Latecomers. Late arrivals will be seated at appropriate intervals.
Latecomers. A county or city government in King County lying wholly or partially within the management area of or with a major interest in WRIA 9 which has not become a Party to this Agreement within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this Agreement may become a Party by obtaining written consent of all the Parties to the Agreement. The provisions of Section 5 herein otherwise governing decisions of the WRIA 9 Watershed Forum Governing Board shall not apply to this section. The Parties of the Agreement and any governments seeking to become a Party shall jointly determine the terms and conditions under which a government may become a new Party. The terms and conditions shall include payment of an amount by the new Party to the WRIA 9
Latecomers. If applicable, the events start on time. For events, latecomers will be seated and may join in the remainder of the meal (any missed courses or pairings are unable to be served or packaged up once the event program is underway.)
Latecomers. Non-party King County cities may opt into this Agreement at any time. If cities join after an annual work is finalized, they will pay a pro-rated amount, calculated as the preceding year’s annual financial contribution for that jurisdiction multiplied by the percentage of the remaining time in the year.
Latecomers. Notwithstanding anything elsewhere contained in this agreement, an employer may select and utilise for time keeping purposes any fractional or decimal proportion of an hour (not exceeding quarter of an hour) and may apply such proportion in the calculation of the working time of employees who, without reasonable cause promptly communicated to the employer, report for duty after their appointed starting times or cease duty before their appointed finishing times. An employer who adopts a proportion for this purpose shall apply the same proportion for the calculation of overtime.
Latecomers. The Koorliny Arts Centre reserves the right not to admit latecomers to any given activity / event / performance until there arises a suitable break.
Latecomers. This project (check one): [ ] does [ ] does not Include installation of facilities for which latecomer reimbursement may be available. An application for Latecomer reimbursement and certificate of cost shall be submitted with the Bill of Sale upon completion of the project. Entitlement to latecomer reimbursement and the amount thereof shall be determined in accordance with the District’s current latecomer policy Resolution, and shall be established by execution of the District’s Developer Extension Reimbursement Agreement by the District and the Developer. Based thereon, a Memorandum will be completed, adopted by Resolution, and recorded in accordance with RCW 57.22. If complete documentation is not provided with the Bill of Sale, upon written request from the Developer the District may extend the time at its sole discretion, but only for good cause shown. Failure to provide such documentation shall be considered a waiver of the right to such reimbursement. The Developer shall pay a fee to the District for the preparation of the latecomer agreement consistent with the District’s resolution, plus 20% for District administrative costs; provided, however, that if the Developer waives latecomer, the 20% shall remain as a Special Connection Charge against any reimbursement area, to be paid by the connecting property owner to the District. (PH)
Latecomers. A county or city government in King County lying wholly or partially within the management area of or with a major interest in WRIA 9 which has not become a Party to this Agreement within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this Agreement may become a Party by obtaining written consent of all the Parties to the Agreement. The provisions of Section 5 herein otherwise governing decisions of the Parties to the WRIA 9
Latecomers. A county or city government, or other entity with land use authority (i.e., tribe, port, utility, etc.) in King or Snohomish County lying wholly or partially within the management area of WRIA 8 and the Lake Washington-Cedar and Sammamish watershed basins and adjacent Puget Sound drainages which has not become a party to this Agreement wi thin twelve
Latecomers. A county or city government, or other interested public agency or tribe in King or Snohomish County lying wholly or partially within the management area of WRIA 8 and the Lake Washington-Cedar and Sammamish watershed basins and adjacent Puget Sound drainages which has not become a party to this Agreement within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this Agreement may become a party only with the written consent of all the parties. The provisions of Section 5 otherwise governing decisions of the WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council shall not apply to Section 8. The parties and the county, city, or other public agency or tribe seeking to become a party shall jointly determine the terms and conditions under which the county, city, or other public agency or tribe may become a party. These terms and conditions shall include payment by such county, city, or other public agency or tribe to the Fiscal Agent of the amount determined jointly by the parties and the county, city, or other public agency or tribe to represent such county, city, or other public agency or tribe’s fair and proportionate share of all costs associated with activities undertaken by the WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council and the parties on its behalf as of the date the county, city, or other public agency or tribe becomes a party. Any county, city, or other public agency or tribe that becomes a party pursuant to this section shall thereby assume the general rights and responsibilities of all other parties to this Agreement. After the inclusion of such entity as a party to this Agreement, the formula for party contribution shall be adjusted for the following year to reflect the addition of this new party.9.