Last Things. Art and the Religious Imagination in the Age of Reform. Turnhout: Brepols, 2010.
Last Things. The bodies of humans after death return to dust, but their spirits return immediately to God—the righteous to rest with Him; the wicked to be reserved under darkness to the judgment. God in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Xxxxx Xxxxxx will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth. At the last day, the bodies of all the dead, both just and unjust, will be raised. God has appointed a day, when He will judge the world by Xxxxx Xxxxxx, when all people shall receive according to their deeds; the wicked shall go into everlasting punishment; the righteous, into everlasting life. Students possess the privileges, responsibilities, and rights of several citizenships, including those of state, federal and municipal governments. Enrollment in Union University presents privileges beyond those available to all citizens at the partial expense of the Tennessee Baptist Convention. These additional privileges come with additional responsibilities. The Union campus life handbook serves as the main university handbook. All other handbooks (e.g. handbooks specific to a school, college, academic discipline) serve as handbook supplements to this main handbook. Where there may be conflicting policies, the policies listed in this campus life handbook will take precedent. The campus life handbook is not a contract. However, students are bound by the policies and community values listed in this student handbook. The most recent handbook supersedes previous versions. Union reserves the right to revise and amend this handbook. Any changes to this handbook after printing and before the new academic year will be sent to students via e-nnouncements and also included as an addendum at At Union University all members of the University community have a responsibility to the values of the University and to one another. The commitment to these values is expected at any time a student is enrolled, whether or not school is in session. When in the presence of a values violation, the individual has the responsibility to 1) intervene and confront the violation so the behavior stops; and/or 2) immediately leave the area where the violation is occurring and contact appropriate Union University staff members so the violation can be confronted. If members of the community willingly remain in the presence of a values violation without either confronting the violation, or leaving the a...
Last Things. We believe in the personal and visible return of the Lord Xxxxx Xxxxxx to earth and the establishment of His kingdom. We believe in the bodily resurrection, the final judgment, the eternal felicity of the righteous and the fulfillment of His purposes in the works of creation and redemption with eternal rewards and punishments.
Last Things. We believe in the personal and visible return of the Lord Xxxxx Xxxxxx to the earth and the establishment of His Kingdom. We believe in the resurrection of the body, the final judgment, eternal life for those who have accepted God’s gift of salvation through His Son Xxxxx Xxxxxx, eternal suffering for those who reject God’s gift of salvation. (Xxxxxxx 24:36; Hebrews 9:28; Revelation 1:7; Xxxxxxx 24:27; 1 Corinthians 15:32; Xxxx 14:1-3; Revelation 21:1-8; Ordinances Water Baptism. We believe the Bible to clearly teach that everyone who repents and believes in Xxxxx Xxxxxx as Lord and Savior should be baptized in water by immersion, declaring to the world that they have died with Xxxxxx and have been raised with Him to a new life. (Xxxxxxx 28:19-20; Acts 2:38; Galatians 3:27; Colossians 2:12) Communion. We believe that Xxxxxx commanded Christians to regularly partake of the elements of bread and the fruit of the vine together with other believers, celebrating the death and resurrection of Xxxxx Xxxxxx until His return. (Xxxx 6:35; Xxxx 22:19-20; Xxxx 6:53-58; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34)
Last Things. We believe in the personal, visible, bodily, and imminent return of our Lord Xxxxx Xxxxxx, and that this "Blessed Hope" has a vital bearing on the personal life and service of the believer. (Acts 1:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; Xxxxx 2:12-13) We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead; of the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord; of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment. (Xxxxxxx 25:46; Xxxx 5:28-29) Doctrinal Instruction This church teaches according to the following doctrinal statement. In order to teach at EBC, you must agree to teach in accordance with the Doctrinal Instruction as follows.