Line Information Database (LIDB. 9.1 BellSouth will store in its Line Information Database (LIDB) records relating to service only in the BellSouth region. The LIDB Storage Agreement is included in this Attachment as Exhibit C.
9.2 BellSouth will provide LIDB Storage upon written request to <<customer_name>>’s Account Manager stating a requested activation date.
Line Information Database (LIDB. 11.1 The AT&T Line Information Database (LIDB) stores current information on working telephone numbers and billing account numbers. LIDB data is used by providers of Telecommunications Services to validate billing of collect calls, calls billed to a third party number and nonproprietary calling card calls, to screen out attempts to xxxx calls to payphones, for billing and for fraud prevention.
11.2 Where TWTC is purchasing Resale services AT&T shall utilize AT&T's service order generated from TWTC LSR's to populate LIDB with TWTC's End User information AT&T provides access to information in its LIDB, including TWTC End User information, to various providers of Telecommunications Services via queries to LIDB pursuant to applicable tariffs. Information stored for TWTC, pursuant to this Agreement, shall be available to those Telecommunications Service providers.
11.2.1 When necessary for fraud control measures, AT&T may perform additions, updates and deletions of TWTC data to the LIDB (e.g., calling card deactivation).
Line Information Database (LIDB. 8.1 All of the negotiated rates, terms and conditions set forth in this Section pertain to the provision of LIDB.
8.2 BellSouth will store in its LIDB only records relating to service in the BellSouth region. The LIDB Storage Agreement is included in this Attachment.
Line Information Database (LIDB. 11.1 The BellSouth Line Information Database (LIDB) stores current information on working telephone numbers and billing account numbers. LIDB data is used by providers of Telecommunications Services to validate billing of collect calls, calls billed to a third party number and nonproprietary calling card calls, to screen out attempts to bill calls to payphones, for billing and for fraud prevention.
Line Information Database (LIDB. 8.1 The Line Information Database (LIDB) is a transaction-oriented database accessible through Common Channel Signaling (CCS) networks. For access to LIDB, Global Connection must purchase appropriate signaling links pursuant to Section 9 of this Attachment. LIDB contains records associated with end user Line Numbers and Special Billing Numbers. LIDB accepts queries from other Network Elements and provides appropriate responses. The query originator need not be the owner of LIDB data. LIDB queries include functions such as screening billed numbers that provides the ability to accept Collect or Third Number Billing calls and validation of Telephone Line Number based non-proprietary calling cards. The interface for the LIDB functionality is the interface between BellSouth’s CCS network and other CCS networks. LIDB also interfaces to administrative systems.
Line Information Database (LIDB. 11.1 The BellSouth Line Information Database (LIDB) stores current information on working telephone numbers and billing account numbers. LIDB data is used by providers of Telecommunications Services to validate billing of collect calls, calls billed to a third party number and nonproprietary calling card calls, to screen out attempts to xxxx calls to payphones, for billing and for fraud prevention.
11.2 Where Vertex is purchasing Resale services BellSouth shall utilize BellSouth's service order generated from Vertex LSR's to populate LIDB with Vertex's End User information BellSouth provides access to information in its LIDB, including Vertex End User information, to various providers of Telecommunications Services via queries to LIDB pursuant to applicable tariffs. Information stored for Vertex, pursuant to this Agreement, shall be available to those Telecommunications Service providers.
11.2.1 When necessary for fraud control measures, BellSouth may perform additions, updates and deletions of Vertex data to the LIDB (e.g., calling card deactivation).
Line Information Database (LIDB. BellSouth will store in its LIDB only records relating to service in the BellSouth region.
Line Information Database (LIDB. 11.1 The BellSouth Line Information Database (LIDB) stores current information on working telephone numbers and billing account numbers. LIDB data is used by providers of Telecommunications Services to validate billing of collect calls, calls billed to a third party number and nonproprietary calling card calls, to screen out attempts to xxxx calls to payphones, for billing and for fraud prevention.
11.2 Where Metro Teleconnect is purchasing Resale services BellSouth shall utilize BellSouth's service order generated from Metro Teleconnect LSR's to populate LIDB with Metro Teleconnect's End User information BellSouth provides access to information in its LIDB, including Metro Teleconnect End User information, to various providers of Telecommunications Services via queries to LIDB pursuant to applicable tariffs. Information stored for Metro Teleconnect, pursuant to this Agreement, shall be available to those Telecommunications Service providers.
11.2.1 When necessary for fraud control measures, BellSouth may perform additions, updates and deletions of Metro Teleconnect data to the LIDB (e.g., calling card deactivation).
Line Information Database (LIDB. The LIDB is a transaction-oriented database accessible through Common Channel Signaling (CCS) networks. It contains records associated with subscribers Line Numbers and Special Billing Numbers. LIDB accepts queries from other Network Elements, or CLEC's network, and provides appropriate responses. The query originator need not be the owner of LIDB data. LIDB queries include functions such as screening billed numbers that provides the ability to accept Collect or Third Number Billing calls and validation of Telephone Line Number based non-proprietary calling cards. The interface for the LIDB functionality is the interface between the Sprint CCS network and other CCS networks. LIDB also interfaces to administrative systems. The administrative system interface provides Work Centers with an interface to LIDB for functions such as provisioning, auditing of data, access to LIDB measurements and reports.
Line Information Database (LIDB. 11.1 AT&T will store in its Line Information Database (LIDB) records relating to service only in the AT&T region. The LIDB Storage Agreement is included in this Attachment as Exhibit B.
11.2 AT&T will provide LIDB Storage upon written request to NuVox’s Account Manager stating a requested activation date.