Part-Time Employees. Employees who are scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per workweek.
Part-Time Employees. The School District reserves the right to employ such employees as it deems desirable or necessary on a part-time or casual basis.
Part-Time Employees. Separate track seniority systems for layoff, reassignment, displacement and recall purposes shall be implemented for full-time and part-time employees. Full-time employees will only be given options in full-time positions. Part-time employees will only be given options in part-time positions. Full-time positions shall be defined as any position regularly scheduled for forty (40) or more hours per week. If an employee is the least senior employee in his or her classification and unit division, he or she shall be given the options prescribed in section B of this Article in the other track, provided the employee has previously held that classification in the other track with the agency. For purposes of this Article, when a part-time employee moves from the part-time track to the full-time track, seniority calculations shall be converted to reflect actual time worked in the part-time position. Seniority credits for the purpose of this conversion shall be calculated according to the employees scheduled workweek. Any time worked within a given week shall be recognized as a scheduled workweek. Recall rights shall be limited to the track from which the employee is initially laid off, displaced, reassigned or demoted in lieu of layoff.
Part-Time Employees. The Employer shall eliminate, as far as possible, all part-time employees.
Part-Time Employees. (a) A part-time employee is an employee who is engaged to work less than an average of 38 ordinary hours per week and whose hours of work are reasonably predictable.
(b) Before commencing part-time employment, the employer and employee will agree in writing the guaranteed minimum number of hours to be worked and the rostering arrangements which will apply to those hours.
(c) Reasonable additional hours may be worked in accordance with clause 15 - Hours.
Part-Time Employees. 7.8.1 The Department Director or designee, subject to regulation and control by the City Manager or designee, shall determine the number of hours of work per work day and work week for part-time employees. The normal work schedule for part-time employees shall be consistent with the position’s designated benefit category as follows: Part-Time Non-Benefited Employees Less than 20 hours per week or less than 1040 per year If a part-time employee is scheduled and reports to work for a shift which is then cancelled, the employee shall, at the City’s discretion, either work a minimum of two (2) hours or be credited with two (2) hours work at the employee’s straight time pay rate. If the employee is notified prior to the start of the shift that the shift is canceled, the employee is not entitled to the two (2)-hour minimum. For new hire non-benefited part-time employees, the following shall be the prorated hour limits for the payroll calendar year and month in which the employee is hired: Before hiring additional part-time employees, the City will offer additional hours of work to existing part-time employees who have the skills and experience to perform the work. The City will develop a process to distribute the hours of work among those existing part-time employees. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed to limit the right of the Department Director or designee, to determine the days of the week and hours of each day when such part- time employee shall be required to work. Further, nothing herein contained, shall limit the right of the Department Director or designee to determine the days of the week and hours of each day when any such part-time non-benefited employee shall be required to work, or whether such part-time non-benefited employee shall work at all. This section shall not be construed to require the City to offer a part-time employee any additional hours of work if it would result in the part-time employee being eligible for overtime compensation at 1.5 times their regular rate of pay or any other additional benefits that said employee is not otherwise eligible.
Part-Time Employees. A part time employee is a person who is employed for less than an average of 38 ordinary working hours per week.
Part-Time Employees. On the first day of the monthly pay period following completion of each monthly pay period of continuous service, each part-time employee in the State civil service shall be allowed, on a pro rata basis, the fractional part of one (1) day of credit for sick leave with pay.
Part-Time Employees. Section 1 Part-time employees may be scheduled five (5) consecutive days in a seven (7) day period. Sunday through Saturday. A part-time employee not utilized for five (5) consecutive days can be called in at straight-time for any of the days remaining in his/her five (5) consecutive day work schedule. The first scheduled day of each week shall begin the employee’s consecutive day cycle. Current part-time employees will be afforded the opportunity to select their preferred schedule as noted above. Part-time employees when reporting to work as scheduled, shall be guaranteed a minimum of three and one-half (3-1/2) hours; should any part-time employee work beyond the fifth (5th) hour, he/she shall be paid one and one-half (1 1/2) times his/her regular hourly rate for those hours worked in excess of five (5) on that day. Prior to working any part-time employee six (6) or seven (7) days, the Employer shall have the right to work any qualified part-time employee who has yet to complete their five (5) consecutive day cycle. When employees work on their day(s) off the employees will be entitled to applicable premium pay providing such employees complete their regular work schedule.
Section 2 If any part-time employee subsequently becomes a regular full-time employee, he/she shall be considered a newly hired full-time employee, but shall retain his/her seniority for vacation weeks only.
Section 3 Part-time employees will work off the part-time employee seniority lists at each center. Seniority shall prevail for extra work and the work shall be assigned by seniority within the classification and work area to those who are qualified, present and available. Part-time employees who exercise their seniority to perform extra work on another shift shall be assigned, by the Employer, in seniority order to perform extra work. It is understood these employees shall be paid the appropriate rate of pay for all hours which they perform such work.
Section 4 Part-time employees will not be permitted to do delivery driving, feeder driving, or tractor-trailer driving work. Part-time employees will be permitted to move vehicles other than tractor trailers within the confines of the Employer’s property, only for the purpose of avoiding a delay in their work, except when drivers are available and not working. The movement of tractor-trailers in outlying centers shall be covered by past practice. When part-time employees are used in the car wash classification, they will be permitted t...
Part-Time Employees. A regular part-time employee is one who is appointed to a part-time position with a part-time schedule and works less than the number of hours constituting full-time employment as outlined in Article 14. A regular part-time employee is entitled to all benefits of this agreement on a prorated basis except as provided for in Article 26 - Health and Welfare Benefits.