REPORTING TIME. Any employee, after being hired and reporting for work at the regular reporting time and for whom no work is provided, shall receive pay for two (2) hours at the regular rate of wages. Any employee who reports for work and for whom work is provided shall receive pay for the actual time worked, but not less than two (2) hours at the regular rate of wages, unless they have been notified before leaving their home not to report.
REPORTING TIME. 12.01 Any xxxxxx after being hired and/or reporting for work at the regular starting time and for whom no work is provided or due to climatic conditions, shall receive pay for two (2) hours at the applicable rate of wages, unless he has been notified not to report. The foregoing provisions shall apply to Saturday, Sunday, holidays and shift work at the applicable rate of pay. Employees who commence work shall receive the greater of reporting time or actual time worked.
REPORTING TIME. A full-time employee who is required to report to work for full-time service (eight hours) shall be given a minimum of four (4) hours of work on the day of reporting. In the absence of at least four (4) hours of work, the employee shall receive four (4) hours of pay at the employee's regular straight-time hourly rate or overtime, whichever is applicable. A part-time employee who is scheduled for six (6) hours of work, or more, shall be given a minimum of two (2) hours of work on the day of reporting. However, an employee who reports for work, and who because of illness or physical disability cannot be employed for the protection of either the employee's own well-being or that of others, shall receive pay only for actual hours worked.
REPORTING TIME. 19.01 Whenever an Elevator Constructor Mechanic or Helper covered by this Agreement reports to work on a construction, service or maintenance job on request of the Employer and there is no work available, except for reasons beyond the control of the Employer, the employee shall receive two (2) hours' pay at straight time rates.
REPORTING TIME. When a bargaining unit employee reports to his/her assigned work location and is then detailed to another location, he/she shall be allowed a reasonable time to arrive at the location of the detail.
REPORTING TIME. 24.01 When an Employee reports for work at the Employer’s shop or job, at the request of the Employer and is told he is not required, he shall be paid a minimum of three (3) hours wages plus travel expenses and/or board allowance when applicable.
REPORTING TIME. 29.01 Employees reporting for work at their regular starting time and for whom no work is available shall be paid three hours at their applicable rate plus vacation pay, fringe benefits, and expense money as may apply.
REPORTING TIME. Any employee who is scheduled to report for work and who presents himself/herself for work as scheduled, but where no work is available to him/her, shall be excused from duty and paid at his/her regular rate for two (2) hours work.
REPORTING TIME. The employer has a general duty to provide work for employees who report for work, and to notify employees not to report for work if their services are not required. Where an employee is requested to report for work and reports in accordance with that request and no work is provided, the employee shall be entitled to receive pay for four (4) hours at the regular rate of pay, provided that the employee in question remains on site and is available for work or receives permission or instruction to leave the job site from the employer. However, where strike conditions, weather conditions or other factors beyond the control of the employer make it impossible, impractical or unsafe to put an employee to work, the following provisions are to apply:
14.01 If a bargaining unit employee reports to the site and is requested to remain on site by on site supervision, and he subsequently works, he shall be paid for all his time on the site, not just the hours he has worked.
14.02 If a bargaining unit employee is on site and is requested by on site supervision to stay up to a maximum of two (2) hours, and thereafter he is not put to work, he shall not receive any pay.
14.03 If a bargaining unit employee is on site and is requested by on site supervision to stay beyond a two (2) hour period, he shall be paid for any time that he remains on site in accordance with the request beyond the initial two (2) hours, whether he works or not.
14.04 If a bargaining unit employee is on site and remains on site by his own volition, he shall be paid only for hours worked that day.
14.05 These provisions are not to be used in a discriminatory manner against any bargaining unit employee.
14.06 The foregoing provisions shall apply to Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays and shift work at the applicable rate of pay.
14.07 The employer shall determine when weather conditions on the job are such that the men shall or shall not work.
REPORTING TIME. 26 Any employee who is scheduled to report for work and who presents themselves 27 for work as scheduled, but where work is not available for them, shall be excused from 28 duty and paid at their regular rate for a day’s work.