• Maternity/Child Care Leave A. The Board agrees to provide employees with a child care leave of absence, without pay, as set forth below:

  • Child Care Leave (a) An employee who is a natural or adoptive parent shall be granted upon request in writing child care leave without pay for a period of up to thirty-five (35) weeks. The leave may be shared by the parents or taken wholly by one (1) parent.

  • Xxxxx Care Leave Leave may be granted to any employee, upon request, to care for or to arrange for care for parents of the employee or the employee's spouse.

  • Maternity Leave (a) An employee is entitled to maternity leave of up to 17 weeks without pay.

  • Maternity/Paternity Leave Solely for purposes of determining whether the Employee incurs a Break in Service under any provision of this Plan, the Advisory Committee must credit Hours of Service during an Employee's unpaid absence period due to maternity or paternity leave. The Advisory Committee considers an Employee on maternity or paternity leave if the Employee's absence is due to the Employee's pregnancy, the birth of the Employee's child, the placement with the Employee of an adopted child, or the care of the Employee's child immediately following the child's birth or placement. The Advisory Committee credits Hours of Service under this paragraph on the basis of the number of Hours of Service the Employee would receive if he were paid during the absence period or, if the Advisory Committee cannot determine the number of Hours of Service the Employee would receive, on the basis of 8 hours per day during the absence period. The Advisory Committee will credit only the number (not exceeding 501) of Hours of Service necessary to prevent an Employee's Break in Service. The Advisory Committee credits all Hours of Service described in this paragraph to the computation period in which the absence period begins or, if the Employee does not need these Hours of Service to prevent a Break in Service in the computation period in which his absence period begins, the Advisory Committee credits these Hours of Service to the immediately following computation period.

  • Extended Child Care Leave ‌ Upon completion of maternity, adoption and/or parental leave, including any extension to such leaves, a regular employee will be entitled, upon written application, to a leave of absence without pay to care for the child. Subject to Clause 11.3(a), the following conditions shall apply:

  • Childcare Leave Every employee who has served the Company for at least three months and who has a child below the age of seven (7) years shall be entitled to the prescribed number of days of paid childcare leave in a year in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Children Development Co-Savings Act or the Employment Act, as the case may be.

  • Maternity Maternity leaves, not to exceed six (6) months, shall be granted at the request of the employee.

  • Medical Care Leave An Employee who is unable to make the necessary arrangements for maintenance of personal health care outside of scheduled work time, shall be granted time off with pay. Such time off shall not exceed sixteen (16) working hours per calendar year. Hours in excess of sixteen (16) hours per calendar year shall be deducted from the Employee's sick leave accumulation.

  • Care Leave Employees will be granted up to twenty-eight (28) hours leave in each calendar year for the purpose of providing or arranging for unexpected care for the employee’s spouse, dependent or parent(s), or to accompany them to obtain unexpected medical care. Fifty percent (50%) of the leave granted under this clause (up to 14 hours) shall be provided by the Employer as paid leave. The remaining fifty percent (50%) (up to 14 hours) will be contributed by the employee from the employee’s accrued leave entitlements (if any). If the employee has no accrued leave entitlement the employee will take her portion of the leave as unpaid leave. In each case where leave is granted, fifty percent (50%) of the leave will be paid for by the Employer (to a maximum of 14 hours) and fifty percent (50%) by the employee, as per the preceding paragraph. Care leave will include all purposes under Section 50(1) paragraph 2 & 3 of the Employment Standards Act, 2000. Employees accrue seniority and service while on such leave. To clarify, this article, and other clauses in the current agreement that provide for paid or unpaid leaves for purposes under the new ESA provisions, will be deemed to offset the requirement for the Employer to provide for ten days of unpaid leave to the extent that the Care Leave clause, and other leave clauses are accessed during the course of a year.

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