LIABILITY FOR UNAUTHORISED PAYMENTS. 19.1 If you are a Large Corporation and a Payment which we executed was not authorised by you or an Authorised Person, please notify us via email or telephone using the contact details set out in clause 3 within 3 months of the date of the Payment and we shall provide you with a refund unless you have acted fraudulently, or have intentionally or with gross negligence not complied with your obligations under clause 17.1, 17.2 and/or 17.3.
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LIABILITY FOR UNAUTHORISED PAYMENTS. 19.1 If you are not a Micro-Enterprise and a Payment which we executed was not authorised by you or an Authorised Person, please notify us via email or telephone using the contact details set out in clause 3 within 3 months of the date of the Payment and we shall provide you with a refund unless you have acted fraudulently, or have intentionally or with gross negligence not complied with your obligations under clause 17.1, 17.2 and/or 17.3.
LIABILITY FOR UNAUTHORISED PAYMENTS. If you become aware of an unauthorised or incorrectly executed payment transaction, please notify us without undue delay and in any event no later than thirteen months after the debit date of such transaction. When a transaction was not authorised by you in accordance with the process in Section 3, we have an obligation to refund you in accordance with 5.2 above.


  • Liability for Unauthorized Transactions You will be liable for unauthorized access to accounts via Online Banking to the extent allowed by applicable federal and state law. Tell us AT ONCE if you believe your Member number, or Logon ID, or any record thereof, has been lost or stolen, or if any of your accounts have been accessed without your authority. You may telephone us at (000) 000-0000 or mail to One Credit Union, 000 Xxxxx Xx., Xxxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000. Telephoning is the best way of minimizing your liability. You could lose all the money in your accounts, plus your maximum overdraft line-of-credit. If you tell us within two (2) business days of the loss, theft, or unauthorized access, you can lose no more than $50 if someone accessed your account without your permission. If you do NOT tell us within two (2) business days after you learn of the loss, theft or unauthorized access, and we can prove we could have stopped someone from accessing your account without permission if you had told us, you could lose as much as $500. Also, if your statement shows transfers that you did not make, tell us at once. If you do not tell us within 60 days after the statement was mailed to you, you may not get back any money you lost after the 60 days if we can prove that we could have stopped someone from taking the money if you had told us in time. If a good reason (such as a long trip or a hospital stay) kept you from telling us, we will extend the time periods.

  • Liability for Taxes (i) Parent ----------- ------------------- shall be liable for and pay, and pursuant to Article XI shall indemnify and hold ---------- harmless each Buyer Group Member from and against any and all Losses and Expenses incurred by such Buyer Group Member in connection with or arising from, any and all Taxes (A) imposed on any Company pursuant to Treas. Reg. (S) 1.1502- 6 or similar provision of state or local law solely as a result of such Company having been a member of a group of corporations joining in filing Tax Returns on a consolidated, combined or unitary basis, (B) imposed on or with respect to any Company, for which any Company may otherwise be liable, or with respect to the HEA Membership Interests or the SMMSLP LP Interests, in each case described in this clause (B) for any taxable year or period that ends on or before the Closing Date and, with respect to any Straddle Period, the portion of such Straddle Period ending on and including the Closing Date, (C) arising solely from the termination, as of the Closing Date, of any Company that is a corporation as a member of the affiliated group (as defined in Section 1504 of the Code) of which Parent is the parent corporation, (D) arising from the distribution of or otherwise relating to the Excluded Assets or the Excluded Business or (E) that are Section 338(h)(10) Taxes; provided, however, that -------- ------- Parent shall not be liable for or pay, and shall not indemnify or hold harmless any Buyer Group Member from and against, (I) any incremental Taxes (other than Section 338(h)(10) Taxes) that result from any actual or deemed election under Section 338 of the Code or any similar provisions of state, local or foreign law as a result of the purchase of the Shares, the HEA Membership Interests or the SMMSLP LP Interests, or the deemed purchase of shares or equity of any Conveyed Companies Subsidiary, or that result from Buyer, any Affiliate of Buyer or any Company engaging in any activity or transaction (other than the activities and transactions contemplated by this Agreement) that would cause the transactions contemplated by this Agreement to be treated as a purchase or sale of assets of any Company (other than HEA) for federal, state or local Tax purposes, (II) any Taxes (other than Section 338(h)(10) Taxes) imposed on any Company, for which any Company may otherwise be liable or with respect to the HEA Membership Interests or the SMMSLP LP Interests as a result of actual transactions not in the ordinary course of business occurring on the Closing Date after the Closing, and (III) any Taxes shown as a liability or reserve on the Closing Date Balance Sheet and not excluded as a liability in determining Net Working Capital (the Taxes described in this proviso being referred to as "Excluded Taxes"). Parent -------------- shall be entitled to any refund of (or actual credit for when and as actually realized) Taxes for which it is liable under this Section 8.2(a). --------------

  • Our Liability for Failure to Make Transfers If we do not complete a transfer to or from your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will NOT be liable for instance: * If, through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your account to make the transfer. * If the money in your account is subject to legal process or other claim restricting such transfer. * If the transfer would go over the credit limit on your overdraft line. * If the ATM where you are making the transfer does not have enough cash. * If the terminal or system was not working properly and you knew about the breakdown when you started the transfer. * If circumstances beyond our control (such as fire or flood) prevent the transaction, despite reasonable precautions that we have taken. In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers. Telephone us at (000) 000-0000, or write us at R BANK,0000 X Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxx, XX 00000 as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer listed on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than sixty days after we sent the FIRST statement on which the problem or error appeared. * Tell us your name and account number (if any). * Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information. * Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. * If you tell us orally, we may request that you send us your complaint or question in writing within ten (10) business days. We will determine whether an error occurred within ten (10) business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to forty-five (45) days to investigate your complaint or question. If we decide to do this, we will credit your account within ten business days for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within ten (10) business days, we may not credit your account. If a notice of error involves an electronic fund transfer that occurred within thirty (30) days after the first deposit to the account was made, the error involves a new account. For errors involving new accounts, point ofsale debit card transactions, or foreign-initiated transactions, we may take up to ninety (90) days to investigate your complaint or question. For new accounts, we may take up to twenty (20) business days to credit your account for the amount you think is in error. We will tell you the results within three (3) business days after completing our investigation. If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.

  • Liability for Charges 5.1 If the Card is lost or stolen or if the PIN is disclosed without authorisation, the Cardholder’s and Cardmember’s liability shall be limited to S$100 only if:

  • Liability for Failure to Make Transfers If we do not complete a transfer to or from your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable, for instance:

  • Your Liability for Unauthorized Transactions This section applies to unauthorized transactions involving Your username, password or security code and other unauthorized transactions. Notify Us AT ONCE if You believe that Your username, password or security code has been lost, stolen or has been learned by an unauthorized person. You acknowledge and agree that such notification must be initiated by calling (000) 000-0000 (Bask Bank Customer Support) followed by written confirmation. Furthermore, You acknowledge and agree that the written confirmation must be received by Us within ten (10) calendar days from the date of Your oral notification. If You assert that an unauthorized transfer may have occurred, or You believe Your username, password, or other security code has become known to an unauthorized person, We may require You to sign a sworn statement/affidavit to that effect. If You have selected optional Mobile Banking Services, You understand that You are solely responsible for notifying Us immediately in the event that Your Mobile Device associated with the telephone number provided to Us to register for Mobile Banking Services is lost, stolen, changed or destroyed. You understand that with regard to SMS text messages, failure to promptly notify Us may result in Your failure to receive important SMS text messages and/or the interception of such SMS text messages by unauthorized third parties. You may also incur SMS text messaging fees for such SMS text messages even if You do not receive them. You understand that We are not responsible for any costs, expenses, liabilities or damages that You incur as a result of Your failure to receive an SMS text message, the interception of any SMS text message by an unauthorized or other third party, or Your incurrence of SMS text messaging fees for SMS text messages You did not receive. YOU UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IN ADDITION TO ANY DISCLAIMERS OR LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY AS OTHERWISE STATED IN THESE TERMS, IN OTHER AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE PARTIES, OR PROVIDED BY LAW, WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSSES OR DAMAGES ARISING FROM: (i) NON-DELIVERY, DELAYED DELIVERY OR WRONG DELIVERY OF ANY E-MAIL COMMUNICATION THAT YOU WOULD NORMALLY ACCESS VIA THE WEB BROWSER ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE OR OF ANY SMS TEXT MESSAGE NORMALLY SENT DIRECTLY TO YOUR MOBILE DEVICE; (ii) INACCURATE CONTENT IN ANY E-MAIL COMMUNICATION THAT YOU ACCESS VIA THE WEB BROWSER ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE OR IN ANY SMS TEXT MESSAGE SENT DIRECTLY TO YOUR MOBILE DEVICE; (iii) ANY ACTIONS RESULTING FROM THE INTENTIONAL OR UNINTENTIONAL DISCLOSURE BY YOU TO ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSON OF THE CONTENTS OF ANY E-MAIL COMMUNICATION YOU ACCESS VIA THE WEB BROWSER ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE OR ANY SMS TEXT MESSAGE SENT DIRECTLY TO YOUR MOBILE DEVICE; OR YOUR USE OR RELIANCE ON THE CONTENTS OF ANY SUCH E-MAIL OR SMS TEXT MESSAGE FOR ANY PURPOSE. For any transactions processed through the VISA or MasterCard system, Your liability limits will differ from those set forth in this section. For certain transactions processed through the Visa or MasterCard system, You may have no liability if You report the unauthorized transactions to Us, in accordance with each network’s respective “zero liability” policies for unauthorized transactions. We may, however, impose greater liability, up to the extent allowed by law, if We reasonably determine that You were either grossly negligent (e.g., delay for an unreasonable time in reporting unauthorized transactions) or fraudulent in handling Your Services transactions processed through the VISA or MasterCard system. The risk to You in failing to notify Us is the potential loss of all funds in Your Account. If You notify Us within two (2) Business Days after You learn of the loss, theft or compromise thereof by an unauthorized person, Your liability is up to $50 for an unauthorized Electronic Funds Transfer or series of related unauthorized Electronic Funds Transfers should someone use Your username, password or security code without Your permission. If You DO NOT notify Us within two (2) Business Days after You learn of the loss, theft or compromise thereof by an unauthorized person of Your username, password or security code and We can prove that We could have stopped someone from using Your username, password or security code had You informed Us of the loss, theft or compromise thereof, Your liability could be as much as $500. Failure to notify Us of any unauthorized Electronic Funds Transfer should someone use Your username, password or security code within sixty (60) calendar days of when the first periodic statement which reflected such unauthorized activity was mailed or otherwise made available to You could result in additional losses by You of 100 percent. We may extend the sixty (60) calendar day timeframe when certain events prevent You from notifying Us promptly, such as extended travel or hospital stay. Upon verification, We will extend the timeframe set forth herein to a timeframe deemed reasonable under such circumstances in accordance to Regulation E. In addition, unless prohibited by law, You agree to reimburse Us for any liability, loss, cost and expense We may incur in connection with Your Account except to the extent they are caused solely by Our intentional misconduct. Children Using the Services The safety and privacy protection of children is very important to Us. Children should always ask their parent or guardian for permission before sending personal information to anyone online. You understand that for a child under the age of 13, only the child’s parent or legal guardian has authority to access the Services, even if the account has been established on behalf of that child. If You permit a child under the age of 13 to use the Services, or give the child Your username or password, You understand that You are responsible for all activity the child initiates from or to any of Your accounts, even if he or she exceeds Your authorization. You understand that You can contact Us at the information listed in the “Our Customer Support Information” section of these Terms with any questions or concerns. Our Use of Third-party Service Providers Our ability to provide certain Services and Mobile Banking Services depends on our ability to provide access to third-party networks. You authorize Us to utilize third- party service providers selected by Us to provide Services to You on Our behalf. For details regarding Our safeguarding of Your personal information, please refer to the Online Privacy Policy. In the event that We determine, in Our sole discretion, that We are unable to provide third-party network access, We may discontinue the related Service(s) or may provide the Service(s) through alternate third-party networks. You understand that We shall have no liability for the unavailability of access during any transition period, and shall give You written notice of any Service involving transfers to or from Your deposit account(s) being discontinued at least twenty- one(21) days in advance of such termination, unless such prior notice is otherwise excused by law.

  • OUR LIABILITY FOR FAILURE TO STOP PAYMENT If You order Us to place a stop payment on one of Your pre-authorized payments 3 business days or more before the transfer is scheduled, and We do not do so, We will be liable for losses or damages, to the extent provided by law. TRANSACTION SLIPS. Except for mail-in transactions and certain small-value transactions, You can get a receipt at the time You make any transaction to or from Your Account through the use of Your Card. When an electronic fund transfer has been made during any given month, You will receive a monthly statement to reflect all electronic fund transfers to or from Your Account during that statement period. In any case, You will receive a statement at least quarterly. FEES. We may assess reasonable charges against Your Account for transactions performed at electronic terminals. If so, We will specify any charges for these or other types of electronic transactions, including automatic transfers, on an accompanying pricing document. We will explain the charges to You when You open Your Account. You will be provided with a fee schedule, and other specified information after Your Account is established. Additional fee schedules are available at any of Our office locations. When You use an ATM not owned by Us, You may be charged a fee by the ATM operator, or any network used, and You may be charged a fee for a balance inquiry even if You do not complete a fund transfer.

  • LIABILITY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLETE TRANSACTIONS If We do not properly complete a transaction to or from Your Account according to this Agreement, We will be liable for Your losses or damages. However, We will not be liable if: (a) Your Account does not contain enough available funds to make the transaction through no fault of Ours; (b) the ATM where You are making the transfer does not have enough cash; (c) the terminal was not working properly and You knew about the breakdown when You started the transaction; (d) circumstances beyond Our control prevent the transaction despite reasonable precautions that We have taken; (e) Your Card is retrieved or retained by an ATM;

  • Our Liability for Failure to Complete Transactions If we do not properly complete a transaction from your Card on time or in the correct amount according to our Agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable, for instance:

  • LIABILITY FOR UNAUTHORIZED USE If any Card is lost or stolen or otherwise may be used without your permission (express or implied), you must immediately notify us orally or in writing at the following phone number or address: 0-000-000-0000 or at TIB, National Association, P.O Box 569120, Dallas, Texas 75356-9120. If unauthorized use of a Card occurs before you notify us of the loss, theft or unauthorized use, you may be liable up to a maximum amount of $50. If unauthorized use of a Credit Device occurs, you may be liable for all of the unauthorized use.

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