Identification of Grievance Representatives. UFF shall annually provide to the University a list of all persons authorized to act as UFF grievance representatives and shall update the list as needed.
Identification of Grievance Representatives. A. AFSCME Local 1902 shall provide the District with a written list of employees who have been selected as grievance representatives.
B. A grievance representative shall operate within his designated group work location, except in those instances in which the AFSCME Executive President deems it necessary for him to operate in another group work location.
C. Only those employees designated by AFSCME Local 1902 in writing shall be recognized by the District. The list shall be kept current by AFSCME Local 1902.
Identification of Grievance Representatives. A. The Association shall provide the District with a written list of employees who have been selected as grievance representatives.
B. A grievance representative shall operate within the work locations designated by the Association.
C. Only those employees designated by the Association in writing shall be recognized by the District. The list shall be kept current by the Association.
Identification of Grievance Representatives. 72 6.2.4 Release Time 73 6.3.1 Definitions 73