MWBE COMPLIANCE. 2.17.1 Contractor shall comply with the City’s Minority and Women Business Enterprise (“MWBE”) programs as set out in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Contractor shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts or supply agreements in at least % of the value of this Agreement to MWBEs. Contractor acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with the City’s Office of Business Opportunities (“OBO”) and will comply with them. 2.17.2 Contractor shall ensure that all subcontracts with MWBE subcontractors and suppliers contain the following terms: [Name of MWBE subcontractor] shall not delegate or subcontract more than 50% of the work under this subcontract to any other subcontractor or supplier without the express written consent of the City of Houston’s Office of Business Opportunity Director (the “Director”). [Name of MWBE subcontractor] shall permit representatives of the City of Houston, at all reasonable times, to perform: (i) audits of the books and records of the subcontractor; and (ii) inspections of all places where work is to be undertaken in connection with this subcontract. Subcontractor shall keep such books and records available for such purpose for at least 4 years after the end of its performance under this subcontract. Nothing in this provision shall affect the time for bringing a cause of action nor the applicable statute of limitations. Within five Business Days of execution of this subcontract, Contractor and Subcontractor shall designate in writing to the Director an agent for receiving any notice required or permitted to be given pursuant to Chapter 15 of the Houston City Code of Ordinances, along with the street and mailing address and phone number of such agent. Any controversy between the Parties involving the construction or application of any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this subcontract may be submitted to the Director. The Director may prescribe procedures to provide dispute resolution by neutrals in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 15 of the Houston City Code of Ordinances.
MWBE COMPLIANCE. 3.17.1 Contractor shall comply with the City’s Minority and Women Business Enterprise (“MWBE”) programs as set out in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Contractor shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts or supply agreements in at least % of the value of this Agreement to MWBEs. Contractor acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with the City’s Office of Business Opportunities (“OBO”) and will comply with them.
MWBE COMPLIANCE. In its performance under this Agreement, Consultant shall comply with the City’s Minority and Women Business Enterprise (“MWBE”) programs as set out in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Consultant shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts or supply agreements in at least % of the value of this Agreement to MWBEs. Consultant acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with the City’s Office of Business Opportunities (“OBO”) and will comply with them.
MWBE COMPLIANCE. 2.17.1 Contractor shall comply with the City’s Minority and Women Business Enterprise (“MWBE”) programs as set out in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances and the applicable Office of Business Opportunity’s (“OBO”) Policies and Procedures. Contractor shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts or supply agreements in at least % of the value of this Agreement to MWBEs (“Stated MWBE goal”). If the Contractor is a certified MBE or WBE, Contractor may count toward goals the work that it commits to perform with its own work force, capped at 50% of the total advertised goal. Contractor acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with OBO and will comply with them 2.17.2 For purposes of this paragraph, “Contract Year” means a twelve (12) month period during the term of the contract commencing on the Effective Date of this Agreement and each annivers ary thereof. If the term of this Agreement exceeds one Contract Year and Contractor’s MWBE participation level in a Contract Year is less than the Stated MWBE goal, then within 30 calendar days of the end of each Contract Year Contractor must provide a written explanation to both the Director and Office of Business Opportunity Director (“OBO Director”) of the following: (1) the discrepancy between Contractor’s MWBE participation level and the Stated MWBE goal, (2) the reason for the discrepancy, and (3) Contractor’s good faith efforts (in accordance with the City’s policy) towards achieving the Stated MWBE goal. As part of the good faith efforts assessment, the OBO Director may consider Contractor’s failure to timely submit the notice or explanation required by this provision and the OBO Director may impose sanctions or other penalties on Contractor for said failures in accordance with Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances, OBO’s policies and procedures, and the City’s good faith efforts policy. 2.17.3 Contractor shall maintain records showing: Subcontracts and supply agreements with Minority Business Enterprises; Subcontracts and supply agreements with Women Business Enterprises; Subcontracts and supply agreements with Small Business Enterprises (if any); Written confirmation from MWBE subcontractors and suppliers that they are participants on the contract; and Specific efforts to identify and award subcontracts and supply agreements to MWBEs. Contractor shall submit periodic reports of its efforts under this S...
MWBE COMPLIANCE. 11.1 DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR shall comply with the City's Minority, Women and Small Business Enterprise ("MWSBE") programs as set out in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts or supply agreements to DBEs as follows: TBD% DBE for design and professional services; TBD% DBE for Construction Services. DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with the City’s Office of Business Opportunity and will comply with them.
MWBE COMPLIANCE. 3.20.1. In its performance under this Agreement, Contractor shall comply with the City’s Minority and Women Business Enterprise (“MWBE”) programs as set out in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Contractor shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts or supply agreements in at least % of the value of this Agreement to MWBEs. Contractor acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with the City’s Office of Business Opportunities (“OBO”) and will comply with them. 3.20.2. Contractor shall also adhere to and comply with 2 CFR 200.321 if subcontracts are to be let under this Agreement. Contractor, if subcontracts are to be let, is required to take the following affirmative steps to ensure that small business firms, minority business firms, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible, under 2 CFR Section 200.321. Affirmative steps must include: (1) Placing qualified small and minority businesses and women's business enterprises on solicitation lists; (2) Assuring that small and minority businesses, and women's business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources; (
MWBE COMPLIANCE. 3.21.1. In its performance under this Agreement, Contractor shall comply with the City’s Minority and Women Business Enterprise (“MWBE”) programs as set out in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Contractor shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts or supply agreements in at least % of the value of this Agreement to MWBEs. Contractor acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with the City’s Office of Business Opportunities (“OBO”) and will comply with them. 3.21.2. Contractor shall maintain records showing: Subcontracts and supply agreements with Minority Business Enterprises, Subcontracts and supply agreements with Women’s Business Enterprises, and Specific efforts to identify and award subcontracts and supply agreements to MWBEs. 3.21.3. Contractor shall submit periodic reports of its efforts under this Section to the Director of the Office of Business Opportunity in the form and at the times he or she prescribes. 3.21.4. Contractor shall require written subcontracts with all MWBE subcontractors and suppliers.
MWBE COMPLIANCE. Contractor shall comply with the City's Minority and Women Business Enterprise ("MWBE") programs as set out in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Contractor shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts or supply agreements in at least % of the value of this Agreement to MWBEs. Contractor acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with the City=s Office of Business Opportunity (“OBO”), and will comply with them. Contractor shall ensure that all subcontracts with MWBE subcontractors and suppliers contain the following terms: 1. ( MWBE subcontractor) shall not delegate or subcontract more than 50% of the work under this subcontract to any other subcontractor or supplier without the express written consent of the City of Houston's OBO Director ("the Director").
MWBE COMPLIANCE. 8.1 Contractor shall comply with the City's Minority and Women Business Enterprise ("MWBE") programs as set out in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Contractor shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts or supply agreements in at least 11% of the value of this Agreement to MWBEs. Contractor acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with the City’s Affirmative Action Division and will comply with them. 8.2 Contractor shall require written subcontracts with all MWBE subcontractors and shall submit all disputes with MWBEs to binding arbitration in Houston, Texas if directed to do so by the Affirmative Action Division Director. MWBE subcontracts must contain the terms set out in Exhibit "D." If Contractor is an individual person (as distinguished from a corporation, partnership, or other legal entity), and the amount of the subcontract is $50,000 or less, the subcontract must also be signed by the attorneys of the respective parties.
MWBE COMPLIANCE. 10.2.1. Concessionaire shall comply with the City’s Minority and Women Business Enterprise ("MWBE") programs as set out in Chapter 15, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Concessionaire shall make good faith efforts to award subcontracts or supply agreements in at least 11% of the product design and fabrication (if applicable), delivery, installation, maintenance and support to MWBEs. Concessionaire acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements for good faith efforts on file with the City’s Office of Business Opportunity (“OBO”), and will comply with them.