Impact direct impact on people does not necessarily require direct contact, for example, environmental health, trading standards and similar officers may have a direct impact on people, through the implementation or enforcement of regulations, without necessarily having direct contact with those who benefit.
Complexity Intermediate professional level role. Provides Tier 1 and Tier 2 support of medium to high complexity. Works in a team as a team member. May coach more junior technical staff. Responsible for Tier I software and hardware support. Diagnoses and resolves problems using documented procedures and checklists in the performance of most responsibilities. Enters call data into a tracking system. Escalates problems to higher level technical support professionals when necessary. Assists in the resolution of application, hardware and software problems.
Wildlife Do not feed any of the wildlife ever. Animals of any size are potentially dangerous. Feeding even small animals attracts predators. Supervise children at all times. Keep garage doors closed at all times except when entering or leaving the Rental Home.
Visibility 1. Unless the Council of Europe requests or agrees otherwise, the Grantee shall take all necessary measures to publicise the fact that the Action has been funded within the framework of a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe. Information given to the press and to the beneficiaries of the Action, all related publicity material, official notices, reports and publications, shall acknowledge that the Action was carried out with a grant from a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe and shall display in an appropriate way the Joint Projects’ visual identity (for instructions on use of the Joint Projects’ visual identity, see Appendix IV). 2. In cases where equipment or major items have been purchased using funds provided by the European Union or the Council of Europe, the Grantee shall indicate this clearly on that equipment and those major items (including display of the European Union and Council of Europe’s logos), provided that such actions do not jeopardise the safety and security of the Grantee’s staff. 3. The acknowledgement and Joint Projects’ visual identity shall be clearly visible in a manner that will not create any confusion regarding the identification of the Acton as a project of the Grantee and the ownership of the equipment and items by the Grantee. 4. All publications by the Grantee pertaining to the Action that have received funding from a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe, in whatever form and whatever medium, including the Internet, shall carry the following or a similar disclaimer: “This document has been produced using funds of a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union or the Council of Europe”. 5. If the equipment purchased with a grant from a Joint Project is not transferred to the local partners of the Grantee or to the final recipient of the Action at the end of the implementation period of this Agreement, the visibility requirements as regards this equipment shall continue to apply between the end of the implementation period of this Agreement and the end of the Joint Project, if the latter lasts longer. 6. All layouts of any communication items prepared by the Grantee are subject to approval with the Contact point within the Council of Europe. 7. The Grantee accepts that the European Union and the Council of Europe may publish in any form and medium, including on their websites, the name and address of the Grantee, the purpose and amount of the grant and, if relevant, the percentage of co-financing.
Adverse Weather Conditions Except in emergency conditions, the Employer shall not require an employee to work outside under extreme weather conditions.
Safe Working Conditions The Employer undertakes to maintain office furniture, equipment, etc., in a practical and safe condition in order to avoid injury to employees or damage to their attire. Employees, for their part and in their own interest, are expected to advise the Employer of any such potentially injurious equipment.
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Disruption 41.1 The Contractor shall take reasonable care to ensure that in the performance of its obligations under the Framework Agreement it does not disrupt the operations of the Authority, its employees or any other Contractor employed by the Authority. 41.2 The Contractor shall immediately inform the Authority of any actual or potential industrial action, whether such action be by their own employees or others, which affects or might affect its ability at any time to perform its obligations under the Framework Agreement. 41.3 In the event of industrial action by the Staff, the Contractor shall seek Approval to its proposals to continue to perform its obligations under the Framework Agreement. 41.4 If the Contractor’s proposals referred to in clause 41.3 are considered insufficient or unacceptable by the Authority acting reasonably, then the Authority may by notice terminate the Framework Agreement with immediate effect.