Medical/Dental Expense Account The Employer agrees to allow insurance eligible employees to participate in a medical and dental expense reimbursement program to cover co- payments, deductibles and other medical and dental expenses or expenses for services not covered by health or dental insurance on a pre-tax basis as permitted by law or regulation, up to the maximum amount of salary reduction contributions allowed per calendar year under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code or other applicable federal law.
Shift Premiums (a) All employees who are required by the Employer to rotate over two (2) or more shifts shall receive a shift premium of thirty cents ($0.30) for each hour worked on the afternoon or evening shifts only. Shift premium will not be paid for any hour in which an employee receives overtime premium and shift premium will not form part of the employee's straight time hourly rate. (b) In no event shall there be any pyramiding of benefits or payments.
Monthly Disbursements On or before the fifth (5th) day of each calendar month, during the design and construction of the Tenant Improvements (or such other date as Landlord may designate), Tenant shall deliver to Landlord: (i) a request for reimbursement of amounts paid to the “Contractor,” as that term is defined in Section 4.1.1 of this Tenant Work Letter, approved by Tenant, in a commercially reasonable form to be provided by Landlord, showing the schedule, by trade, of percentage of completion of the Tenant Improvements in the Premises, detailing the portion of the work completed and the portion not completed; (ii) invoices from all of “Tenant’s Agents,” as that term is defined in Section 4.1.2 of this Tenant Work Letter, for labor rendered and materials for the Premises; (iii) executed mechanic’s lien releases, as applicable, from all of Tenant’s Agents which shall comply with the appropriate provisions, as reasonably determined by Landlord, of California Civil Code Section 3262(d); and (iv) all other information reasonably requested by Landlord. Tenant’s request for payment shall be deemed Tenant’s acceptance and approval of the work furnished and/or the materials supplied as set forth in Tenant’s payment request. Within forty-five (45) days thereafter, Landlord shall deliver a check to Tenant made payable to Tenant in payment of the lesser of: (A) the amounts so requested by “tenant as set forth in this Section, above (or, subject to the terms of Section 4.2.1, below, a percentage thereof), and (B) the balance of any remaining available portion of the Tenant Improvement Allowance, provided that Landlord does not dispute any request for payment based on non-compliance of any work with the “Approved Working Drawings,” as that term is defined in Section 3.5 below, or due to any substandard work. Landlord’s payment of such amounts shall not be deemed Landlord’s approval or acceptance of the work furnished or materials supplied as set forth in Tenant’s payment request.
Insurance Costs (08/19) Contractor shall be financially responsible for all premiums, deductibles, self-insured retentions, and self-insurance.
Night Shift Premium Any employee who is required to work on any day when the majority of their working hours fall between 10.00 p.m. and 5.00 a.m., or who starts their shift prior to 5.00 a.m., shall be paid a premium, in addition to their regular, hourly rate, of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per hour for all hours worked on the shift. Shift premium pay shall not be added to an employee’s hourly rate for the purpose of computing overtime. This clause shall not result in duplication of premiums.
Reimbursement Premium (a) If the Company writes Covered Policies before June 1 of the Contract Year, the Company shall pay the FHCF its Reimbursement Premium in installments due on or before August 1, October 1, and December 1 of the Contract Year in amounts to be determined by the FHCF. However, if the Company’s Reimbursement Premium for the prior Contract Year was less than $5,000, the Company’s full provisional Reimbursement Premium, in an amount equal to the Reimbursement Premium paid in the prior year, shall be due in full on or before August 1 of the Contract Year. the Company will be invoiced for amounts due, if any, beyond the provisional Reimbursement Premium payment, on or before December 1 of the Contract Year. (b) If the Company is under administrative supervision, or if any control or oversight of the Company has been transferred through any legal or regulatory action to a state regulator or court appointed receiver or rehabilitator (referred to in the aggregate as “state action”): 1. The full annual provisional Reimbursement Premium as billed and any outstanding balances will be due and payable on August 1, or the date that such State action occurs after August 1 of the Contract Year. 2. Failure by such Company to pay the full annual provisional Reimbursement Premium as specified in subparagraph 1. by the applicable due date shall result in the 45% Coverage Level being deemed for the complete Contract Year regardless of the level selected for the Company through the execution of this Contract and regardless of whether a Covered Event occurred or triggered coverage. 3. Subparagraphs 1. and 2. do not apply if the state regulator, receiver, or rehabilitator provides a letter of assurance to the FHCF stating that the Company will have the resources and will pay the full Reimbursement Premium for the Coverage Level selected through the execution of this Contract. 4. When control or oversight has been transferred, in whole or in part, through a legal or regulatory action, the controlling management of the Company shall specify by August 1 or as soon thereafter as possible (but not to exceed two weeks after any regulatory or legal action) in a letter to the FHCF as to the Company’s intentions to either pay the full FHCF Reimbursement Premium as specified in subparagraph 1., to default to the 45% Coverage Level being deemed as specified in subparagraph 2., or to provide the assurances as specified in subparagraph 3. (c) A New Participant that first begins writing Covered Policies on or after June 1 but prior to December 1 of the Contract Year shall pay the FHCF a provisional Reimbursement Premium of $1,000 no later than 30 days from the date the New Participant began writing Covered Policies. The Administrator shall calculate the Company's actual Reimbursement Premium for the period based on its actual exposure as of November 30 of the Contract Year, as reported on or before February 1 of the Contract Year. To recognize that New Participants have limited exposure during this period, the actual Reimbursement Premium as determined by processing the Company's exposure data shall then be divided in half, the provisional Reimbursement Premium shall be credited, and the resulting amount shall be the total Reimbursement Premium due for the Company for the remainder of the Contract Year. However, if that amount is less than $1,000, then the Company shall pay $1,000. The Reimbursement Premium payment is due no later than April 1 of the Contract Year. The Company’s Retention and coverage will be determined based on the total Reimbursement Premium due as calculated above. (d) A New Participant that first begins writing Covered Policies on or after December 1 through and including May 31 of the Contract Year shall pay the FHCF a Reimbursement Premium of $1,000 no later than 30 days from the date the New Participant began writing Covered Policies. (e) The requirement that the Reimbursement Premium is due on a certain date means that the Reimbursement Premium shall be remitted by wire transfer or ACH and shall have been credited to the FHCF’s account, as set out on the invoice sent to the Company, on the due date applicable to the particular installment. (f) Except as required by Section 215.555(7)(c), Florida Statutes, or as described in the following sentence, Reimbursement Premiums, together with earnings thereon, received in a given Contract Year will be used only to pay for Losses attributable to Covered Events occurring in that Contract Year or for Losses attributable to Covered Events in subsequent Contract Years and will not be used to pay for past Losses or for debt service on post-event revenue bonds issued pursuant to Section 215.555(6)(a)1., Florida Statutes. Reimbursement Premiums and earnings thereon may be used for payments relating to such revenue bonds in the event emergency assessments are insufficient. If Reimbursement Premiums or earnings thereon are used for debt service on post- event revenue bonds, then the amount of the Reimbursement Premiums or earnings thereon so used shall be returned, without interest, to the Fund when emergency assessments or other legally available funds remain available after making payment relating to the post-event revenue bonds and any other purposes for which emergency assessments were levied.
Premium Payments The insurance companies shall have no recourse against the County and funding agencies, its officers and employees or any of them for payment of any premiums or assessments under any policy issued by a mutual insurance company.
Education Allowance Provisions in existing Collective Agreements providing for educational allowances shall be continued in effect.
Monthly Base Rent With respect to any Payment Date and any Lease Vehicle (other than a Lease Vehicle with respect to which the Disposition Date occurred during such Related Month), the “Monthly Base Rent” with respect to such Lease Vehicle for such Payment Date shall equal the pro rata portion (based upon the number of days in the Related Month with respect to such Payment Date that were included in the Vehicle Term for such Lease Vehicle) of the Depreciation Charge for such Lease Vehicle as of the last day of such Related Month calculated on a 30/360 day basis.
Overtime and Premium Pay A nurse shall be paid at the rate of one and one- half (1½) times the nurse’s regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked in any one category listed below, including statutory overtime pay under 9.4.1 or premium pay under 9.4.2 through