Mechanical Properties Sample Clauses
Mechanical Properties a) Yield Strength: 42.5 ksi maximum as received and 36.0 ksi minimum after 400 degrees F bake for 10 minutes. b) Elongation in 2": 3% minimum as received
Mechanical Properties. (As-Received) H19 Temper: Yield Strength: 44-52 ksi Tensile Strength: 48-58 ksi Elongation in 2": 2% minimum
3. Chemical Composition (% maximum unless shown otherwise):
Mechanical Properties. Mechanical strength - length direction kN/m EN ISO 10319 kN/m 47 Mass per unit area # EN ISO 9864 g/m2 2,000 Nominal Thickness # EN ISO 9863-I mm 12 Geomat Color# Black Roll Length m 25 Roll Width m 1.95 Values indicated in the table are typical values # Not performance parameter
Mechanical Properties. Property Class 12.9 as per IS : 1367, ISO : 898 Part I.
Mechanical Properties. Hardness : HRC 47 (Min).
Mechanical Properties. F4E will perform regular stress strain tests at room temperature to confirm the material composition and mechanical properties of the virgin strand do not change during production. The reference values for acceptance are defined by the materials as delivered for the CPQS (see section 3.4).
Mechanical Properties. The ligaments were modelled using non-linear spring elements with a damping coefficient of =900 Nm/s (Xx Xxxxx et al. [45], =300Nm/s, Dauvilliers et al. [69], =2000Nm/s). To define the behaviour laws of each ligament in both the lower and upper cervical spines, we referred to two complementary studies by Xxxxxx et al. [44] and Xxxxxxxxxx et al. [53, 54]. The Chazal et al. study [44] highlights the non-linear viscoelastic behaviour of ligaments whereas Xxxxxxxxxx et al. [53, 54] gives information on their failure properties. Concerning the intervertebral disks the hypothesis of a homogeneous linear elastic isotropic material was considered with a Young modulus of 100 MPa and a Poisson's ratio of 0.3. These values are situated between the extreme values related in the literature which represents a global behaviour of this structure (Kleinberger [61], Dauvilliers et al. [60]). The cervical vertebrae were declared as rigid bodies. The mechanical characteristics in terms of mass and inertias are taken from the work of Xxxx et al. [46]. Finally for the muscles a viscoelastic law has been implemented based on the Chawla et al. [43] study. Mechanical properties are listed in Table 9. Table 9. Mechanical properties of the Strasbourg University Finite Element Neck Model Part Material property Material parameter Value Element type Intervertebral discs Elastic Density Young modulus Poisson’s ratio 1100 Kg.m- 100 Mpa 0.3 Solid Muscle Posterior Viscous Elastic Density Bulk modulus Short shear mod. Long shear mod. Decay constant 1100 Kg.m-3 2500 Mpa 0.115 Mpa 0.086 Mpa 100 s-1 Solid Muscle Anterior Elastic Density Bulk modulus Short shear mod. Long shear mod. Decay constant 1100 Kg.m-3 2500 Mpa 0.0395 Mpa 0.00295Mpa 100 s-1 Solid
Mechanical Properties a Grade A
Mechanical Properties. Tensile strength of PVC plasticized by DINP is similar to that of PVC plasticized by DEHP, as reported in Figure 6 a), extracted from [1]. In this case, Placard, which lowers the strength by a higher amount (Figure 6 b)), is more efficient than DEHP and DINP (a plasticizer, softening the polymer, is expected to decrease the tensile strength). In Figure 6 a), the tensile strength of PVC plasticized by 70 phr of DEHP can be estimated to be, by the linear fitting, And the tensile strength of PVC plasticized by DINP: Therefore almost the same value of strength. Instead, by Figure 6 b) the tensile strength of PVC with Placard S29 is 20% lower than that of PVC plasticized with DEHP, and the tensile strength of soft PVC with placard S32 is 15% lower than that of soft PVC with DEHP. Addition of Placard involves a decrease of the strength by a factor of 20% (for S29) and 15% (for S32) compared to DEHP and DINP. a) b) (MPa) T S291 S32 DEHP Figure 6: Tensile strength comparison a) between DEHP and DINP plasticised PVC and b) between soft PVC samples with DEHP and Placard. Source: Placard Consortium
Mechanical Properties. The rock mass surrounding the fracture was modelled as a homogeneous, isotropic and elastic material, with a Young’s modulus of 40 GPa and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.22. The fracture was modelled with a Coulomb slip criterion and the fracture parameters used were altered between different models to evaluate their influence on fracture shear displacements. The fracture was simulated with no cohesion and no dilation.