Data Quality Reviews. As determined in the M&E Plan or as otherwise requested by MCC, the quality of the data gathered through the M&E Plan will be reviewed to ensure that data reported are as valid, reliable, and timely as resources will allow. The objective of any data quality review will be to verify the quality and the consistency of performance data across different implementation units and reporting institutions. Such data quality reviews also will serve to identify where those levels of quality are not possible, given the realities of data collection.
Data Quality Reviews. Data Quality Reviews (“DQR”) are a mechanism to review and analyze the utility, objectivity, and integrity of performance information. DQRs are to cover: a) quality of data; b) data collection instruments; c) survey sampling methodology; d) data collection procedures; e) data entry, storage, and retrieval processes; f) data manipulation and analyses; and g) data dissemination. MCC requires that an independent entity conduct the DQR, such as a local or international specialized firm or research organization, or an individual consultant, depending on the size of the Program or Project in review. The frequency and timing of data quality reviews must be set forth in the M&E Plan; however, MCC may request a DQR at any time. DQRs should be timed to occur before or early enough in the Compact Term that meaningful remedial measures (if any) may be taken depending on the results of the review. The methodology for the review should include a mix of document and record reviews, site visits, key informant interviews, and focus groups.
Data Quality Reviews. From time to time, as determined in the M&E Plan or as otherwise requested by MCC, the quality of the data gathered through the M&E Plan shall be reviewed to ensure that data reported are as valid, reliable, and timely as resources will allow. The objective of any data quality review will be to verify the quality and the consistency of performance data, across different implementation units and reporting institutions. Such data quality reviews also will serve to identify where those levels of quality are not possible, given the realities of data collection. The data quality reviewer shall enter into an Auditor / Reviewer Agreement with MCA-Georgia in accordance with Annex I.
Data Quality Reviews. Data Quality Reviews (“DQR”) are a mechanism to review and analyze the quality and utility of performance information. They cover all data reported in the ITT, and all primary sources that feed into that reporting. DQRs may be conducted internally by MCA-Moçambique and MCC M&E staff, or by a third-party. DQRs should review data against the following standards: accuracy, consistency, timeliness and transparency. The frequency and timing of DQRs must be set forth in the M&E Plan; however, in addition to a pre-implementation DQR, at least one DQR is required during implementation, and MCC may request a DQR at any time. DQRs should be timed to occur once the ITT reflects several quarters of reporting but early enough in the Compact Term that meaningful remedial measures (if any) may be taken depending on the results of the review.
Data Quality Reviews. Data Quality Reviews (DQRs) are a mechanism to review and analyze the utility, objectivity, and integrity of performance information. DQRs are to cover: (a) quality of data, (b) data collection instruments, (c) survey sampling methodology, (d) data collection procedures, (e) data entry, storage and retrieval processes, (f) data manipulation and analyses, and (g) data dissemination. MCC requires that an independent entity conduct the DQR, such as a local or international specialized firm or research organization, or an individual consultant, depending on the size of the Program or Project in review. The frequency and timing of data quality reviews must be set forth in the M&E Plan; however MCC may request a DQR at any time. DQRs should be timed to occur before or early enough in the Compact Term that meaningful remedial measures (if any) may be taken depending on the results of the review. The methodology for the review should include a mix of document and record reviews, site visits, key informant interviews, and focus groups.
Data Quality Reviews. Data Quality Reviews (“DQR”) are a mechanism to review and analyze the utility, objectivity, and integrity of performance information. DQRs are to cover: a) quality of data, b) data collection instruments, c) survey sampling methodology, d) data collection procedures, e) data entry, storage and retrieval processes, f) data manipulation and analyses and g) data dissemination. MCC requires that an independent entity conduct the DQR, such as a local or international specialized firm or research organization, or an individual consultant, depending on the size of the Program or Project in review. The frequency and timing of data quality reviews must be set forth in the M&E Plan; however, MCC may request a DQR at any time. DQRs should be timed to occur before or early enough in the Compact Term that meaningful remedial measures (if any) may be taken depending on the results of the review. The methodology for the review should include a mix of document and record reviews, site visits, key informant interviews, and focus groups.
Data Quality Reviews. As determined in the M&E Plan or as otherwise requested by MCC, the quality of the data gathered through the M&E Plan shall be reviewed to ensure that data reported are as reliable, timely and valid as resources allow. The objective of any data quality review shall be to verify the quality and the consistency of performance data, across different implementation units and reporting institutions. Such data quality reviews shall also serve to identify where consistent levels of quality are not possible, given in-country capacity or other constraints. MCA-Mongolia shall enter into an agreement, in a form acceptable to MCC, with the reviewer to fulfill the provisions set forth in paragraph 1 of this Annex III and this clause (c).
Data Quality Reviews. Data Quality Reviews (“DQR”) are a mechanism to review and analyze the utility, objectivity and integrity of performance information. DQRs are to cover: a) quality of data, b) data collection instruments, c) survey sampling methodology, d) data collection procedures, e) data entry, storage and retrieval processes, f) data manipulation and analyses and g) data dissemination. MCC requires that an independent entity conduct the DQR, such as a local or international specialized firm or research organization, or an individual consultant, depending on the size of the Program or Project in review. The frequency and timing of data quality reviews must be set forth in the M&E Plan; however MCC may request a DQR at any time. DQRs should be timed to occur before or early enough in the Compact Term that meaningful remedial measures (if any) may be taken depending on the results of the review. The methodology for the review should include a mix of document and record reviews, site visits, key informant interviews, and focus groups. All MCC’s common indicators listed in the Compact’s ITT will be included in the DQR.
Data Quality Reviews. From time to time, as determined in the M&E Plan or as otherwise requested by MCC, the quality of the data gathered through the M&E Plan shall be reviewed to ensure that data reported are as valid, reliable, and timely as resources will allow. The objective of any data quality review will be to verify the quality and the consistency of performance data, across different implementation units and reporting institutions. Such data quality reviews also will serve to identify where those levels of quality are not possible, given the realities of data collection. The data quality reviewer shall enter into an Auditor / Reviewer Agreement with MCA-Cape Verde in accordance with Annex I. 13 This target will be estimated after the investment opportunities have been identified.
Data Quality Reviews. Data Quality Reviews (DQRs) are a mechanism to review and analyze the utility, objectivity, and integrity of performance information. DQRs are to cover: a) quality of data, b) data collection instruments, c) survey sampling methodology, d) data collection procedures, e) data 12 While increases in job will not be fully attributed to Project interventions, tracking growth in employment is meant as a partial proxy of the general health of firms located in Activity-supported zones. entry, storage and retrieval processes, f) data manipulation and analyses, and g) data dissemination. MCC requires that an independent entity conduct the DQR, such as a local or international specialized firm or research organization, or an individual consultant, depending on the size of the Program or Project in review. The frequency and timing of data quality reviews must be set forth in the M&E Plan; however MCC may request a DQR at any time. DQRs should be timed to occur before or early enough in the Compact Term that meaningful remedial measures (if any) may be taken depending on the results of the review. The methodology for the review should include a mix of document and record reviews, site visits, key informant interviews, and focus groups.