Joint Accounts If any of your accounts accessed under this Agreement are joint accounts, all joint owners, including any authorized users, shall be bound by this Agreement and, alone and together, shall be responsible for all EFT transactions to or from any share and share draft or loan accounts as provided in this Agreement. Each joint account owner, without the consent of any other account owner, may, and is hereby authorized by every other joint account owner, make any transaction permitted under this Agreement. Each joint account owner is authorized to act for the other account owners, and the Credit Union may accept orders and instructions regarding any EFT transaction on any account from any joint account owner.
Joint Account 16.1 In the event that your Account (or any of them) is maintained jointly for you and one or more other persons (referred to as “Joint Account Holder” for the purpose of this Condition):
Joint Account Owner Liability If an item deposited in a joint account is returned unpaid, a joint account is overdrawn, or if we do not receive final payment on a transaction, the owners, jointly and severally, are liable to us for the amount of the returned item, overdraft, or unpaid amount and any charges, regardless of who initiated or benefited from the transaction. If any account owner is indebted to us, we may enforce our rights against any account of the indebted owner, including all funds in the joint account, regardless of who contributed the funds.
Account Ownership Based upon the type of account ownership that you have designated; the following terms and conditions apply.
Death of Account Owner We may continue to honor all transfer orders, withdrawals, deposits, and other transactions on an account until we know of a member's death. Once we know of a member's death, we may pay checks or drafts or honor other payments or transfer orders authorized by the deceased member for a period of ten (10) days after that date unless we receive instructions from any person claiming an interest in the account to stop payment on the checks, drafts, or other items. We may require anyone claiming a deceased owner's account funds to indemnify us for any losses resulting from our honoring that claim. This Agreement will be binding upon any heirs or legal representatives of any account owner.
Client Accounts 17.1 It is agreed and understood that the types of the different Client Accounts offered by the Company and the characteristics of such Client Accounts are found on the Website and are subject to change at the Company’s discretion and according to paragraph 43 hereunder.
Account Access Electronic Check Transactions may only be made from your checking account.
User Accounts End User shall ensure that only Authorized Users can access the Services. User accounts may not be shared among individuals or used to provide access to the Services to individuals who are not the individual associated with the corresponding user account.
Business Accounts If you are a business, any authorized user of your business is authorized on such terms, conditions, and agreements as we may require to: • enter into this Agreement, as amended from time to time; • access each account of yours in any manner and for any purpose available through the Service, whether now available or available at some time in the future; and • use any Online banking service in any manner and for any purpose available through the Service, whether now available or available at some time in the future.