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Managing time Sample Clauses

Managing time. The Service Provider and Client must agree a timeline for provision of the Services at the initiation of each matter. The Service Provider must provide the Services in an efficient manner that meets the agreed timelines. If it is anticipated that an agreed timeline might not be met, the Service Provider must immediately contact the Client to determine a substitute time for delivery. If the Client agrees to a substituted time for delivery, the Service Provider must provide the Services within that time. If no substituted time is agreed by the Client, the Service Provider may be required by the Client to cease provision of the Services.
Managing time. A D istrict Officer is expected to manage their working hours to ensure that an average of 40 hours per week planned work is undertaken. In order to achieve this, a District Officer is expected to take time off during the week. In order to manage reasonable working hours and an average 40 hour week, where a District Officer is not managing time effectively they may be directed to take time off by their manager.

Related to Managing time

  • Planning Time All teachers are to be guaranteed an uninterrupted daily block of at least 45 minutes of planning for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule. Planning time shall be used primarily for lesson/program planning, parent conferences, student conferences, and conferring with other faculty members. A good faith effort must be made by the principal or designee to ensure equitable scheduling among the faculty for teacher participation and involvement for any accommodation plan meeting (IEP (Individual Education Plan), 504, BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan), etc.) in which the teacher’s planning time and instructional time are disrupted as little as possible. a) The principal may have up to one (1) of these 45-minute blocks per week designated for Collaborative Planning, Professional Learning Community (PLC), or Faculty Meetings (one (1) per month) or other data gathering/planning intended to increase student achievement. b) The four (4) 45-minute planning periods for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule shall be used by the teacher solely for self-directed planning time. Recognizing that curriculum changes are inevitable throughout all areas of instruction, team/common planning may occur and is encouraged in order to meet the needs of the students. Teachers are responsible for the proper utilization of the self-directed portion of planning time. 6.3-1 During weeks when there is a full Staff Development Day, or a shortened week, teachers will still have four (4) days of self-directed planning that week. 6.3-2 Elementary school teachers shall have an uninterrupted, continuous block of time of no fewer than forty-five (45) minutes per day of scheduled duty free planning time during the student contact time. Should a continuous forty-five (45) minute block be unfeasible, the principal will schedule a continuous thirty (30) minute block during the student day and an additional fifteen (15) minute continuous block of time during the duty day for planning. Elementary teachers shall stay with their students when the students are participating in regularly scheduled special classes only when there is no certified instructor available. 6.3-3 Middle school teachers shall have an uninterrupted, continuous block of forty-five (45) minutes per day for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule of scheduled duty free planning time during the student contact time. Middle school schedules should include time for teacher planning time for such concepts as team planning, back to back planning periods, parent conferences, student conferences, etc. In middle schools that elect to participate in a seven (7) or eight (8) period day, the normal teaching load will be six (6) out of seven (7) or seven (7) out of eight (8) periods. (Advisor/advisee instruction will count as a teaching period.) Teachers, excluding those teachers assigned to Special Programs, may be asked, but shall not be involuntarily assigned a teaching schedule requiring more than three (3) preparations. To indicate acceptance of a schedule with more than three (3) preparations, the teacher must be presented with the schedule in writing and indicate acceptance by attaching their signature. 6.3-4 High school teachers shall have an uninterrupted, continuous block of forty-five (45) minutes per day for a traditional schedule or an uninterrupted block of at least 90 minutes every other day for a block schedule of duty free planning time during the student contact time. A normal teaching load will be six (6) out of seven (7) periods. Instructional time will be arranged according to the school’s approved schedule and in accordance with Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) guidelines. Teachers, excluding those teachers assigned to Special Programs, may be asked, but shall not be involuntarily assigned a teaching schedule requiring more than three (3) preparations. To indicate acceptance of a schedule with more than three (3) preparations, the teacher must be presented with the schedule in writing and indicate acceptance by attaching their signature. 6.3-5 Traviss and Ridge Technical College regular program and academic teachers shall have three hundred (300) minutes per week of planning time. 6.3-6 Adult School (East and West Areas) teachers shall have at least 250 minutes per week of planning 6.3-7 Teachers are required to make arrangements with the principal or immediate supervisor prior to 6.3-8 The Board shall structure a schedule for students that dismisses all students 150 minutes early to provide teachers 150 minutes of planning time in addition to the planning time described in Sections 6.3 through 6.3-5. There shall be at least seven (7) of these Student Early Dismissal Days distributed throughout the school year as mutually agreed upon. The days shall be designated six (6) Teacher Self- Directed Planning Days and one (1) Staff Development Day in March with a portion used for state testing training.

  • TRAVELLING TIME 11.01 When the Employer requires an employee to travel for the purpose of performing duties, the employee shall be compensated in the following manner: (a) on a normal working day on which an employee travels but does not work, the employee shall receive regular pay for the day. (b) on a normal working day on which an employee travels and works, the employee shall be paid: (i) regular pay for the day for a combined period of travel and work not exceeding seven and one-half (7½) hours, (ii) at the applicable overtime rate for additional travel time in excess of a seven and one-half (7½) hour period of work and travel, with a maximum payment for such additional travel time not to exceed twelve (12) hours pay in any day, calculated at the straight-time rate. (c) On a day of rest or on a designated paid holiday, the employee shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate for hours travelled to a maximum payment of twelve (12) hours pay, calculated at the straight-time rate. 11.02 For the purpose of clause 11.01, the travelling time for which an employee shall be compensated is as follows: (a) for travel by public transportation, the time between the scheduled time of departure and the time of arrival at a destination, including the normal travel time to the point of departure, as determined by the Employer; (b) for travel by private means of transportation, the normal time as determined by the Employer, to proceed from the employee’s place of residence or work place, as applicable, direct to the destination and, upon return, direct back to the employee’s residence or work place; (c) in the event that an alternate time of departure and/or means of travel is requested by the employee, the Employer may authorize such alternate arrangements in which case compensation for travelling time shall not exceed that which would have been payable under the Employer’s original determination. 11.03 All calculations for travelling time shall be based on each completed period of thirty (30) minutes. 11.04 Upon application by the employee and with the approval of the Employer, compensation earned under this Article may be taken in the form of compensatory leave, which will be calculated at the applicable premium rate laid down in this Article. Compensatory leave earned in, or carried over to a fiscal year and outstanding on September 30 of the next following fiscal year shall be paid at the employee’s rate of pay in effect at that date, unless carried over by mutual agreement. 11.05 When a payment is being made as a result of the application of this Article, the Employer will endeavour to make such payment within six (6) weeks following the end of the pay period for which the employee requests payment, or, if payment is required to liquidate compensatory leave outstanding at the expiry of the fiscal year, the Employer will endeavour to make such payment within six (6) weeks of the commencement of the first pay period after September 30 of the next following fiscal year. 11.06 Travelling time shall include time necessarily spent at each stop-over en route up to a maximum of three (3) hours provided that such stop-over does not include an overnight stay. 11.07 Compensation under this Article shall not be paid for travel time to courses, training sessions, conferences and seminars unless so provided for in Article 19 (Career Development and Training).

  • REPORTING TIME Any employee, after being hired and reporting for work at the regular reporting time and for whom no work is provided, shall receive pay for two (2) hours at the regular rate of wages. Any employee who reports for work and for whom work is provided shall receive pay for the actual time worked, but not less than two (2) hours at the regular rate of wages, unless they have been notified before leaving their home not to report.

  • Starting Time is the time that employees present themselves at their work- station and not the time that employees are in the amenities or in the car park.

  • WAITING TIME Those employees working on a project who are entitled to receive subsistence allowance shall be paid a lump sum as waiting time based on the applicable straight time rate provided for in the Schedules attached hereto as follows: 12.1 The equivalent of four (4) hours pay for any working day lost during the regularly scheduled work week. 12.2 If no work is performed on a holiday designated in this Agreement, no waiting time shall be paid. 12.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of 12.1 and 12.2, where the Employer has provided notice of a starting time to follow a period for which waiting time is payable, any employee who, except for reasons of illness or emergency, is not available for work at the said starting time, or who voluntarily terminates his employment prior to the next regularly scheduled pay day, shall forfeit any unpaid waiting time pay, PROVIDED, however, the Employer shall notify the Local Union of such forfeiture. 12.4 In no event shall waiting time payments provided for hereinabove be included in computing the hours of work on which overtime is payable.

  • Voting Time All employees shall be allowed up to two paid hours for the purpose of voting provided the employee does not have sufficient time before or after regular duty hours to vote. The two hours authorized for voting does not apply to those employees who by reasons of their employment must vote by use of an absentee ballot.

  • Closing Time F. 2.15.1 Ensure that the employer receives the tender offer at the address specified in the tender data not later than the closing time stated in the tender data. Accept that proof of posting shall not be accepted as proof of delivery.

  • Maryland Residents To the extent, if any, that Maryland law applies to Your Account, We elect to offer Your Card Account pursuant to Title 12, Subtitle 9 of the Maryland Commercial Law Article.

  • General Counsel The General Counsel subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for the management and direction of the day-to-day legal affairs of the Company. The General Counsel shall perform such other duties and may exercise such other powers as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Board of Directors or the President.

  • ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES SECTION 1 The Association shall have, in addition to other rights expressly set forth or provided by statute, the following rights: A. Special conferences for important matters will be arranged between the Association President and the designated representative of the Employer upon request of either party. Such meetings will normally be between at least two (2) representatives of each of the parties and will be held at mutually agreeable times and places. Should the Employer require such meetings to be during participating bargaining unit members’ normal scheduled hours, such members will be released for the purpose of attending such conferences without loss of pay. B. The Association shall be provided with bulletin board space for the purpose of posting Association materials. These bulletin boards will be designated by building principals. The Association shall also have the right to use the school mails to distribute Association material upon the notification of the building principal. No political matter or advertising of any kind will be so posted or distributed without administrative authorization; i.e., millage proposals, ballot items. C. The Association shall have the right to use school facilities for meetings as long as the intended use does not interfere or conflict unduly with regular school functions, violate school policy, or increase personnel costs. D. The Association shall have the right to use non-recreational school equipment, including typewriters, mimeograph machines, other duplicating equipment, calculating machines, and all types of audiovisual equipment for Association meetings with the building principal’s approval and scheduling availability. E. The Association shall pay for the cost of all materials and supplies incidental to such use and shall be responsible for proper operation and care of all such equipment, including repair costs. F. After notifying the Principal’s office, duly authorized representatives of the Association, or representatives of the state and national levels, shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property provided that this shall not interfere with nor interrupt normal school operation. G. The officers of the Association or their designees shall have the opportunity to discuss, upon request, any new or modified fiscal budgetary educational policy. H. The Association shall be credited with a total of eight (8) days to be used by the officers or agents of the Association to bona fide Association business; such use to be at the discretion of the Association as provided herein. 1. The Association agrees to notify the Board no less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of taking such leave, except in an emergency. 2. The Association will provide payment of the substitute employee on all days. 3. Any employee scheduled to work on such leave shall receive full pay for such day (not including overtime). I. The duties of any bargaining unit member or the responsibilities of any position in the bargaining unit may not be substantially altered, or increased, (Minor modification in job description excepted) during the life of this Agreement without the concurrence of the employee and the Association. J. The parties recognize that supervisors may perform some duties which are similar or identical to bargaining unit employees and such functions shall not be considered a violation of this Agreement, so long as no full-time bargaining unit positions are displaced. K. The Employer agrees to furnish to the Association President, MEA Uniserv Director, or Building Designee available information concerning the financial resources of the District together with information which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaint in a manner consistent with Article 6. L. Within ten (10) working days the Employer shall notify the Association of a new said hire in writing which includes rate of pay, step, date of hire, and position. M. The Employer agrees to provide each employee with a copy of the negotiated agreement.