Incentive Payment D Sample Clauses
Incentive Payment D. Incentive Payment D shall be applied at Payment Year 6. Incentive Payment D shall be equal to five percent (5%) of the Net Abatement Amount multiplied by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of the Settling States. Incentive Payment D will be due to a Settling State as part of the Annual Payment for each of thirteen (13) Payment Years (from Payment Year 6 to Payment Year 18) that any Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment D and equal a total potential maximum of $927,700,685 if all States are eligible for all thirteen (13) Payment Years. Each Settling State’s share of Incentive Payment D in a given year shall equal the total maximum amount available for Incentive Payment D for that year as reflected in Exhibit M times the Settling State’s Overall Allocation Percentage. Eligibility for Incentive Payment D is as follows:
a. A Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment D if there has been no Later Litigating Subdivision in that State that has had a Claim against a Released Entity survive more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion.
b. A Settling State’s eligibility for Incentive Payment D shall be determined as of sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date. If a Later Litigating Subdivision’s lawsuit in that State survives more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion after that date, that State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D for the Payment Year in which that occurs and any subsequent Payment Year.
Incentive Payment D. Incentive Payment D shall be applied at Payment Year 6. Incentive Payment D shall be equal to five percent (5%) of the Net Abatement Amount multiplied by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of the Settling States. Incentive Payment D will be due to a Settling State as part of the Annual Payment for each of thirteen (13) Payment Years (from Payment Year 6 to Payment Year 18) that any Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment D and equal a total potential maximum of $927,700,685 if all States are eligible for all thirteen (13) Payment Years. Each Settling 6WDWH¶V VKDUH RI ,QFHQWLYH 3D\mPaxHimQumW ' LQ D amount available for Incentive Payment D for that year as reflected in Exhibit M times WKH 6HWWOLQJ 6WDWH¶V 2YHUDOO $OORFDWLRQ 3H as follows:
a. A Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment D if there has been no Later Litigating Subdivision in that State that has had a Claim against a Released Entity survive more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion.
b. $ 6HWWOLQgiJbility6foWr IDncWenHtiv¶e PVaymHenOt DLshall be determined as of sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date. If a Later Litigating Subdivision¶V ODin ZthaVt SXtaLte Wsurvives more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion after that date, that State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D for the Payment Year in which that occurs and any subsequent Payment Year.
Incentive Payment D a. Incentive Payment D shall be available to Settling States that do not qualify for Incentive Payment A.
b. Incentive Payment D shall be equal to up to a potential maximum of fifteen percent (15%) of the Maximum Remediation Payment of $4,279,160,837 minus any offsets for Non-Settling States specified in Section IV.F, with the actual amount depending on whether and the extent to which the criteria set forth below are met in each Settling State. The potential maximum total for Incentive Payment D is $641,874,126.8
c. Incentive Payment D shall be available to be earned starting at Payment Year 6 and the amount of Incentive Payment D in Payment Years 6-10 will depend on (i) the Settling State’s eligibility as set out in Section IV.H.9.d and
Incentive Payment D a. Incentive Payment D shall be available to Settling States that do not qualify for Incentive Payment A.
b. Incentive Payment D shall be equal to up to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the Adjusted State Remediation Payment, with the actual amount depending whether and the extent to which the criteria set forth below are met in each Settling State. The maximum total for Incentive Payment D is $478,816,550.6
c. Incentive Payment D shall be paid starting at Payment Year 6 and the amount of Incentive Payment D in Payment Years 6-15 will depend on (i) the Settling State’s eligibility as set out in Section IV.H.6.d and (ii) the Participation Percentage of Incentive BC Eligible Subdivision Population achieved by the Settling State as of sixty (60) days prior to the Payment Date for Payment Year 6.
d. A Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment D if no Later Litigating Subdivision (for purposes of Incentive Payment D, Later Litigating Subdivisions are limited to (i) a Primary Subdivision; (ii) a school district with a 6 The Incentive Payment BC table specified in Section IV.H.5.f and Incentive Payment D table specified in Section IV.H.6.e operate so that the combined amount of Incentive Payment BC and Incentive Payment D cannot exceed fifty-nine percent (59%) of the Adjusted State Remediation Payment over the term of the Agreement. Walgreens will have no obligation to pay more than $2,825,017,620 for the combined amounts of Incentive Payment BC and Incentive Payment D minus any offsets for Non-Settling States specified in Section IV.F. K-12 student enrollment of at least 25,000 or 0.10% of the State’s population, whichever is greater; (iii) a health district or hospital district that has at least one hundred twenty-five (125) hospital beds in one or more hospitals rendering services in that district; and (iv) Primary Fire Districts) in that State has a lawsuit against a Released Entity survive more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion.
e. A Settling State’s eligibility for Incentive Payment D shall be determined as of sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date (“Incentive Payment D Look-Back Date”). If a Later Litigating Subdivision’s lawsuit in that State survives more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part a Threshold Motion after that date, that State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D for the Payment Year in which that occurs and any subsequent Payment Year.
f. The Incentive Payme...
Incentive Payment D. Incentive Payment D shall be applied at Payment Year 6. Incentive Payment D shall be equal to five percent (5%) of the Rhode Island Settlement Abatement Amount. Incentive Payment D will be due as part of the Annual Payment for each of thirteen (13) Payment Years (from Payment Year 6 to Payment Year
Incentive Payment D. Incentive Payment D shall be applied at Payment Year 6. Incentive Payment D shall be equal to five percent (5%) of the Ohio Settlement Abatement Amount. Incentive Payment D will be due as part of the Annual Payment for each of thirteen (13) Payment Years (from Payment Year 6 to Payment Year 18) that the State of Ohio is eligible for Incentive Payment D and equal a total potential maximum of $40,417,183 if the State of Ohio is eligible for all thirteen (13) Payment Years. The State of Ohio’s Incentive Payment D in a given year shall equal the total maximum amount set forth in Exhibit G. Eligibility for Incentive Payment D is as follows:
a. The State of Ohio is eligible for Incentive Payment D if there has been no Later Litigating Subdivision that has had a Claim against a Released Entity survive more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion.
b. The State of Ohio’s eligibility for Incentive Payment D shall be determined as of sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date. If a Later Litigating Subdivision’s lawsuit survives more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion after that date, the State of Ohio shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D for the Payment Year in which that occurs and any subsequent Payment Year.
c. Notwithstanding Section V.F.4, the State of Ohio can become re- eligible for Incentive Payment D if the lawsuit that survived a Threshold Motion is dismissed pursuant to a later motion on grounds included in the Threshold Motion, in which case the State of Ohio shall be eligible for Incentive Payment D less any litigation fees and costs incurred by Settling Distributor in the interim, except that if the dismissal motion occurs after the completion of opening statements in such action, the State of Ohio shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D.
d. For the avoidance of doubt, the State of Ohio may be eligible for Incentive Payment D whether or not it is eligible for Incentive Payments A-C.
Incentive Payment D. Incentive Payment D shall be applied at Payment Year 6. Incentive Payment D shall be equal to 5% of the Texas Settlement Abatement Amount. Incentive Payment D will be due as part of the Annual Payment for each of thirteen (13) Payment Years (from Payment Year 6 to Payment Year 18) that Texas is eligible for Incentive Payment D and equal a total potential maximum of $58,382,205 if Texas is eligible for all thirteen (13) Payment Years. Texas’s Incentive Payment D in a given year shall equal the total maximum amount set forth in Exhibit G. Eligibility for Incentive Payment D is as follows:
a. Texas is eligible for Incentive Payment D if there has been no Later Litigating Subdivision that has had a Claim against a Released Entity survive more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion.
b. Texas’s for Incentive Payment D shall be determined as of sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date. If a Later Litigating Subdivision’s lawsuit survives more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion after that date, Texas shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D for the Payment Year in which that occurs and any subsequent Payment Year.
c. Notwithstanding Sections V.F.4, Texas can become re- eligible for Incentive Payment D if the lawsuit that survived a Threshold Motion is dismissed pursuant to a later motion on grounds included in the Threshold Motion, in which case Texas shall be eligible for Incentive Payment D less any litigation fees and costs incurred by Settling Distributor in the interim, except that if the dismissal motion occurs after the completion of opening statements in such action, Texas shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D.
d. For the avoidance of doubt, Texas may be eligible for Incentive Payment D whether or not it is eligible for Incentive Payments A-C.