INSURING CLAUSES. ‌‌ 3.1 The insurer will pay on behalf of the director: (a) loss and defence costs and expenses arising from a claim against the director in their capacity as such provided that the claim is first made during the period of insurance; or (b) investigation defence costs and expenses; or (c) criminal prosecution defence costs and expenses; or (d) pollution defence costs and expenses; or (e) extradition proceedings defence costs and expenses; or (f) asset and liberty proceedings defence costs and expenses for any amount not exceeding the sub-limit of indemnity stated in the schedule or (g) public relations expenses: except to the extent insuring clause 3.2 applies. 3.2 The insurer will pay on behalf of the company any sums that the company has paid to or is held liable to pay the director by way of an advancement or indemnity in relation to the director’s liability that would otherwise be covered by insuring clause 3.1. 3.3 The insurer will pay on behalf of the company the shareholders derivative costs. 3.4 The insurer will pay defence costs and expenses incurred by the director or the company in connection with an identity theft claim first made during the period of insurance. 3.5 The insurer will pay on behalf of the company any loss and defence costs and expenses arising from a claim against the company for an employment practices wrongful act provided that the claim is first made against the company during the period of insurance or discovery period if applicable. Cover in respect of this insuring clause 3.5 shall be subject to a sub-limit of GBP 1,000,000.
INSURING CLAUSES. The Insurer will pay on behalf of the Insureds, Loss which the Insureds are legally obligated to pay as a result of Claims first made during the Policy Period, or during the Discovery Period (if purchased), against the Insureds for a Wrongful Act by the Insureds or by any natural person for whose Wrongful Act the Insureds are legally responsible.
INSURING CLAUSES a) Directors’ and Officers’ Liability
INSURING CLAUSES. A. Coverage Provider shall pay on behalf of the Insured Persons: 1. Loss resulting from any Claim first made against the Insured Persons during the Coverage Guidelines Period for a Wrongful Act; or 2. Loss resulting from any Investigation of the Insured Persons first commenced during the Coverage Guidelines Period; or 3. Inquiry Costs resulting from any Inquiry first received by the Insured Persons during the Coverage Guidelines Period. B. Coverage Provider shall pay on behalf of the Company: 1. Loss which the Company, the Sponsor, or in the event the Company no longer exists as a viable entity, its Successor is required or permitted or has agreed to pay as indemnification to any of the Insured Persons resulting from any Claim first made against the Insured Persons during the Coverage Guidelines Period for a Wrongful Act; or 2. Loss which the Company, the Sponsor, or in the event the Company no longer exists as a viable entity, its Successor is required or permitted or has agreed to pay as indemnification to any of the Insured Persons resulting from any Investigation of the Insured Persons first commenced during the Coverage Guidelines Period; or 3. Inquiry Costs which the Company, the Sponsor, or in the event the Company no longer exists as a viable entity, its Successor is required or permitted or has agreed to pay as indemnification to any of the Insured Persons resulting from any Inquiry first received by the Insured Persons during the Coverage Guidelines Period. C. Coverage Provider shall pay on behalf of the Company: 1. Loss resulting from any Securities Claim, other than a Derivative Suit, first made against the Company during the Coverage Guidelines Period for a Wrongful Act; or 2. Costs, Charges and Expenses incurred by the Company in seeking the dismissal of any Derivative Suit first made during the Coverage Guidelines Period, but only to the extent: (a) the Company is named as a nominal defendant in such Derivative Suit; and (b) the Insured Persons are named and continuously maintained in such Derivative Suit for a Wrongful Act; or 3. plaintiff attorney fees and expenses awarded or approved by the court in a Derivative Suit first made during the Coverage Guidelines Period. D. Coverage Provider shall pay on behalf of the Company: 1. all Security Holder Demand Investigatory Costs resulting from any Security Holder Demand first made during the Coverage Guidelines Period for a Wrongful Act; or 2. all Books and Records Costs resulting from any Books ...
INSURING CLAUSES. The Insurer will indemnify the Insured, subject to the terms, exceptions and conditions contained herein, in respect of the amount of loss of Gross Profit resulting from interruption or interference of the Business insured, provided such interruption or interference is a direct consequence of an accidental physical loss or accidental physical damage(hereinafter referred to as Incident), occurring during the period of Insurance, to any Property insured which is used by the Insured for the purpose of the business insured and such loss or damage is covered under 「 Section 1. Material Damage 」 and 「 Endorsement. Latent or Inherent fault or defect 」 of this Policy. In the event of any indemnifiable loss or damage, the amount payable hereunder shall not reduce the respective Sums Insured stated in the Schedule, and thus this insurance will be maintained in full during the currency of the Policy.
INSURING CLAUSES. The Insurer will indemnify the Insured, subject to the terms, exceptions and conditions contained herein, against accidental physical loss of or accidental physical damage to any of the Property Insured described in the Schedule, occurring during the Period of Insurance, and which is due to any cause whatsoever other than those excluded in this Policy. In the event of any indemnifiable loss or damage, the amount payable hereunder shall not reduce the respective Sums Insured and Limits stated in the Schedule, and thus this insurance will be maintained in full during the currency of the Policy.
INSURING CLAUSES. A. Insured Person Liability Coverage The Insurer will pay on behalf of the Insured Persons, Loss incurred by the Insured Persons as a result of Claims first made against the Insured Persons during the Policy Period, or during the Discovery Period (if purchased), for Wrongful Acts, except for Loss which the Entity pays to or on behalf of the Insured Persons as indemnification. B. Entity Reimbursement Coverage SPECIME The Insurer will pay on behalf of the Entity, Loss incurred by the Insured Persons as a result of Claims first made against the Insured Persons during the Policy Period, or during the Discovery Period (if purchased), for Wrongful Acts, if the Entity grants indemnification to or on behalf of the Insured Persons for such Loss.
INSURING CLAUSES. 1. Indemnify the Insured up to, but not exceeding in the aggregate for all Claims under this Contract, the Limit of Liability stated in the Schedule against any Claim or Claims first made against them, or any of them during the Period of Insurance and which has been notified by the Insureds to Underwriters in writing during the Period of Insurance for breach of professional duty in their conduct of the Professional Business by reason of any act, error or omission, whenever committed or alleged to have been committed by the Insured. 2. In addition, pay Defence Costs incurred with the prior written consent of Underwriters in the defence or settlement of any such Claim, provided that, if a payment in excess of the amount of indemnity available under this Contract is to be made to dispose of a Claim, Underwriters’ liability for such Defence Costs shall be such proportion thereof as the amount of indemnity available under this Contract in respect of that Claim bears to the amount paid or payable to dispose of that Claim.
INSURING CLAUSES. A. Employment Practices Liability Coverage The Insurer will pay on behalf of the Insureds, Loss incurred by the Insureds as a result of Claims first made against the Insureds during the Policy Period, or during the Discovery Period (if purchased), by or on behalf of a past, present, prospective or alleged Employee for a Wrongful Employment Act.