MINERAL RESERVATION. Seller, for itself and its successors and assigns, expressly reserves and retains all right, title and interest in and to all of the oil, gas, and other minerals and mineral rights in, on, or under the Property, if any. Seller expressly waives the right to use the surface of the Property in connection with the exercise of the mineral reservation herein created, Seller reserving the right to extract minerals from the Property only by means of directional drilling from other properties or by pooling or unitization of the Property with other tracts.
MINERAL RESERVATION. The State of California (“State”), pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 1333 of the Statutes of 1968, as amended, has reserved all subsurface mineral deposits, including oil and gas deposits, on or underlying the License Area and Licensee acknowledges such reserved rights including necessary ingress and egress rights. In no event shall Port be liable to Licensee for any Claims arising from the State’s exercise of its rights nor shall such action entitle Licensee to any abatement or diminution of Fees or otherwise relieve Licensee from any of its obligations under this License.
MINERAL RESERVATION. The State of California (“State”), pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 1333 of the Statutes of 1968, as amended, has reserved all subsurface mineral deposits, including oil and gas deposits, on or underlying the Premises and Tenant acknowledges such reserved rights including necessary ingress and egress rights. In no event shall Port be liable to Tenant for any Claims arising from the State’s exercise of its rights nor shall such action entitle Tenant to any abatement or diminution of Rent or otherwise relieve Tenant from any of its obligations under this Lease.
MINERAL RESERVATION. The quitclaim deed shall transfer only the surface estate of the Property to the Buyer, and the City shall specifically exclude and reserve unto itself any and all interest in and to all of the mineral rights of whatsoever nature or kind in, under, and that may be produced from the Property, including rights to any oil, gas, gravel, clay, scoria, sulphur, and all other minerals whether similar or dissimilar, and including the rights to any oil royalties, gas royalties, overriding royalty interests, working interests, royalties in casinghead gas and all other royalties whatsoever. The City also reserves the right of ingress and egress to the Property for exploring for, drilling, mining, storing, and transporting any of the minerals reserved unto itself.
MINERAL RESERVATION. Seller agrees to sell and convey to the Purchaser fifty-one percent (51%) of the oil, gas, and other minerals in and under and that may be produced from the Land and all of the executive rights applicable to the Land together with the right of ingress and egress for the purpose of exploring, drilling, mining for, and producing oil, gas, and other minerals, which will entitle Purchaser to fifty-one percent (51%) of all royalties under any existing and/or future leases. Seller will reserve unto itself, its heirs, successors and assigns, forty-nine percent (49%) of the oil, gas, and other minerals in and under and that may be produced from the Land subject to this Agreement, together with the right to receive a like part of all royalties, bonuses, and rentals payable under any lease in the proportion that the reserved interest bears to one hundred percent (100%) of the fee mineral interest under the Land. Seller is expressly authorized to enter into any mineral lease pending Closing, and the conveyance to Purchaser under this Agreement will be subject to any mineral lease existing at Closing. In the event that a mineral lease is executed after the Effective Date, but prior to the Closing Date, Seller shall pay Purchaser at Closing fifty-one percent (51%) of all royalties, bonuses and rentals received by Seller after the Effective Date, but prior to Closing Date, on any such executed mineral lease. Purchaser agrees to ratify any mineral lease existing as of the Closing Date. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, Purchaser has the right to approve any mineral lease prior to its execution. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Purchaser fails to approve or reject any mineral lease within ten (10) business day after the same has been submitted to Purchaser by Seller, such mineral lease shall be deemed approved. In the event that a mineral lease is executed after the Effective Date, but prior to the Closing Date, Seller shall pay Purchaser at Closing, in addition to the above, fifty-one percent (51%) of all payments received for surface damages and one-hundred percent (100%) of all payments received for easements for roads and transmission lines.
MINERAL RESERVATION. The State of California, pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 1333 of the Statutes of 1968, as amended, has reserved all subsurface mineral deposits, including oil and gas deposits, on or underlying the Premises. In accordance with the provisions of said Statutes, Port and Tenant shall and hereby do grant to the State of California the right to explore, drill for and extract said subsurface minerals, including oil and gas deposits, from such area. In no event shall Port be liable to Tenant for any Claims arising from such exploration or drilling, nor shall such exploration or drilling constitute an actual or constructive eviction of Tenant, or entitle Tenant to any abatement or diminution of Rent or otherwise relieve Tenant from any of its obligations under this Lease.
MINERAL RESERVATION. The State of California, pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 1333 of the Statutes of 1968, as amended, has reserved all subsurface mineral deposits, including oil and gas deposits, on or underlying the Premises. In accordance with the provisions of said statute, Port and Management Contractor shall and hereby do grant to the State of California the right to explore, drill for and extract said subsurface minerals, including oil and gas deposits, from an area located by the California Grid System, Zone 3, beginning at a point where X equals 1,449,500 and Y equals 483,400, extending 1,100 feet south, thence 200 feet east, thence 1,100 feet north, and thence 200 feet west, ending at said point of beginning.
MINERAL RESERVATION. The SELLER will except and reserve all mineral rights pertaining to the Property, but will expressly agree not to disturb the surface of the Property.
MINERAL RESERVATION. The State of California, pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 1333 of the Statutes of 1968, as amended, has reserved all subsurface mineral deposits, including oil and gas deposits, on or underlying the Premises. In accordance with the provisions of said Statutes, Port and Tenant shall and hereby do grant to the State of California the right to explore, drill for and extract said subsurface minerals, including oil and gas deposits, from the Mineral Reservation area located by the California Grid System as more particularly described in Section 1.10 hereof.
MINERAL RESERVATION. Notwithstanding the description of the Property in Section 1.1 above, Seller shall reserve all subsurface oil, minerals, natural gas, all surface-mined materials such as sand, gravel and aggregate, coal, and the like, or other similar materials of any nature (the "Mineral Reservation").