Layoff Procedures. In the event it becomes necessary to lay off employees and/or employees become displaced as a direct result of the contracting out of work previously done by the bargaining unit, the following procedure shall apply, provided nothing herein shall limit the County’s right to determine the classification(s) in which the force reduction shall occur: (a) Those positions funded as extra help or temporary shall be laid off first. (b) Next, those employees who have not completed their initial probationary period shall be laid off. (c) Finally, regular employees will be considered for layoff within the affected classification in the inverse order of their seniority. A senior employee may be laid off before a junior employee when the junior employee is performing the job in question in a substantially better manner, taking into consideration job performance, experience, training, and relevant ability to do the job. (d) Any employee who is to be laid off may bump the least senior employee in a lower classification within his/her job progression provided he/she has greater seniority than the employee to be bumped and provided he/she is able to perform the job in question in a manner equal to, or better than, the employee to be bumped, taking into consideration job performance, experience, training, and relevant ability to do the job. Personnel evaluations as described in Article 15.4 may be used in such determinations. Upon notification of layoff an employee shall have twenty-four (24) hours to provide written notification to the Director and the Human Resources Office of his/her intent to exercise the bumping rights set forth in this Article. (e) Bargaining unit employees promoted to a management position shall retain the right to displace a bargaining unit member only during their six (6) month trial service period outside of the bargaining unit. (f) Whenever a layoff is contemplated, if possible, at least thirty (30) days notice shall be given to the employee along with a Personnel Evaluation Form.
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Layoff Procedures. In the event it becomes necessary to lay off employees and/or employees become displaced as a direct result of the contracting out of work previously done by the bargaining unit, the following procedure shall apply, provided nothing herein shall limit the County’s right to determine the classification(s) in which the force reduction shall occur:
(a) Those positions funded as extra help or temporary shall be laid off first.
(b) Next, those employees who have not completed their initial probationary period shall be laid off.
(c) Finally, regular employees will be considered for layoff within the affected classification in the inverse order of their seniority. A senior employee may be laid off before a junior employee when the junior employee is performing the job in question in a substantially better manner, taking into consideration job performance, experience, training, and relevant ability to do the job.
(d) Any employee who is to be laid off may bump the least senior employee in a lower classification within his/her job progression provided he/she has greater seniority than the employee to be bumped and provided he/she is able to perform the job in question in a manner equal to, or better than, the employee to be bumped, taking into consideration job performance, experience, training, and relevant ability to do the job. Personnel evaluations as described in Article 15.4 may be used in such determinations. Upon notification of layoff an employee shall have twenty-four (24) hours to provide written notification to the Director and the Human Resources Office of his/her intent to exercise the bumping rights set forth in this Article.
(e) Bargaining unit employees employees, promoted to a management position shall retain the right to displace a bargaining unit member only during their six (6) month trial service period outside of the bargaining unit.
(f) Whenever a layoff is contemplated, if possible, at least thirty (30) days notice shall be given to the employee along with a Personnel Evaluation Form.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Layoff Procedures. A. In the event it becomes necessary to lay off employees and/or employees become displaced of a layoff within a higher classification(s) within a classification series, as a direct result of the contracting out elimination of duties:
1. There shall be the opportunity for any employee in the affected classification series at the work previously done by site(s) to volunteer for layoff.
2. Employees with the bargaining unit, the following procedure shall apply, provided nothing herein shall limit the County’s right to determine least sState seniority within the classification(s) in which at the force reduction shall occur:
(awork site(s) Those positions funded as extra help or temporary affected shall be laid off first.
(b. Those individuals in the classification(s) Next, those employees affected who have special qualifications or duties may be exempt from the layoff, and will not completed their initial probationary period shall be laid off.
(c) Finally, regular employees will be considered for layoff within displaced by individuals without those qualifications or the affected classification in the inverse order of their seniorityability to perform those duties. A senior employee may be laid off before a junior employee when the junior employee is performing the job in question in a substantially better manner, taking into consideration job performance, experience, training, and relevant ability to do the job.
(d) Any employee who is to be laid off may bump the least senior employee in a lower classification within his/her job progression provided he/she has greater seniority than the employee to be bumped and provided he/she is able to perform the job in question in a manner equal to, or better than, the employee to be bumped, taking into consideration job performance, experience, training, and relevant ability to do the job. Personnel evaluations as described in Article 15.4 may be used in such determinations. Upon notification of layoff an employee shall have twenty-four (24) hours to provide written notification to the Director and the Human Resources Office of his/her intent to exercise the bumping rights set forth in this Article.
(e) Bargaining unit employees promoted to a management position shall retain the right to displace a less senior employee in the same classification at another work site within the Agency bumping jurisdiction, or the employee shall have the right to displace a less senior employee at their own worksite within their own classification series. No promotions shall result from this action.
B. In the event any layoff is implemented within the bargaining unit member only during their six (6in the classification(s) month trial service period outside series affected other than as outlined in A above:
1. There shall be the opportunity for any employee in the affected classification series at the worksite(s) to volunteer for layoff.
2. Employees with the least sState seniority within the classification series at the worksite(s) affected shall be laid off first. Those individuals in the classification series affected who have special qualifications or duties may be exempt from the layoff, and will not be displaced by individuals without those qualifications or the ability to perform those duties. A laid off employee shall have the right to displace an employee of another work site within the classification series within the Agency bumping jurisdiction who has less seniority. The employee who exercises his/her bumping privilege shall enter the pay range of the bargaining unitclassification at the rate closest to his/her current rate of pay.
(f) Whenever a C. The bumping procedure will be as follows:
1. When an employee is given notice of layoff is contemplatedin accordance with Section 29.01 above, if possible, at least thirty (30) days notice that employee and all other employees within the similar classification series within the Agency bumping jurisdiction shall be given a list showing the name, work site and location, and state seniority of all Agency employees within their Agency bumping jurisdiction in the similar classification series.
2. All employees with less seniority within the Agency bumping jurisdiction within the affected similar classification series will be given a bumping selection form that identifies potential options. Such employee will select options available to them and will list them in the order of their priority. Employees will be given five (5) days to complete and return the forms. Copies of the forms will be sent by the Employer to the Union.
3. The Agency will take the top option selected by each employee along with in declining seniority to determine the bumping placement of that employee. This process will be completed within five (5) days. All employees will then be notified of their placement following this bumping procedure.
4. At the conclusion of this process, any employees required to change jobs as a Personnel Evaluation Formresult of the bumping process will change jobs. The jurisdictions for purposes of layoff are outlined in Appendix B. The Employer shall establish a list of similar classification series which employees may use for displacement purposes in the event of a layoff. The Union will be consulted before the establishment of the list and kept apprised of its progress and the results before implementation.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement