Type of Service Answer all questions:
Time of Service Customer must make an appointment with Exasol to schedule Consulting Services. The appointment must be made at least four weeks before the planned service actions. Any changes to the appointment must also be communicated before the previously agreed-upon appointment. If no appointment has been agreed upon, Xxxxxxxx has no claim for the provision of the services. If Customer does not claim the services at the agreed-upon appointment, the claim to the agreed consulting services is forfeited. In this case, 80% of the agreed-upon Fee will be charged.
Scope of Service Interconnection Service shall be provided to the Interconnection Customer at the Point of Interconnection (a), in the case of interconnection of the Customer Facility of a Generation Interconnection Customer, up to the Maximum Facility Output, and (b), in the case of interconnection of the Customer Facility of a Transmission Interconnection Customer, up to the Nominal Rated Capability. The location of the Point of Interconnection shall be mutually agreed by the Interconnected Entities, provided, however, that if the Interconnected Entities are unable to agree on the Point of Interconnection, the Transmission Provider shall determine the Point of Interconnection, provided that Transmission Provider shall not select a Point of Interconnection that would impose excessive costs on either of the Interconnected Entities and shall take material system reliability considerations into account in such selection. Specifications for the Customer Facility and the location of the Point of Interconnection shall be set forth in an appendix to the Interconnection Service Agreement and shall conform to those stated in the Facilities Study.
Level of Service Complex case management with a provider focus is appropriate for members who either choose not to be actively involved or are unable to actively participate in their health care. Complex case management targets members with two (2) or more disease states who need assistance with care coordination, making preventive care appointments, or accessing care to address the members’ chronic health conditions or members who have had an inpatient hospital stay in the last ninety (90) days or members with high dollar claims of over fifty thousand dollars (>$50,000) in six (6) months. The focus is on working with the providers to meet the needs of the individual through communication with the PMP (if applicable), other providers, and the member’s natural support system. The goal is to help members gain optimum health or improved functional capability, in the right setting and in a cost-effective manner. Complex case management with provider focus is the active coordination by the Contractor of care and services between providers while navigating the extensive systems and resources required for the member. It involves comprehensive assessment, determination of available benefits, development and implementation of a complex case management plan directed at the chronic health conditions. At a minimum, the Contractor must provide complex case management services for members discharged from an inpatient psychiatric, drug overdose, or substance abuse hospitalization, for no fewer than ninety (90) calendar days following that inpatient hospitalization discharge. The Contractor must also provide complex case management services for any member at risk for inpatient psychiatric or substance abuse re -hospitalization. Care managers must contact members during an inpatient hospitalization or as soon as practicable upon receiving notification of a member’s inpatient behavioral health hospitalization. The care manager must work with the hospital discharge planner, provider case manager and/or natural supports (i.e. family) to ensure that an outpatient follow-up appointment is scheduled to occur no later than seven (7) calendar days following the inpatient behavioral health hospitalization discharge and transportation is not a barrier to attending the appointment. Complex case management with provider focus includes all of the services and benefits from disease management and care management. In addition,
Use of Service Each Party shall make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that its Customers comply with the provisions of this Agreement (including, but not limited to the provisions of applicable Tariffs) applicable to the use of Services purchased by it under this Agreement.
Terms of Service FINAL PAGE
Nature of Service 3.1 ISO-NE and the NYISO shall, to the maximum extent each deems consistent with the safe and proper operation of its system, the furnishing of economical, dependable and satisfactory services by its participants, and the obligations of its participants to other parties, make available to the other Party when a system Emergency exists on the other Party's system, Emergency Energy from its system's available generating capability in excess of the system’s load requirements (i.e., load requirements alone, not load plus reserve requirements) up to the transfer limits in use between the two Balancing Authority Areas. Emergency Energy is provided in cases of emergency outages of generating units, transmission lines or other equipment, or to meet other sudden and unforeseen circumstances such as forecast errors, or to provide sufficient Operating Reserve. Normally, a Party requests Emergency Energy from the other Party as a last resort, when market-based real-time energy transactions are not available, or not available in a timely fashion in order to maintain its ten-minute reserve requirement. At the time the Emergency Energy sale is being initiated, the Party delivering such Emergency Energy shall describe the Emergency Energy transaction as being one of the following: (1) “delivered out of ten-minute reserve”; (2) “delivered out of thirty-minute reserve” where such a delivery could reasonably be expected to be recalled if the Party delivering the Emergency Energy needed the generation for a reserve pick-up or other Emergency; or (3) “delivered above and beyond ten-minute and thirty-minute reserves” where the Party delivering such Emergency Energy is normally expected to be able to continue delivering the energy following a reserve pick-up. 3.2 The Parties are participants in the NPCC and are expected to comply with NPCC Criteria, Guides and Procedures. Such NPCC Criteria, Guides and Procedures include “Emergency Operation Criteria” (Document A-3), which describes the basic factors to be considered by a Balancing Authority Area in formulating plans and procedures to be followed in an Emergency. A principle of operation in this NPCC Criteria is that upon receiving a request for assistance to mitigate an Emergency, a Balancing Authority Area would provide “maximum reasonable assistance” to a neighboring Balancing Authority Area. Such reasonable assistance would not normally require the shedding of firm load. 3.3 Normally, the Party experiencing or anticipating an Emergency would request Emergency Energy from the other Party in accordance with this Schedule and applicable NPCC Criteria, Guides and Procedures after all market-based real-time transactions have been scheduled, unless there is an immediate need for such Emergency Energy in order to maintain system Reliability. 3.4 In the event a Party is unable to provide Emergency Energy to the other when needed, but there is energy available from a Third Party Balancing Authority Area supplier, the Party will use reasonable efforts to acquire and transmit such energy to the other Party where feasible.
Performance of Service 2.1 Appendix A (General Provisions), Articles 1 through 16, governs the performance of services under this contract. 2.2 Appendix B sets forth the liability and insurance provisions of this contract. 2.3 Appendix C sets forth the services to be performed by the contractor.
Scope of Services The specific scope of work for each job shall be determined in advance and in writing between TIPS Member, Member’s design professionals and Vendor. It is permitted for the TIPS Member to provide a general scope description, but the awarded vendor should provide a written scope of work, and if applicable, according to the TIPS Member’s design Professional as part of the proposal. Once the scope of the job is agreed to, the TIPS Member will issue a PO and/or an Agreement or Contract with the Job Order Contract Proposal referenced or as an attachment along with bond and any other special provisions agreed by the TIPS Member. If special terms and conditions other than those covered within this solicitation and awarded Agreements are required, they will be attached to the PO and/or an Agreement or Contract and shall take precedence over those in this base TIPS Vendor Agreement.
Attachment A, Scope of Services The scope of services is amended as follows: