Large-Scale Emergency Procedures. When a disaster or emergency situation exists across multiple Caltrans Districts, counties, or local agency jurisdictions, CSO may at its discretion provide a blanket emergency procedures notification to the SHPO and ACHP for work that will begin within 30 days of the formal emergency declaration. The blanket notification will reference the applicable emergency declaration and identify the affected counties and Caltrans Districts. The Cultural Studies Office may request an extension of the period of applicability from the SHPO, with concurrent notification to ACHP, prior to the 30-days. The Cultural Studies Office, in consultation with the SHPO and ACHP, may establish alternate methods of notification for individual emergency undertakings covered under the blanket notification.
1. Unless determined otherwise through consultation with the SHPO and ACHP, the Caltrans District responsible for individual emergency undertakings under the blanket notification shall inform CSO, the SHPO, FHWA where responsibilities have not been assumed, any Indian tribes that might attach religious or cultural significance to the affected property, and any other consulting parties and afford them an opportunity to comment within seven calendar days of the notification. Notification shall include, to the extent such information is available: description of the nature and extent of the property or properties, assessment of NRHP eligibility of any properties, the type and extent of any damage to the property, description of the proposed action, any prudent and feasible treatment measures that would take any effects into account, and a request for comments. If the Caltrans District determines that circumstances do not permit seven days for comment, the Caltrans District shall notify the parties and invite any comments within the time available.
Large-Scale Emergency Procedures. When a disaster or emergency situation exists across multiple Caltrans Districts, counties, or local agency jurisdictions, CSO may at its discretion provide a blanket emergency procedures notification to the SHPO for work that will begin within 30 days of the formal emergency declaration. The blanket notification will reference the applicable emergency declaration and identify the affected counties and Caltrans Districts. CSO may request an extension of the period of applicability from the SHPO prior to the 30 days. CSO, in consultation with the SHPO, may establish alternate methods of SHPO notification for individual emergency undertakings covered under the blanket notification.
1. Unless determined otherwise through consultation with the SHPO, the Caltrans District responsible for individual emergency undertakings under the blanket notification shall inform CSO, the SHPO, and any Indian Tribes that might attach religious or cultural significance to affected state-owned resources and afford them an opportunity to comment within seven calendar days of the notification. Notification shall include, to the extent such information is available: description of the nature and extent of the property or properties, assessment of NRHP and CHL eligibility of any state-owned resources, the type and extent of any damage to the resources, the proposed action, any prudent and feasible treatment measures that would take any effects into account, and a request for comments. If the Caltrans District determines that circumstances do not permit seven days for comment, the Caltrans District shall notify the parties and invite any comments within the time available.
Large-Scale Emergency Procedures. When a disaster or emergency situation exists across multiple Caltrans Districts, counties, or local agency jurisdictions, CSO may at its discretion provide a blanket emergency procedures notification to the SHPO for work that will begin within 30 days of the formal emergency declaration. The blanket notification will reference the applicable emergency declaration and identify the affected counties and Caltrans Districts. The Cultural Studies Office may request an extension of the period of applicability from the SHPO prior to the 30-days. The Cultural Studies Office, in consultation with the SHPO, may establish alternate methods of SHPO notification for individual emergency undertakings covered under the blanket notification.
1. Unless determined otherwise through consultation with the SHPO, the Caltrans District responsible for individual emergency undertakings under the blanket notification shall inform CSO, the SHPO, FHWA where responsibilities have not been assumed, and any Indian tribes that might attach religious or cultural significance to the affected property and afford them an opportunity to comment within seven calendar days of the notification. Notification shall include, to the extent such information is available: description of the nature and extent of the property or properties, assessment of NRHP eligibility of any properties, the type and extent of any damage to the property, the proposed action, any prudent and feasible treatment measures that would take any effects into account, and a request for comments. If the Caltrans District determines that circumstances do not permit seven days for comment, the Caltrans District shall notify the parties and invite any comments within the time available.