Late Arrivals Sample Clauses
Late Arrivals. If you plan to arrive more than five (5) days after your Move-In Date, you must notify Student Housing and Community Services in writing. If you do not move into your accommodation within five (5) days of your Move-In Date, this Contract may be cancelled and your accommodation will be reassigned without further notice.
Late Arrivals. Failure to occupy an assigned space by 5 p.m. on the first day of classes could result in assignment of the room to another student unless a student sends an advance written request for an extension of the arrival period and it is granted in writing by HS.
Late Arrivals. Delivery of Personal Property
Late Arrivals. Employees who are late arriving or returning to work shall be docked in pay in one-tenth (that is, six minute) increments.
Late Arrivals. You must notify the Housing & Dining Contracts Office and your cooperative residence officer if you plan to arrive after the first day of your first semester classes for your school or college. Otherwise your contract may be cancelled without further notice, and you may be assessed a $250 fee.
Late Arrivals. Residents arriving after their assigned Move‐In Date must notify Residence Services of their late arrival in writing prior to these dates. Accommodation not occupied within 10 days of the Move‐In Date will be cancelled and reassigned without further notice if you have not provided notice of late arrival to Residence Services. Charges will be applied as per the Termination policy in Schedule B s. 5.1.
Late Arrivals. Failure to occupy the Premises by 5 p.m. on the Student’s first day of classes could result in assignment of the room to another student, unless advance permission for an extension is granted in writing by the Assistant Vice President of Campus Services or his/her designee (“AVPCS”). For additional information, see the Cancellation of Housing policy on the HS website.
Late Arrivals. If the student’s planned arrival date is later than the first day of classes, the student must notify Housing no later than Wednesday, August 26, 2020 for the fall semester; Wednesday, January 13, 2021 for the spring semester.
Late Arrivals. The school calendar shall include late arrivals on designated days as agreed by the District and the Association. On late arrival days, school start times for students will be delayed thirty (30) minutes after the normal start time. At a minimum, the first forty-five (45) minutes of the certificated employees’ work day will be devoted to collaborative meeting time for staff. The purpose of the late arrivals is to provide time for educators to work individually and collaboratively toward the goal of achieving continuous improvement, student academic performance and a guaranteed and viable curriculum. The collaborative time will be focused on: Power Standards, pacing, formative & summative assessments Guaranteed and viable curriculum Data analysis, interventions, and student learning Four (4) questions:
Late Arrivals. In case of arrival outside the opening hours, the amount indicated in the terms and conditions of reservation will be charged the day of arrival.