Implementation and Consultations. 1. The Parties shall designate the administrative entities which shall serve as contact points for the purpose of implementing this Chapter.
2. A Party may, through the contact points referred to in paragraph 1, request expert consultations or consultations within the Joint Committee regarding any matter arising under this Chapter. The Parties shall make every attempt to arrive at a mutually satisfactory resolution of the matter. Where relevant, and subject to the agreement of the Parties, they may seek advice of the relevant international organisations or bodies.
3. If a Party considers that a measure of another Party does not comply with the obligations under this Chapter, it may have recourse to consultations according to paragraphs 1 to 3 of Article 42.
Implementation and Consultations. 1. Each Party shall designate a contact point for the purpose of implementing this Chapter.
2. A Party may through the contact point referred to in paragraph 1 request expert consultations or consultations within the Joint Committee regarding any matter arising under this Chapter. The Parties shall make every attempt to reach a mutually satisfactory solution of the matter. Where relevant, subject to the agreement of the Parties, they can seek advice of the relevant international organisations or bodies.
3. The Parties shall not have recourse to arbitration under Chapter 12 for matters arising under this Chapter.
Implementation and Consultations. 1. With a view to facilitating the implementation of this Chapter and related communications, the following contact points are designated:
(a) for China: the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM); and
(b) for Switzerland: the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
2. A Party may through the contact points referred to in paragraph 1 request consultations within the Joint Committee regarding any matter arising under this Chapter. The Parties shall make every attempt to arrive at a mutually satisfactory resolution of the matter.
3. Chapter 15 shall not apply to this Chapter. If a Party considers that a measure of the other Party does not comply with the provisions of this Chapter, it may have recourse exclusively to bilateral consultations and dialogue in the Joint Committee.
Implementation and Consultations. 1. The Parties shall designate contact points for the purpose of implementing this Chapter.
2. A Party may through the contact points referred to in paragraph 1 request consultations at experts level or consultations within the Joint Committee regarding any matter arising under this Chapter. The Parties shall make every attempt to reach a mutually satisfactory solution of the matter. Subject to the agreement of the Parties, they may seek advice of the relevant international organisations or bodies.
3. The Parties shall not have recourse to Chapter 11 (Dispute Settlement) for matters arising under this Chapter. If the Parties agree, they may have recourse to good offices, conciliation or mediation under Article 11.2 (Good Offices, Conciliation or Mediation). These procedures may begin and be suspended or terminated at any time.
Implementation and Consultations. 1. The Parties shall designate the administrative entities, which shall serve as contact points for the purposes of implementing this Chapter.
2. A Party may, through the contact points, request expert consultations or consultations within the Joint Committee regarding any matter under this Chapter. The Parties shall make every attempt to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution of the matter. Where relevant, subject to the agreement of the Parties, they can seek advice of the relevant international organisations or bodies.
3. No Party may have recourse to arbitration under Chapter 13 (Dispute Settlement) for any matter arising under this Chapter.
Implementation and Consultations. 1. The Parties shall designate the contact points for the purposes of this Chapter.
2. A Party may, through the contact points referred to in paragraph 1, request consultations with another Party regarding any matter arising under this Chapter. The consultations shall take place in the Joint Committee. The Parties concerned shall make every attempt to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution of the matter and may seek advice from relevant organisations, bodies or experts.
3. The Parties may have recourse to Articles 11.2 (Good Offices, Conciliation or Mediation) and 11.3 (Consultations) of Chapter 11 (Dispute Settlement).
4. The Parties shall not have recourse to arbitration under Chapter 11 (Dispute Settlement) for matters arising under this Chapter.
5. The Parties shall provide their stakeholders with the opportunity to share comments and make recommendations regarding the implementation of this Chapter.
Implementation and Consultations. 1. The Parties shall designate the administrative entities which shall serve as contact points for the purposes of implementing this Chapter.
2. A Party may, through the contact points referred to in paragraph 1, request expert consultations or consultations within the Joint Committee regarding any matter arising under this Chapter. The Parties shall make every attempt to arrive at a mutually satisfactory resolution of the matter. Where relevant, and subject to the agreement of the Parties, they may seek advice from the relevant international organisations or bodies.
3. If a Party considers that a measure of another Party does not comply with the obligations under this Chapter, it may have recourse to good offices, conciliation or mediation and consultations in accordance with Articles 9.2 (Good Offices, Conciliation or Mediation) and 9.3 (Consultations).
4. The Parties shall not have recourse to arbitration under Chapter 9 (Dispute Settlement) for any matter arising under this Chapter.
Implementation and Consultations. 1. The Parties shall designate the administrative entities which shall serve as contact points for the purpose of implementing this Chapter.
2. The Parties shall cooperate, through the contact points referred to in paragraph 1, regarding any matter arising under this Chapter. Cooperation may include the exchange of pertinent information that is available to the Parties. No Party shall be required to disclose information that is confidential according to its legislation.
3. To xxxxxx understanding between the Parties, or to address any matter arising under this Chapter, or if a Party considers that a measure of another Party does not comply with the obligations under this Chapter, a Party may request consultations within the Joint Committee. This request shall indicate the reasons for the consultations. Consultations shall be held promptly with a view to reaching a conclusion consistent with the objectives set forth in this Chapter. The Parties concerned shall give to the Joint Committee all the support and information needed.
4. No Party may have recourse to dispute settlement under Chapter 12 for any matter arising under this Chapter.
Implementation and Consultations. 1. The Parties shall determine annually, on the basis of reciprocity and through the exchange of diplomatic notes, the maximum number of citizens who will be permitted to benefit from the application of this Agreement. The Parties understand that this number will be based on reciprocity.
2. The Parties shall determine the minimal amount of financial resources required under Article 3(1)(f), in accordance with the respective legislation, by mutual consent through the exchange of diplomatic notes.
3. The Parties shall record the number of citizens of the other Party who are benefiting from the application of this Agreement from the date this Agreement enters into force to the end of the current year, and then annually from January 1 to December 31.
4. The Parties shall notify each other through the exchange of diplomatic notes of all administrative procedures and conditions related to the implementation of this Agreement.
5. The Parties may, at any time, consult each other on the interpretation and implementation of this Agreement. The Parties shall resolve any dispute arising from its interpretation or application through such consultations.
Implementation and Consultations. The Parties shall designate the administrative entities which shall serve as contact points for the purpose of implementing this Chapter.