MODIFICATION OF CLEC’S FACILITIES. 13.01 Notification of Planned Modifications. CLEC shall notify SBC MISSOURI in writing at least 30 days before adding to, relocating, replacing or otherwise modifying its facilities attached to a pole, or located in any SBC MISSOURI duct or conduit. The notice shall contain sufficient information to enable SBC MISSOURI to determine whether the proposed addition, relocation, replacement, or modification is permitted under CLEC’s present license or requires a new or amended license. No notice shall be required for such routine modifications as the installation or placement of drive rings or J-hooks, terminals, and other ancillary apparatus routinely used in providing service to customers, having no effect on the structural integrity of SBC MISSOURI’S poles, ducts, or conduits, and having no effect on the ability of SBC MISSOURI or joint users to use or have access to SBC MISSOURI’S poles, ducts, conduits, or rights-of-way.