third-party open source software provided with the Software, which rights are 2.1 Adjudicación a la Empresa. A reserva de que la Empresa cumpla con este Contrato, Alfresco adjudicará a la Empresa, durante el Periodo de Suscripción: (a) una licencia no exclusiva, no transferible y no sublicenciable para usar, copiar, probar y modificar el Software únicamente para uso interno de la Empresa y limitado a la cantidad de Núcleos, Usuarios Nombrados y/o Procesos Activos designados en la Hoja de Pedido, según corresponda; (b) los derechos del software de código abierto de
Grant to Company. Consultant hereby grants to the Company an exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license to (i) use the software, trade secrets and other intellectual property that, prior to the date hereof, have been used by Consultant to provide services to the Specified Clients under the Prior Agreements (collectively, the “Technology”) and (ii) to amend, modify and create derivative works of the Technology. Any such amendments, modifications or derivative works of the Technology shall be owned by the Company. The parties acknowledge that any software, trade secrets and other intellectual property developed by the Company prior to the date hereof including amendments, modifications and derivative works thereof shall not constitute “Technology” under this Agreement.
Grant to Company. Subject to Company's compliance with this Agreement, Alfresco grants to Company, during the Subscription Period: (a) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non- sublicensable license to use, copy, test, and modify the Software solely for Company's own internal use and limited to the number of Cores, Named Users, and/or Active Processes designated in the Order Form, as applicable; (b) the rights in the third-party open source software provided with the Software, which rights are set forth in the applicable third-party licenses; and (c) a non- exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use the Software on the number of Cores designated in the Order Form for the purpose of backup and disaster-recovery purposes. 2.1 お客様へのライセンス供与. お客様の本契約の遵守を条件に、 Alfresco はお客様に対し、サブスクリプション期間中、(a)お客様自身による社内(内部)での使用のみを目的とし、注文書に指定されたコアの数、指定ユーザーの数、および/またはアクティブプロセスの数に限定された、本ソフトウェアの使用、複製、テスト、および修正を行うための非独占的、譲渡不能、かつサブライセンス不能なライセンス、(b)本ソフトウェアに付属する第三者製オープンソース・ソフトウェアに対する権利(ただし、その権利内容は、該当する第三者によるライセンスにより定められる)、並びに(c)バックアップおよび災害復旧の目的で、注文書に指定される数のコアで本ソフトウェアを使用する非独占的、譲渡不能、かつサブライセンス不能なライセンスを付与する。
Grant to Company. Subject to Company's compliance with this Agreement, Alfresco grants to Company, during the Subscription Period: (a) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non- sublicensable license to use, copy, test, and modify the Software solely for Company's own internal use and limited to the number of Cores, Named Users, and/or Active Processes designated in the Order Form, as applicable; (b) the rights in the third-party open source software provided with the Software, which rights are set forth in the applicable third-party licenses; and (c) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use the Software on the number of Cores designated in the Order Form for the purpose of backup and disaster- recovery purposes. 2.1 Concessioni alla Società. Subordinatamente al rispetto del presente Accordo da parte della Società, durante il Periodo di sottoscrizione, Alfresco concede alla Società stessa: (a) una licenza non esclusiva, non trasferibile e non concedibile in sub- licenza per l’uso, la copia, la verifica e la modifica del Software, volta esclusivamente all’uso interno alla Società e limitata al numero di Core, Named User e/o Processi Attivi stabiliti nel Modulo d’Ordine, come applicabile; (b) i diritti nel software open source di terze parti fornito con il Software espressi nelle licenze applicabili allo stesso software di terze parti; (c) una licenza non esclusiva, non trasferibile e non concedibile in sub-licenza per l’uso del Software sul numero di Core stabiliti nel Modulo d’Ordine, al fine di eseguire backup e condurre test per disaster recovery.
Grant to Company. Subject to Company's compliance with this Agreement, Alfresco grants to Company, during the Subscription Period: (a) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non- sublicensable license to use, copy, test, and modify the Software solely for Company's own internal use and limited to the number of Cores, Named Users, and/or Active Processes designated in the Order Form, as applicable; (b) the rights in the third-party open source software provided with the Software, which rights are set forth in the applicable third-party licenses; and (c) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use the Software on the number of Cores designated in the Order Form for the purpose of backup and disaster- recovery purposes. 2.1 Concession de la licence. Sous réserve du respect par la Société de ses obligations découlant du présent Contrat, Alfresco concède à la Société, pour la durée de la Période d’Abonnement : (a) une licence non-exclusive, incessible, ne pouvant faire l’objet d’une sous-licence, lui permettant d’utiliser, de copier, de tester et de modifier le Logiciel, limitée aux seuls besoins internes de la Société, dans la limite du nombre de Coeurs, d’Utilisateurs Désignés et/ou de Processus Actifs détaillés dans le Bon de commande correspondant ; (b) les droits portant sur les logiciels tiers en open source intégrés au Logiciel, tels que ces droits sont définis dans les licences tierces applicables ; et (c) une licence non exclusive, incessible et ne pouvant faire l’objet d’une sous-licence, lui permettant d’utiliser le Logiciel sur le nombre de Cœurs désignés dans le Bon de Commande à des fins de sauvegarde et de reprise d’activité après sinistre.