Height Money. Employees other than linespersons, linesperson's assistants, riggers and splicers engaged in the construction, erection, repair and/or maintenance as the case may be, of ships, steel frame buildings, bridges, gasometers or other structures at a height in each case of 15 metres or more directly above the nearest horizontal plane shall be entitled to 32 cents per hour extra.
Height Money. Employees, excepting scaffolders, block and tackle hands, riggers and or splicers, when working 15 metres or more above the nearest horizontal plane, shall be paid as set out at item 15 of Schedule 3B per hour whilst so engaged subject to a minimum as set out at item 15A of Schedule 3B per Shift.
Height Money. FTMs other than linespersons and linesperson's assistants engaged in the construction, erection, repair and/or maintenance as the case may be, of ships, steel frame buildings, bridges, gasometers or other structures at a height in each case of 15 metres or more directly above the nearest horizontal plane shall be entitled to 36 cents per hour in addition to their ordinary hourly rate of pay, whilst working in such conditions.
Height Money. A FTM working on a building or structure (including a FTM working in a bosun’s chair or swinging scaffold) of a height of 15 metres or more directly above a substantial level surface shall be paid a height allowance of 47 cents per hour and an additional amount of 47 cents per hour for each further 15 metres increase in the height at which he/she is working.
Height Money. For work at a height of 15.25m *50 feet) or more above the nearest horizontal plane.
Height Money. An FTM shall be paid an allowance of $2.15 for each day on which the FTM works at a height of
Height Money. [36.4 varied by PR902116; corrected by PR907549; varied by PR933662; PR962393 ppc 01Sep05] Employees working at a height in each case of 6.09 metres or more above ground level - 24c per hour extra.
Height Money. Employees, other than linespersons and their assistants, required to perform work at a height from
Height Money. An employee who is required to work at a height of nine metres or more directly above the nearest horizontal plane, or an employee working on a swinging scaffold (other than a single plank swing scaffold) at any height, shall be paid an allowance for each day or shift or part thereof during which the employee is engaged on such work.
Height Money. An employee other than a rigger and splicer engaged in the erection, repair and/or maintenance of steel frame buildings and similar structures at a height of fifteen metres or more directly above the nearest horizontal plane - 36 cents per hour extra.