Individual Teacher Contract Sample Clauses

Individual Teacher Contract. 3.2.1 The District shall provide each teacher a contract in conformity with Washington State Law, State Board of Education regulations, and this Agreement. 3.2.2 Individual contracts for employees of the District, if issued prior to the completion of negotiations, shall contain a rider allowing adjustments as per the negotiated agreement.
Individual Teacher Contract. The District shall provide each teacher a single contract indicating the employee’s total FTE and salary in conformity with Washington State law, State Board of Education Regulations, and this Agreement.
Individual Teacher Contract. ‌ The District shall provide each teacher a contract in conformity with Washington State Law and this Agreement. A. Release from Contract: Teachers can only be released from their contracts upon approval of the Board of Directors. A teacher under contract shall be released from the obligations of the contract upon request under the following conditions: 1. A letter of resignation must be submitted to the Superintendent's office. 2. A release from contract, prior to July 1, shall be granted provided a letter of resignation is submitted prior to that date. 3. A release from contract may be granted after July 1, provided a satisfactory replacement can be obtained. 4. A release from contract may be granted upon the teacher's request in case of illness or other personal matters which make it impossible for the teacher to continue in the the District.
Individual Teacher Contract. The Board shall provide each employee a written contract in conformity with Washington State law.
Individual Teacher Contract. The District shall provide each teacher an individual contract per Washington State Law, State Board of Education regulations, and this Agreement. The individual contract for employees of the District, if issued prior to the completion of negotiations, shall contain a rider allowing adjustments as per the negotiated Agreement. The individual contract shall be for the number of onsite work days identified in this Agreement (Section 3.13.B). Individual teacher contracts must be signed within ten working days of distribution by the personnel department. Prior to contract distribution, this timeline will be publicized by the personnel department via email. Individuals who have not signed their contracts within 24 hours of the deadline will receive one reminder contact and if contract is not signed within 24 hours after the reminder, the position will be posted as per usual district job posting procedures.
Individual Teacher Contract. ‌ The District shall provide each certificated employee it intends to rehire a contract for the following school year by May 15. Individual contracts for Employees of the District, if issued prior to the completion of negotiations, shall contain a rider allowing adjustments as per the negotiated Agreement.
Individual Teacher Contract 

Related to Individual Teacher Contract

  • Individual Contract The individual contract, executed between each teacher and the employer, is subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement. It is specifically agreed that this article takes precedence over and governs the individual contract and the individual contract is expressly conditioned upon this article.

  • Service Contract The Parties intend this Agreement to be a “service contract” within the meaning of Section 7701(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Purchaser will not take the position on any tax return or in any other filings suggesting that it is anything other than a purchase of electricity from the System.

  • CFR PART 200 Contract Provisions Explanation Required Federal contract provisions of Federal Regulations for Contracts for contracts with ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members: The following provisions are required to be in place and agreed if the procurement is funded in any part with federal funds. The ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members are the subgrantee or Subrecipient by definition. Most of the provisions are located in 2 CFR PART 200 - Appendix II to Part 200—Contract Provisions for Non-Federal Entity Contracts Under Federal Awards at 2 CFR PART 200. Others are included within 2 CFR part 200 et al. In addition to other provisions required by the Federal agency or non-Federal entity, all contracts made by the non- Federal entity under the Federal award must contain provisions covering the following, as applicable.

  • OPTION NOT A SERVICE CONTRACT Your option is not an employment or service contract, and nothing in your option shall be deemed to create in any way whatsoever any obligation on your part to continue in the employ of the Company or an Affiliate, or of the Company or an Affiliate to continue your employment. In addition, nothing in your option shall obligate the Company or an Affiliate, their respective stockholders, Boards of Directors, Officers or Employees to continue any relationship that you might have as a Director or Consultant for the Company or an Affiliate.

  • Tax Service Contract; Flood Certification Contract Each Mortgage Loan is covered by a paid in full, life of loan, tax service contract and a paid in full, life of loan, flood certification contract and each of these contracts is assignable to the Purchaser;

  • Individual Contracts The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be reflected in individual contracts or employment agreements.

  • Contractor Certification for Contractor Employees Introduction Texas Education Code Chapter 22 requires entities that contract with school districts to provide services to obtain criminal history record information regarding covered employees. Contractors must certify to the district that they have complied. Covered employees with disqualifying criminal histories are prohibited from serving at a school district. Definitions: Covered employees: Employees of a contractor or subcontractor who have or will have continuing duties related to the service to be performed at the District and have or will have direct contact with students. The District will be the final arbiter of what constitutes direct contact with students. Disqualifying criminal history: Any conviction or other criminal history information designated by the District, or one of the following offenses, if at the time of the offense, the victim was under 18 or enrolled in a public school: (a) a felony offense under Title 5, Texas Penal Code; (b) an offense for which a defendant is required to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; or (c) an equivalent offense under federal law or the laws of another state. I certify that: NONE (Section A) of the employees of Contractor and any subcontractors are covered employees, as defined above. If this box is checked, I further certify that Contractor has taken precautions or imposed conditions to ensure that the employees of Contractor and any subcontractor will not become covered employees. Contractor will maintain these precautions or conditions throughout the time the contracted services are provided. OR SOME (Section B) or all of the employees of Contractor and any subcontractor are covered employees. If this box is checked, I further certify that: (1) Contractor has obtained all required criminal history record information regarding its covered employees. None of the covered employees has a disqualifying criminal history.

  • Multi-year Planning Targets Schedule A may reflect an allocation for the first Funding Year of this Agreement as well as planning targets for up to two additional years, consistent with the term of this Agreement. In such an event, the HSP acknowledges that if it is provided with planning targets, these targets: a. are targets only, b. are provided solely for the purposes of planning, c. are subject to confirmation, and d. may be changed at the discretion of the Funder in consultation with the HSP. The HSP will proactively manage the risks associated with multi-year planning and the potential changes to the planning targets; and the Funder agrees that it will communicate any changes to the planning targets as soon as reasonably possible.

  • Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements

  • MASTER CONTRACT This Master Contract is entered into this 1st day of July, 2014, between Westlake Charter Schools (hereinafter referred to as “LEA”) and CARE Educational Services (hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR”) for the purpose of providing special education and/or related services to LEA students with exceptional needs under the authorization of California Education Code sections 56157, 56361 and 56365 et seq. and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 3000 et seq., AB490 (Chapter 862, Statutes of 2003) and AB1858 (Chapter 914, Statutes of 2004). It is understood that this agreement does not commit LEA to pay for special education and/or related services provided to any LEA student, or CONTRACTOR to provide such special education and/or related services, unless and until an authorized LEA representative approves the provision of special education and/or related services by CONTRACTOR. Upon acceptance of a LEA student, CONTRACTOR shall submit to LEA an Individual Services Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “ISA”) and a Nonpublic Services Student Enrollment form as specified in the LEA Procedures. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, these forms shall acknowledge CONTRACTOR’s obligation to provide all services specified in the student’s Individualized Education Plan (hereinafter referred to as “IEP”). The ISA shall be executed within ninety (90) days of an LEA student’s enrollment. XXX and CONTRACTOR shall enter into an ISA for each LEA student served by CONTRACTOR. As available and appropriate, the LEA shall make available access to any electronic IEP system and /or electronic data base for ISA developing including invoicing. Unless placement is made pursuant to an Office of Administrative Hearings (hereinafter referred to as “OAH”) order, a lawfully executed agreement between LEA and parent or authorized by XXX for a transfer student pursuant to California Education Code section 56325, XXX is not responsible for the costs associated with nonpublic agency placement until the date on which an IEP team meeting is convened, the IEP team determines that a nonpublic agency placement is appropriate, and the IEP is signed by the LEA student’s parent.