Layoff Options Sample Clauses
Layoff Options. Affected employees who have completed their probationary period shall have the following options:
Layoff Options. An employee who has been given layoff notice shall, within seven calendar days of receiving layoff notice, elect either:
(a) bumping as provided for in Clause 14.7 (Bumping);
(b) placement on the casual call-in and on the recall list with no loss of seniority as provided for in Clause 14.8 (Recall List), for a period of one year; or
(c) severance pay as provided for in Clause 14.9 (Severance Pay).
Layoff Options. An employee who is issued layoff notice shall elect one (1) of the following options within two (2) calendar weeks:
(1) to be placed on the regular recall list;
(2) to be placed in seniority order on the casual call out list above casual employees An employee electing this option shall accrue regular seniority for all work assignments for which he/she has been recalled; however the rate of pay for work available under this option shall be commensurate with the actual classification of the work assignment offered. Upon completion of each work assignment and for the purposes of Article 11.3(c), he/she shall re-establish his/her right to a further twelve (12) months of recall.
(3) to elect early retirement and, if eligible, to receive the early retirement benefits covered by Article 18.8 and to receive severance pay in accordance with Article 13.6(b)(4).
(4) to sever his/her employment and receive severance pay based on total years of service as follows:
(i) for the first year of completed employment, 3 weeks' current salary;
(ii) for the second year of completed employment, 3 weeks' current salary;
(iii) for each completed year thereafter, ½ months' current salary. Employees will not receive an amount greater than nine (9) months' current salary.
Layoff Options. Within the layoff unit, a permanent employee scheduled for layoff will be offered the following options:
21.8.1 Accept the layoff.
21.8.2 Move to an available position allocated to the classification in which the employee holds permanent status at the time of layoff. If the employee has no option to a position in the current classification, then the employee may move to an available position in a classification in which the employee has held status, at the same salary range as the current classification. If there are no available positions at the same salary range, then to a position in a lower classification in an occupational category/classification series in which the employee has held permanent status, in descending salary order.
21.8.3 For any of the above options, a position is available if:
a. The position is funded and vacant, or if no vacant position is available, the position is occupied by the least senior employee, starting with employees in probationary service.
b. The position is comparable to the employee’s current position as defined by the University.
c. The employee satisfies the position requirements.
Layoff Options. The following provisions are all subject to the conditions for bumping or accepting vacancies which are contained in Section 3(B). Also see Appendix N - Layoff Flowchart
a. The employee(s) receiving notice of layoff shall be placed in a vacancy in the same seniority unit, same class (or class option or another option within that class for which the employee is determined by the Employer to be qualified) and same employment condition within thirty-five (35) miles of the employee's current work location. If there is no such vacancy, the employee shall either:
(1) Bump the least senior employee in the same seniority unit, same class (or class option or another option within that class for which the employee is determined by the Employer to be qualified) and same employment condition within thirty- five (35) miles of the employee’s current work location; or
(2) Accept a vacancy in the same seniority unit in an equal class in which the employee previously served or for which the employee is determined by the Employer to be qualified and in the same employment condition within thirty- five (35) miles of the employee's current work location. Employees who have elected not to bump under "1" above and who have not been offered "2" shall be laid off.
b. If neither of the preceding is available the employee may choose to be laid off, or the employee may choose one of the following options.
Layoff Options. A. Employees will be laid off in accordance with seniority, as defined in Article 16, Seniority. Provided the employee has more seniority, one employee will be allowed to bump another employee with less seniority in the following order:
1. The least senior employee in the classification and within the work unit; or if none exists,
2. The least senior employee in the next lower classification within the work unit provided the employee has the proper qualifications for the work to be performed.
3. The options will continue if needed, as specified above, in descending order of salary range and one (1) progressively lower level at a time.
B. No employee will be able to bump into a higher classification. Full-time positions can bump part-time positions. However, part-time positions can only bump other part-time positions.
C. Employees who choose not to exercise their bump option will be paid their accumulated vacation leave balance at their current rate of pay and be placed on the recall list.
D. Employees will be provided up to seven (7) calendar days to accept or decline, in writing, any layoff option(s) provided to them. This time period will run concurrent with the thirty (30) calendar days’ notice provided by the College to the employee.
E. A laid-off employee shall, upon application and at the employee's option, be placed on the College’s substitute list.
Layoff Options. An Employee who is given layoff notice has the option to choose only one (1) of the following alternatives by the end of lay-off notice period:
a) Accept the layoff;
b) Accept the layoff if it is a reduction in hours and work the reduced hours; or
c) Bump an Employee with less seniority.
Layoff Options. A regular employee who is about to be laid off or whose position is eliminated may displace an employee in the same classification or demote and displace an employee in the Agency in a lower classification provided:
a. The employee has more seniority than the employee in the lower classification being displaced; and
b. The employee meets the qualifications for the position in the lower classification. In order to displace someone per the provisions of this Section, the employee must notify the Agency Personnel Director of his/her choice within five (5)-calendar days of the receipt of the layoff notice.
Layoff Options. An Employee who is issued layoff notice shall elect one of the following options within two calendar weeks:
(a) to be placed on the regular recall list.
(b) to displace the auxiliary Employee or Auxiliary Employee in a Temporary Appointment with the longest remaining appointment for which they are qualified and/or to be placed on a list for both regular and auxiliary recall. An Employee electing this option shall accrue regular seniority for all work assignments for which they have been recalled; however, the rate of pay for work available under this option shall be commensurate with the actual classification of the work assignment offered. Upon completion of each work assignment and for the purposes of Clause 11.3(c) (Loss of Seniority), they shall re-establish their right to a further 12 months of recall.
(c) to elect early retirement and, if eligible, to receive the early retirement benefits covered by Article 18 (Retirement) and in addition to receive severance pay in accordance with Clause 12.9(d) below.
(d) to sever their employment and receive severance pay based on total years of service as follows:
(1) for the first year of completed employment, three weeks’ current salary,
(2) for the second year of completed employment, an additional three weeks’ current salary,
(3) for each completed year thereafter, one-half months’ current salary. The Employee will not receive an amount greater than six months’ current salary.
(e) to defer receiving severance pay pursuant to Clause 12.9(d) and remain on recall in accordance with Clause 12.9(a). In the event that such laid off Employee is not recalled to a regular position during the 12 month recall period, they shall be eligible to receive a severance pay amount equal to that which they would have been eligible for had the option pursuant to Clause 12.9(d) been elected at the time of their original layoff. The Employee will not receive an amount greater than six months’ current salary, as well as any payout of outstanding vacation and banked sick leave. The 12 month recall period shall not be extended if auxiliary work assignments are accepted by the laid off Employee.
Layoff Options. The following provisions are all subject to the conditions for bumping or accepting vacancies which are contained in Section 3(B). Also see Appendix N - Layoff Flowchart
a. The employee(s) receiving notice of layoff shall be placed in a vacancy in the same seniority unit, same class (or class option or another option within that class for which the employee is determined by the Employer to be qualified) and same employment condition within thirty-five (35) miles of the employee's current work location. If there is no such vacancy, the employee shall either:
(1) Bump the least senior employee in the same seniority unit, same class (or class option or another option within that class for which the employee is determined by the Employer to be qualified) and same employment condition within thirty-five