Inviolability Sample Clauses

Inviolability the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities shall apply in respect of premises, buildings, property and assets of the Union in the United Kingdom used by the Union before the end of the transition period, until they are no longer in official use or have been removed from the United Kingdom. The Union shall notify the United Kingdom when its premises, buildings, property or assets are no longer in such use or have been removed from the United Kingdom.
Inviolability. 1. The buildings or parts of buildings and surrounding land which, whoever may be the owner thereof, are used for the purposes of the Bank shall be inviolable. No agent of the Swiss public authorities may enter therein without the express consent of the Bank. Only the President,3 the General Manager of the Bank, or their duly authorised representative shall be competent to waive such inviolability. 2. The archives of the Bank and, in general, all documents and any data media belonging to the Bank or in its possession, shall be inviolable at all times and in all places. 3. The Bank shall exercise supervision of and police power over its premises.
Inviolability. (1) The premises shall be inviolable and thus exempt from search, requisition, attachment or execution. (2) No official or person exercising any public authority, whether administrative, judicial, military or police of Luxembourg shall enter the premises without the prior approval of the authorised representative of the Republic of Estonia. Such approval shall be presumed in case of fire or other emergencies which require immediate protective measures and could constitute a danger for safety.
Inviolability. 1. The premises of the Council’s headquarters shall be inviolable, regardless of who their owner may be. No agent of the Spanish authorities shall enter the premises without the consent of the Executive Director of the Council or his or her representative. 2. The archives of the Council, its official correspondence, and, in general, all documents owned by it or in its possession and intended for its official use shall be inviolable, wherever they may be. 3. The Council’s property and assets in Spain shall be immune from all forms of search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation or any other measure of executive, administrative, judicial or legislative restraint. 4. The Council shall be responsible for the security of the headquarters premises and for maintaining order within them. The Kingdom of Spain shall take all appropriate measures to ensure the security of the headquarters.
Inviolability. 5.1 All premises of the Institute in Spain, including wholly occupied buildings and the land on which they stand, shall be inviolable, regardless of their ownership. No agent of the Spanish authorities shall enter the premises without the consent of the Representative. 5.2 The files of the Institute in Spain, its official correspondence and, in general, all documents owned by it or in its possession and intended for its official use shall be inviolable, wherever they may be. 5.3 Unless specifically authorized in writing by the representative and the Director General of the Institute, the premises, as well as any other property and assets of the Institute in Spain, shall be immune from any measure of enforcement or executive measure, such as search, requisition, attachment, confiscation or expropriation, irrespective in this regard of whether the measure may be executive, administrative, judicial or legislative. 5.4 The Institute shall bear the costs for the contracting, use and maintenance of telephone, telematic or other communications that may be installed in the headquarters of the Permanent Office for Europe and to maintain order within the Office. 5.5 The Kingdom of Spain shall take all appropriate measures to guarantee the protection of all premises of the Institute in Spain. At the request of the Representative, it shall provide the assistance necessary to maintain order within them.
Inviolability article 1 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities shall apply in respect of premises, buildings, property and assets of the Union in the United Kingdom used by the Union before the end of the transition period, until they are no longer in official use or have been removed from the United Kingdom. The Union shall notify the United Kingdom when its premises, buildings, property or assets are no longer in such use or have been removed from the United Kingdom. (128) Council directive 2010/24/EU of 16 March 2010 concerning mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to taxes, duties and other measures (OJ L 84, 31.3.2010, p. 1). (129) Regulation (EURaTOM, ECSC, EEC) No 549/69 of the Council of 25 March 1969 determining the categories of officials and other servants of the European Communities to whom the provisions of article 12, the second paragraph of article 13 and article 14 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Communities apply (OJ L 74, 27.3.1969, p. 1).
Inviolability. 1. The premises of ReSPA shall be inviolable. 2. The competent authorities of the Host Country shall be entitled to enter the premises of ReSPA in order to perform their duties only with the consent of the Director or duly authorised officials of ReSPA. However, in the event of fire or other such emergency requiring immediate protective measures, such consent shall be deemed to have been given. 3. The Government of the Host Country shall undertake all measures to protect the premises of ReSPA against any intrusion or damage, disturbance and injury to its dignity. 4. Archival materials of ReSPA, as well as entire documentation (including computer applications and photographs) belonging to it or in its possession shall be inviolable. 5. ReSPA shall ensure for the premises not to become the refuge for the persons seeking to evade arrest or deprivation of liberty on the order of the authorities of the Host Country, for the persons trying to evade execution of legal process or for the persons in respect of whom an extradition or deportation order has been issued.
Inviolability. 1. The premises of the Sava Commission shall be inviolable. The Croatian authorities may enter the Sava Commission premises to carry out their duties only with the consent of the Chairman of the Sava Commission, Secretary or their duly authorised representatives and under the conditions agreed by him or her. The Government shall take all appropriate steps to protect the premises against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any impairment of its dignity. 2. The records and archives of the Sava Commission and all documents and data media belonging to the Sava Commission or in its possession, shall be inviolable at all times and in all places. 3. The Sava Commission shall ensure that premises of the Sava Commission shall not become the refuge either of persons attempting to evade arrest under a warrant issued by the Croatian authorities or of persons seeking to avoid the execution of the legal process or against whom an order of extradition or deportation has been issued.
Inviolability. The buildings or parts of buildings and land which, whoever may be the owner thereof, are used for the purposes of the Union shall be inviolable. No agent of the Swiss public authorities may enter therein without the express consent of the Union. Only the Secretary-General of the Union or his duly authorized representative shall be competent to waive such inviolability.
Inviolability of Protocol (No 7) on the Union in the United Kingdom used by the European Union before the end of the transition period until they are no longer in use or have been removed from the United Kingdom, as confirmed by the Union.