Table 9 Sample Clauses
Table 9. Warranty Describe in detail your manufacturer warranty program, including conditions and requirements to qualify, claims procedure, and overall structure. You may upload representative samples of your warranty materials (if applicable) in the document upload section of your response in addition to responding to the questions below. Line Item Question Response * Table 10: Payment Terms and Financing Options Line Item Question Response *
Table 9. Do you believe that CRADLE project has filled the expectations outlined during the time of its application? 33
Table 9. Datastore I/O Balance (Performance tab) Description This view shows the data transfer rates for each datastore connected to the selected cluster.
Table 9. Overview of pre- and post-2012 on-course support at LSE
Table 9. 7. The repartition of the pastes between rims and bases (cf. Table 9.4 for the paste numbers).
Table 9. 6.1 – Royalty Rates for Ionis Products Portion of Annual Net Sales of each Ionis Product that is less than or equal to [***] [***] Portion of Annual Net Sales of each Ionis Product that is greater than [***], and less than or equal to [***] [***] Portion of Annual Net Sales for each Ionis Product that is greater than [***], and less than or equal to [***] [***] Portion of Annual Net Sales of each Ionis Product that is greater than [***] [***] By way of example only, if the Annual Net Sales for an Ionis Product are [***] for a given Calendar Year, then the Ionis Royalties payable with respect to such Annual Net Sales for such Ionis Product in such Calendar Year, subject to adjustment as set forth in Section 9.6.2 (Adjustment to Ionis Royalties) would be: [***] + [***] + [***] + [***] = [***]. For the avoidance of doubt, the obligation to pay Ionis Royalties will be imposed only once with respect to the same unit of an Ionis Product.
Table 9. Drugs used in thesis. *Final DMSO concentration never exceeded 0.5%
Table 9. Summary table of factors affecting a country's successful transition that were identified and analyzed in key research papers 48 Table 10. Data on Georgia at the onset of its transition to domestic financing process (2009) 49 Table 11. Economic, Health Expenditure, and Domestic Health Financing Data for Georgia (2009-2016) 50 Table 12. Gavi funds disbursed (in thousand USD) by year to Georgia 51 Table 13. Data on Nigeria at the onset of its transition to domestic financing process (2009) 55 Table 14. Economic, Health Expenditure, and Domestic Health Financing Data for Nigeria (2009-2016) ................................................................................................................................... 56 Table 15. Gavi funds disbursed (in thousand USD) to Nigeria by year 59 Table 16. Summary of key findings 61 Figure 1. Gavi’s visual representation of their transition model 4 Figure 2. The Global Fund’s graphic representation of Parts 1 and 2 of its Sustainability, Transition and Co-financing Policy 12 Figure 3. The Global Fund’s graphic representation of Parts 2 and 3 of the Sustainability, Transition and Co-financing Policy 13 Figure 4. Flowchart of search methods and resultant data sources 17 Figure 5. The conceptual framework on data collection and analysis for aims 1-4 23 Figure 6. Summary data for Georgia (2009) 49 Figure 7. Summary data for Nigeria (2009) 55
Table 9. Included Operating System Software..............................39 Table 10. Manufacturer Specific Software.................................39 Table 11. DC Voltage Out of Tolerance Levels.............................43 Table 12. Serial Port Connections........................................50 Table 13. Hard Disk Drive Configuration..................................52 Table 14. Environmental Requirements.....................................55 Table 15. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)............................56 Table 16. Product Safety Requirements....................................57 This specification establishes the requirements for an Intelligent Processor Unit (IPU) meeting the operational, environmental, and regulatory requirements of the Central Office (CO). The unit consists of one (1) 24" rack mount chassis, one (1) SPARC Ultra AXmp type motherboard, up to four (4) UltraSPARC II CPU modules, up to 4GB DIMM memory, one (1) tape drive, two (2) disk drives, one (1) CDROM, four (4) compact PCI slots, alarm circuitry, as well as, the necessary power and cooling subsystems. Amp(s) Ampere(s) ANSI American National Standards Institute AVL Approved Vendor List AWG American Wire Gauge CDROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory CO Central Office cPCI Compact PCI CPU Central Processor Unit CSA Canadian Standards Association DC Direct Current DSC Alcatel USA (Formally DSC Communication Corporation) EIA Electronic Industries Association EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference ESD ElectroStatic Discharge FCC Federal Communications Commission GB GigaByte ID IDentification IPU Intelligent Processor Unit MTBF Mean Time Between Failure PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect PDSI Pinnacle Data Systems Inc. PN Part Number SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface SIMM Single Inline Memory Module SPARC Scalable Processor Architecture Reduced instruction set Computer SUN SUN Microsystems Inc. TTL Transistor - Transistor Logic UL Underwriters Laboratory V Volts VDC Volts Direct Current Applicable documents The following documents and specifications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.
Table 9. Summary table of factors affecting a country's successful transition that were identified and analyzed in key research papers Vaccine Cost Drivers Considered Enabling Institutional Factors External Enabling Factors Number Strength of Governance Capacity of Strength of health Incremental, of and Government Institutional systems Laws and Adequate verifiable vaccines Capacity for to Capacity for enabling regulations human milestones adopted Length of evidenced sustainably Political procurement, service allowing for resources Strength of Access to Stability of and Author,Year GHIExamined Size of BirthCohort with GAVI support time in transitionphase I based decision making predict and collect revenue Will to FinanceHealth regulation, and dispersalof vaccines. delivery/ equitablecoverage access to key populations and workforcecapacity Health Information Systems affordable vaccine/medicine prices growth/favorable macroeconomic conditions mechanisms for transition established Saxenian et al., 2015 XXXX Xxxxxxxxxx et al.,2016 XXXX Xxxxx & Xxxxx, 2018 Global Fund Cernuschi et al., 2018 GAVI Gotsadze et al., 2019 Global Fund Yamey et al., 2019 GAVI