LEAF REMOVAL. The Contractor shall, on a weekly basis, remove leaves and pine needles from the properties listed in Exhibit A.
LEAF REMOVAL. Foreign material, cuttings, grass, leaves, bark, limbs, dead vegetation, paper, trash, dirt and dust are to be removed from the maintained areas including walkways, driveways, stairways, roadways, parking lots and curbs within or adjacent to the maintained area on a daily basis. The walkways and driveways shall be hose cleaned during appropriate climatic and water use conditions, but water usage shall be minimized to conserve water. All debris resulting from the Contractor's operations are to be removed from the work site prior to the end of each workday. Debris removal is to be performed to prevent unsightly or inordinate accumulation. Collected debris shall be promptly removed to an authorized disposal site. The Contractor is responsible for all expenses incurred in the collection and disposal of debris. During times of rain, the Contractor will be required to remove stagnant water from walkways, driveways and parking areas. In the interest of cost efficiency and waste management, the Contractor shall promote recycled uses for lawn and tree debris in meeting other aspects of the gardening services requirement, e.g., mulch and compost. The Contractor shall provide details of the recycling program and techniques employed at site, for information to COR.
LEAF REMOVAL. It is estimated this maintenance task will be performed four (4) times during October, November and December for all Groups.
1. During leaf season (October – December) all grounds including plant beds, sidewalks and parking lots are to be cleared of all fallen leaves. Upon completion of leaf season all remaining leaves will be removed.
2. During leaf season (October – December) Stairwells/ Sidewalks, drains and storm drains at each location will be cleared of leaves and debris.
3. All leaves collected will be disposed of off-site at a legal disposal/recycling site used by the Contractor. Only upon the request of the Contract Administrator or his/her designee, the Contractor must provide the weight figures in writing for all leaves and brush material removed by him/her from County property for the date of service. Receipt of this record will be a pre-requisite for payment for this scheduled maintenance task.
LEAF REMOVAL. Leaf build-up in gutters, along fence lines, etc. shall be removed on a regular basis. For heavy accumulation, such as seasonal build-up in the fall of the year, the Contractor will be expected to remove said leaves within a reasonable period of time so as not to damage turf or prevent water flow in driveway gutters.
LEAF REMOVAL. The Contractor shall, on a monthly basis, remove leaves and pine needles from the properties listed in A and on a weekly basis during the period
LEAF REMOVAL. The Contractor shall, on a monthly basis, remove leaves and pine needles from the properties listed in Exhibit A and on a weekly basis during the period November through February.
LEAF REMOVAL. The Contractor shall, on a monthly basis, remove leaves from the properties listed in Exhibit A and on a weekly basis during the period.
LEAF REMOVAL. The contractor shall collect leaves and pine needles on a monthly basis and within two days after any heavy storm. During the months November to January, leaves and pine needles will be collected at least once per week. The collected leaves and pine needles will be removed from site the same day.