Request for clarification of the report 1. Within 10 days of the release of the report, either of the disputing Parties may submit a written request to the Panel, a copy of which shall be sent to the other Party, for clarification of any items the Party considers requires further explanation or definition. 2. The Panel shall respond to the request within 10 days following the submission of such request. The clarification of the Panel shall only be a more precise explanation or definition of the original contents of the report, and not an amendment of such report. 3. The filing of this request for clarification will not postpone the effect of the Panel report nor the deadline for compliance of the adopted decision, unless the Panel decides otherwise.
Proper Instructions and Special Instructions “Proper Instructions,” which may also be standing instructions, as such term is used throughout this Agreement shall mean instructions received by the Custodian from a Fund, a Fund’s duly authorized investment manager or investment adviser, or a person or entity duly authorized by either of them. Such instructions may be in writing signed by the authorized person or persons or may be in a tested communication or in a communication utilizing access codes effected between electro-mechanical or electronic devices or may be by such other means and utilizing such intermediary systems and utilities as may be agreed from time to time by the Custodian and the person(s) or entity giving such instruction, provided that the Fund has followed any security procedures agreed to from time to time by the applicable Fund and the Custodian including, but not limited to, the security procedures selected by the Fund via the form of Funds Transfer Addendum hereto, the terms of which are hereby agreed to. Oral instructions will be considered Proper Instructions if the Custodian reasonably believes them to have been given by a person authorized to provide such instructions with respect to the transaction involved; the Fund shall cause all oral instructions to be confirmed in writing. For purposes of this Section, Proper Instructions shall include instructions received by the Custodian pursuant to any multi-party agreement which requires a segregated asset account in accordance with Section 2.9 hereof.
Design Changes Axon may make design changes to any Axon Device or Service without notifying Agency or making the same change to Axon Devices and Services previously purchased by Agency.
Directing Requests Requests in writing for negotiation meetings from the Association will be made directly to the Superintendent or his/her designee. Requests from the Board will be made in writing to the President of the Association. Requests for negotiations shall be submitted between 60 and 90 days prior to the expiration of the contract term.
Instructions to Bidders The stipulated bid security amount shall be a minimum of $12,000.00. Upon award, the successful Contractor shall replace the Bid Security with the Performance Security. A mandatory preconstruction meeting between the successful Contractor and the Department shall be held in advance of construction startup, location to be determined. The Department may require a levelling course of hot mix be placed prior to placement of the seal coat. No additional compensation shall be provided for this work.
Submittals Submittals required by the Contract Documents shall be prepared specifically for the Work by the Contractor to illustrate some portion of the Work. Submittals are not Contract Documents.
Implementation of the Report 1. The Panel report shall be final and binding on the disputing Parties. 2. If the report issued by the Panel determines that a Party has not conformed with its obligations under this Agreement, the Party complained against shall eliminate the non- conformity. 3. The Party complained against shall comply with the recommendation of the Panel promptly or, if not practicable, within a reasonable period of time. The Parties shall agree on reasonable period of time within 30 days of the notification of the report of the Panel. In any case, such reasonable period of time shall not exceed 300 calendar days after the release of the report.
NETWORK CHANGES 3.1. Sprint shall provide notice of network changes and upgrades in accordance with §§ 51.325 through 51.335 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Sprint may discontinue any interconnection arrangement, Telecommunications Service, or Network Element provided or required hereunder due to network changes or upgrades after providing CLEC notice as required by this Section. Sprint agrees to cooperate with CLEC and/or the appropriate regulatory body in any transition resulting from such discontinuation of service and to minimize the impact to customers, which may result from such discontinuance of service.
Contract Changes Changes may not be made in the terms and conditions of this contract without the agreement and written permission of the Director of Residence Life or the Director’s designee.
Technical Specifications and Drawings a) The Goods and Related Services supplied under this Contract shall conform to the technical specifications and standards mentioned in Section VI, Schedule of Requirements and, when no applicable standard is mentioned, the standard shall be equivalent or superior to the official standards whose application is appropriate to the Goods' country of origin. b) The Supplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibility for any design, data, drawing, specification or other document, or any modification thereof provided or designed by or on behalf of the Procuring Entity, by giving a notice of such disclaimer to the Procuring Entity. c) Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and standards in accordance with which it shall be executed, the edition or the revised version of such codes and standards shall be those specified in the Schedule of Requirements. During Contract execution, any changes in any such codes and standards shall be applied only after approval by the Procuring Entity and shall be treated in accordance with GCC Clause 33.