Major Requirements Sample Clauses
Major Requirements. Course Requirements in the Major (students must receive a C- or better in all core courses, and A minimum grade of C- is required (unless otherwise noted) for any course to transfer from PHCC). Art or Music or Theater (ART, MUSIC or THEA) requirement Biology/Environmental Science requirement Physical Science/Environmental Science requirement Math requirement (MATH 0138 suggested) Math requirement (MATH 0139 suggested) U.S. History (HIST) requirement Geography (GEOG) requirement Economics (ECON) or Political Science requirement Cultures or Philosophical Inquiry (ANTH or PHIL) requirement PSY 0101 Introduction to Psychology Sociology (SOC) requirement PEDC 0152 Living Well EDUC 0204 Introduction to Education EDUC 0215 English Language Learners EDUC 0220 Special Education Law EDUC 0225 The Developing Child: Birth-Primary Years EDUC 0230 Family & Community Relationships EDUC 0235 Instructional Design EDUC 0255 Children's Literature EDUC 1301 Instructional Technology EDUC 1302 Assessment Techniques EDUC 1306 Classroom Management EDUC 1309 Differentiated Reading Instruction and Intervention (PreK-1) EDUC 1312 Language Development and Early Literacy Foundations (PreK-1) EDUC 1318 Early Math Foundations (PreK-1) EDUC 1320 Art, Music, and Movement Methods (Pre-K) EDUC 1322 Social Studies Methods (PreK-4) EDUC 1324 Math Methods for Primary Grades (2-4) EDUC 1325 Development of Exceptional Children EDUC 1327 Science Methods (PreK-4) EDUC 1330 Educating Exceptional Children EDUC 1332 Literacy Foundations for Primary Grades (2-4) EDUC 1345 Educational Theories and Practices EDUC 1350 Educational Psychology and Measurement EDUC 1451 Capstone-Education EDUC 1481 Student Teaching A minimum of 120 credits are required, 30 of which must be upper-level. A minimum grade of C- is required (unless otherwise noted) for any course to transfer from PHCC.
Major Requirements. Course Requirements in the Major (students must receive a C- or better in all core courses, and a minimum grade of C- is required for any course to transfer from PHCC). BIOL 0101 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology BIOL 0102 Introduction to Biodiversity BIOL 0217 Introduction to Ecology & Evolution BIOL 1451 Capstone/Upper-Level Writing BIOL 1453 Senior Seminar Upper Level Biology Electives (8 credits) CHEM 0101 and 0102 General Chemistry I and II MATH 0132 or 0136 or 0140 MATH (Second college-level math required) PHYS 0101 or 0102 or 0103 or 0201 or 0202 EDUC 0204 Introduction to Education EDUC 0215 English Language Learners EDUC 0220 Special Education Law EDUC 0235 Instructional Design EDUC 0275 Adolescent Literature EDUC 1301 Instructional Technology EDUC 1307 Secondary Methods EDUC 1325 Development of Exceptional Children EDUC 1330 Educating Exceptional Children EDUC 1334 Literacies Across the Middle and Secondary Curriculum EDUC 1345 Educational Theories and Practice EDUC 1350 Educational Psychology and Measurement EDUC 1481 Student Teaching A minimum of 120 credits are required, 30 of which must be upper-level. A minimum grade of C- is required (unless otherwise noted) for any course to transfer from PHCC.
Major Requirements. Course Requirements in the Major (students must receive a C- or better in all core courses, and A minimum grade of C- is required (unless otherwise noted) for any course to transfer from PHCC). CHEM 0101 General Chemistry I CHEM 0102 General Chemistry II CHEM 0201 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry CHEM 0206, 0207 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 0208, 0209 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 1301 Physical Chemistry I CHEM 1302 Physical Chemistry II CHEM 1305 Analytic Instrumentation CHEM 1451 Capstone/Upper-Level Writing MATH 0140 Calculus I MATH 0150 Calculus II PHYS 0201 and 0203 Foundations of Physics I and lab PHYS 0202 and 0204 Foundations of Physics II and lab EDUC 0204 Introduction to Education EDUC 0215 English Language Learners EDUC 0220 Special Education Law EDUC 0235 Instructional Design EDUC 0275 Adolescent Literature EDUC 1301 Instructional Technology EDUC 1307 Secondary Methods EDUC 1325 Development of Exceptional Children EDUC 1330 Educating Exceptional Children EDUC 1334 Literacies Across the Middle and Secondary Curriculum EDUC 1345 Educational Theories and Practice EDUC 1350 Educational Psychology and Measurement EDUC 1481 Student Teaching A minimum of 120 credits are required, 30 of which must be upper-level. A minimum grade of C- is required (unless otherwise noted) for any course to transfer from PHCC.
Major Requirements. WRITNG 0111 Literary Editing and Magazine Production
Major Requirements. Sociology Core: 12 Students must complete 3 credits from the following: 3 Sociology Electives - 15 credits (six of which must come from upper division elective courses): 6 Total Number of Credits to be Completed at CUNY SPS 60 Total Credits Transferred from BMCC 60 Total Credits Required for the Baccalaureate Degree 120 F. COURSE EQUIVALENCIES
Major Requirements. Course Requirements in the Major (students must receive a C- or better in all core courses, and A minimum grade of C- is required (unless otherwise noted) for any course to transfer from PHCC). ENG 0110 Lit & Interpretation Shakespeare Course: ENG 0205 or THEA 1310 (GE) ENG 0206 History of English Language ENG 0212 Grammar CLP 0203 or COMM 0201 Film and Literature/Mass Media & Society CLP 1315 Critical Methods ENG 1451 Capstone/Upper-Level Writing Foreign language proficiency through and including the intermediate level (or the equivalent) MATH (Second college-level math required) from a period prior to 1800, one course from each group, and one upper-level course. American Literature: British/European Literature Contemporary World Literature Western Foundations: EDUC 0204 Introduction to Education EDUC 0215 English Language Learners EDUC 0220 Special Education Law EDUC 0235 Instructional Design EDUC 0275 Adolescent Literature EDUC 1301 Instructional Technology EDUC 1307 Secondary Methods EDUC 1325 Development of Exceptional Children EDUC 1330 Educating Exceptional Children EDUC 1334 Literacies Across the Middle and Secondary Curriculum EDUC 1345 Educational Theories and Practice EDUC 1350 Educational Psychology and Measurement EDUC 1481 Student Teaching A minimum of 120 credits are required, 30 of which must be upper-level. A minimum grade of C- is required (unless otherwise noted) for any course to transfer from PHCC.
Major Requirements. Course Number Course Title NPCS Course Quarter Units
Major Requirements. Students must receive a C- or better in all courses listed below. -PHCC: ACC 100 -PHCC: ACC 110 -PHCC: ECO 110 (previously listed in GE: Economics) -PHCC: ECO 100 -PHCC: BUS 125 -PHCC: BUS 210 -PHCC: BUS 230 -PHCC: PSY 100 -PHCC: SOC 100
Major Requirements. A minimum grade of C- is required in the ADMJ core courses. -PHCC: CRJ 110 -PHCC: CRJ 225 -PHCC: SOC 100 -PHCC: GOV 100 -PHCC: PSY 100 -PHCC: CRJ 235 -PHCC: CRJ 215 -PHCC: CRJ 100 -PHCC: CRJ 210 -PHCC: CRJ 115 -PHCC: CRJ 260 -PHCC: CRJ 150
Major Requirements. Course Requirements in the Major (students must receive a C- or better in all core courses, and A minimum grade of C- is required (unless otherwise noted) for any course to transfer from PHCC). ACCT 0201 Financial Accounting Concepts ACCT 0202 Managerial Accounting Concepts ECON 0101 Economics in the Modern World ECON 0204 Statistics MATH 0136 Applied Calculus MATH (Second college-level math required) MGMT 0110 Principles of Management MRKT 1301 Marketing MGMT 1304 Business Law MGMT 1401 Business in Society & International Management MGMT 1451 Capstone/Upper-Level Writing Business Management Elective EDUC 0204 Introduction to Education EDUC 0215 English Language Learners EDUC 0220 Special Education Law EDUC 0235 Instructional Design EDUC 0275 Adolescent Literature EDUC 1301 Instructional Technology EDUC 1307 Secondary Methods EDUC 1325 Development of Exceptional Children EDUC 1330 Educating Exceptional Children EDUC 1334 Literacies Across the Middle and Secondary Curriculum EDUC 1345 Educational Theories and Practice EDUC 1350 Educational Psychology and Measurement EDUC 1481 Student Teaching A minimum of 120 credits are required, 30 of which must be upper-level. A minimum grade of C- is required (unless otherwise noted) for any course to transfer from PHCC.