Monitoring Component. As defined in the MCC M&E Policy, monitoring is the continuous, systematic collection of data on specified indicators to provide indications of progress toward objectives and the achievement of intermediate results along the way. To monitor progress toward the achievement of results of this Compact, the Monitoring Component of the M&E Plan will identify: (a) the Indicators (as defined below); (b) the definitions of the Indicators; (c) the sources and methods for data collection; (d) the frequency for data collection; (e) the party or parties responsible for collecting and analyzing relevant data; and (f) the timeline for reporting on each Indicator to MCC. It should be noted that some indicators will continue to be tracked after the Compact Term as necessary. The M&E Plan will measure the results of the Program using quantitative, objective and reliable data (“Indicators”). (i) The M&E Plan will establish baselines for every Indicator (each, a “Baseline”). An Indicator’s Baseline should be established prior to the start of the corresponding Project, Activity and/or Sub-Activity. Baselines demonstrate that the problem can be specified in measurable terms, and are thus a prerequisite for adequate intervention design. The Government will collect Baselines on the selected Indicators or verify already collected Baselines where applicable. (ii) The M&E Plan will establish a benchmark for each Indicator that specifies the expected value and the expected time by which the result will be achieved (“Target”). (iii) The M&E Plan will indicate which Indicators will be disaggregated by gender, income level, age and beneficiary types to the extent practical and applicable. (iv) MCC’s Common Indicators (as described in the MCC M&E Policy) will also be included as relevant. (v) Subject to prior written approval from MCC and in accordance with the MCC M&E Policy, the Government may add Indicators or refine the definitions and Targets of existing Indicators. (vi) MCA-Benin II must report to MCC on monitoring Indicators in the M&E Plan on a quarterly basis using an Indicator Tracking Table (“ITT”) in the form provided by MCC. No changes to Indicators, Baselines or Targets may be made in the ITT until the changes have been approved in the M&E Plan. Additional guidance on Indicator reporting is contained in MCC’s Guidance on Quarterly MCA Disbursement Request and Reporting Package. In the case that MCA-Benin II submits a six-month disbursement request, the ITT must still be submitted quarterly. Key Indicators that can be reported on at least an annual basis will be included in quarterly monitoring indicator reports, while Indicators that require survey data or a longer time period to track will be tracked through the evaluations. The M&E Plan will contain the monitoring Indicators listed in the tables below. The Indicators listed below are not exhaustive. Instead, they represent data that has been deemed, at this stage, important to collect. Additional outcome, output and process Indicators will be developed for each Project as design and implementation details are further defined. Reduced Commercial Losses Collection Rate Total Revenue from Paid Invoices / Total Amount Invoiced Percentage XXX XXX Demand Reduction by the Government kWh of electricity saved through public sector energy efficiency practices Demand reduction by Government ministries through energy efficient practices and equipment kWh 0 TBD Medium-term Outcomes Increased Cost Recovery for SBEE Total Electricity Sold The total MWh of electricity sales to all customer types MWh 840,546 TBD Short-term Outcomes Increased Domestic Generation Output Total Electricity Supply Total system supplied, in MWh, produced or imported in a year MWh 1,073,809 TBD
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Millennium Challenge Compact, Millennium Challenge Compact
Monitoring Component. As defined in the MCC M&E Policy, monitoring is the continuous, systematic collection of data on specified indicators to provide indications of progress toward objectives and the achievement of intermediate results along the way. To monitor progress toward the achievement of results of this Compact, the Monitoring Component of the M&E Plan will identify: identify (a) the Indicators (as defined below); , (b) the definitions of the Indicators; , (c) the sources and methods for data collection; , (d) the frequency for data collection; , (e) the party or parties responsible for collecting and analyzing relevant data; and , (f) the timeline for reporting on each Indicator to MCCMCC and (g) required disaggregations (all indicators should be sex disaggregated when possible). It should be noted that some indicators Indicators will continue to be tracked in a Post Compact M&E Plan after the this Compact Term expires, as necessarydescribed further below. Goal, Outcome, Output, and Process Indicators. The M&E Plan will measure the results of the Program using quantitative, objective objective, and reliable data (“Indicators”).
(i) The M&E Plan will establish baselines for every Indicator (each, a “Baseline”). An Indicator’s Baseline should be established prior to the start of the corresponding Project, Activity and/or Subsub-Activityactivity. Baselines demonstrate that the problem can be specified in measurable terms, and are thus a prerequisite pre-requisite for adequate intervention design. The Government will collect Baselines on the selected Indicators or verify already collected Baselines where applicable.
(ii) The M&E Plan will establish a benchmark for each Indicator that specifies the expected value and the expected time by which the result will be achieved (“Target”).
(iii) The M&E Plan will indicate which Indicators will be disaggregated by gendersex, income level, age and age, and beneficiary types to the extent practical and applicable.
(iv) MCC’s Common Indicators (as described in the MCC M&E Policy) will also be included as relevant.
(v) Subject to prior written approval from MCC and in accordance with the MCC M&E Policy, the Government may add Indicators or refine the definitions and Targets of existing Indicators.
(vi) MCA-Benin II Liberia must report to MCC on monitoring Indicators in the M&E Plan on a quarterly basis using an Indicator Tracking Table (“ITT”) in the form provided by MCC. No changes to Indicators, Baselines or Targets may be made in the ITT until the changes have been approved in the M&E Plan. Additional guidance on Indicator indicator reporting is contained in MCC’s Guidance on Quarterly MCA Disbursement Request and Reporting Package. In the case that MCA-Benin II Liberia submits a six-month disbursement request, the ITT must still be submitted quarterly. Key Indicators that can be reported on at least an annual basis will be included in quarterly monitoring indicator Indicator reports, while Indicators that require survey data or a longer time period to track will be tracked through the evaluationsfor evaluation purposes. The M&E Plan will contain the monitoring Indicators listed in the following tables. Under the Energy Project, indicators for the Mt. Coffee Rehabilitation Activity have been identified; however, indicators for the Mt. Coffee Support Activity, LEC Training Center Activity, and Energy Sector Reform Activity have not been included in the following tables below. The Indicators listed below are not exhaustive. Instead, they represent data that has been deemed, at this stage, important to collect. Additional outcome, output and process Indicators will be developed for each Project as design and implementation details are further definedidentified in the M&E Plan. Reduced Commercial Losses Collection Rate Total Revenue from Paid Invoices / Total Amount Invoiced Percentage XXX XXX Demand Reduction by the Government kWh Increased consumption of electricity saved through public sector energy efficiency practices Demand reduction by Government ministries through energy efficient practices and equipment kWh 0 TBD Medium-term Outcomes Increased Cost Recovery for SBEE Total Electricity Sold The total MWh electricity sold Total megawatt hours of electricity sales to all customer types MWh 840,546 Megawatt hours TBD2 289,396 Reduced tariffs Electricity tariff Average tariff per kilowatt-hour US Dollars 0.52 TBD Short-term Outcomes Increased Domestic Generation Output reliability and adequacy System Average Interruption Frequency Index Sum of the number of interruptions in a quarter/Total Electricity Supply Total system suppliednumber of customers connected to network in the same quarter Rate TBD3 TBD 2 The baseline year will be the 2015 LEC year (July 2014 to June 2015). Data for May and June 2015 is not currently available, so the baseline will be provided in the initial M&E Plan. 3 The baseline will be a quarterly average from the 2015 LEC year (July 2014 to June 2015). Data for May and June 2015 is not currently available, so the baseline will be provided in the initial M&E Plan. Result Indicator Definition Unit Baseline Compact Target Increased reliability and adequacy System Average Interruption Duration Index Sum of durations, in MWhcustomer- hours, produced or imported of all customer interruptions in a quarter/Total number of customers connected to network in the same quarter Hours TBD4 TBD Increased number of firms, institutions, and households connected to the grid Customers added Number of new customers that have gained access to a legal connection to electricity service from LEC Number 0 91,502 Output Indicators Infrastructure Constructed or Rehabilitated Generation capacity added Generation capacity added, measured in megawatts, resulting from construction of new generating capacity or reconstruction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or upgrading or existing generating capacity funded with MCC support Megawatts 0 88 Infrastructure Constructed or Rehabilitated Kilometers of transmission line upgraded or built The sum of linear kilometers of new, reconstructed, rehabilitated, or upgraded transmission lines that have been energized, tested and commissioned with MCC support Kilometers 0 51 Higher quality road network Roughness The roughness of the road classified network measured by the international roughness index, disaggregated by paved and unpaved Meters per kilometer TBD5 TBD 4 The baseline will be a quarterly average from the 2015 LEC year MWh 1,073,809 TBD(July 2014 to June 2015). Data for May and June 2015 is not currently available, so the baseline will be provided in the initial M&E Plan. 5 The baseline for this indicator will be informed by the network analysis to be supported by the Roads Project.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Millennium Challenge Compact, Millennium Challenge Compact
Monitoring Component. As defined in the MCC M&E Policy, monitoring is the continuous, systematic collection of data on specified indicators to provide indications of progress toward objectives and the achievement of intermediate results along the way. To monitor progress toward the achievement of results of this Compact, the Monitoring Component of the M&E Plan will identify: identify (ai) the Indicators (as defined below); , (bii) the definitions of the Indicators; , (ciii) the sources and methods for data collection; , (div) the frequency for data collection; , (ev) the party or parties responsible for collecting and analyzing relevant data; , and (fvi) the timeline for reporting on each Indicator to MCC. It should be noted that some indicators Indicators will continue to be tracked after the this Compact Term expires as necessary. Goal, Outcome, Output, and Process Indicators. The M&E Plan will measure the results of the Program using quantitative, objective objective, and reliable data (“Indicators”).
(ia) The M&E Plan will establish baselines for every Indicator (each, a “Baseline”). An Indicator’s Baseline should be established prior to the start of the corresponding Project, Activity and/or Sub-Activity. Baselines demonstrate that the problem can be specified in measurable terms, and are thus a prerequisite pre-requisite for adequate intervention design. The Government will collect Baselines on the selected Indicators or verify already collected Baselines where applicable.
(iib) The M&E Plan will establish a benchmark for each Indicator that specifies the expected value and the expected time by which the result will be achieved (“Target”).
(iiic) The M&E Plan will indicate which Indicators will be disaggregated by gendersex, income level, age and age, and beneficiary types to the extent practical and applicable.
(ivd) MCC’s Common Indicators (as described in the MCC M&E Policy) will also be included as relevant. Where MCC Common Indicators have been included in the tables below, the relevant Common Indicator code is included in parentheses after the Indicator name.
(ve) Subject to prior written approval from MCC and in accordance with the MCC M&E Policy, the Government may add Indicators or refine the definitions and Targets of existing Indicators.
(vif) MCA-Benin II El Salvador must report to MCC on monitoring Indicators in the M&E Plan on a quarterly basis using an Indicator Tracking Table (“ITT”) in the form provided by MCC. No changes to Indicators, Baselines or Targets may be made in the ITT until the changes have been approved in the M&E Plan. Additional guidance on Indicator indicator reporting is contained in MCC’s Guidance on Quarterly MCA Disbursement Request and Reporting Package. In the case that MCA-Benin II submits a six-month disbursement request, the ITT must still be submitted quarterly. Key Indicators that can be reported on at least an annual basis will be included in quarterly monitoring indicator reports, while Indicators that require survey data or a longer time period to track will be tracked through the evaluations. The M&E Plan will contain the monitoring Indicators listed in the tables below. The Indicators listed below are not exhaustive. Instead, they represent data that has been deemed, at this stage, important to collect. Additional outcome, output and process Indicators will be developed for each Project as design and implementation details are further defined. Reduced Commercial Losses Collection Rate Total Revenue from Paid Invoices / Total Amount Invoiced Percentage XXX XXX Demand Reduction by the Government kWh of electricity saved through public sector energy efficiency practices Demand reduction by Government ministries through energy efficient practices and equipment kWh 0 TBD Medium-term Outcomes Increased Cost Recovery for SBEE Total Electricity Sold The total MWh of electricity sales to all customer types MWh 840,546 TBD Short-term Outcomes Increased Domestic Generation Output Total Electricity Supply Total system supplied, in MWh, produced or imported in a year MWh 1,073,809 TBD’s
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Millennium Challenge Compact