NCR Voyix. OVbligations
NCR Voyix. RVesponsibilities
1.1 I WKH 1HWZRUN DQG 6HFXULW\ 6HUYLFHV RSWLRQ N selected by you as part of the Network and Security Services that may be designated on an Order, NCR Voyix will provide you with a hardware firewall and any additional hardware components which may be new or like new (including any third-party malware protection software on such hardware). NCR Voyix will provide ongoing configuration and management services for the hardware aimed at securing the POS System Network by detecting and preventing unauthorized access from outside the POS System Network. NCR Voyix will be responsible for periodic and routine updates of the hardware, including security patches in accordance with the PDQXIDFreWcoXmmUeHndUati¶onVs. Hardware maintenance services will be provided with respect to any malfunctioning hardware that is not otherwise due to your abuse, neglect or improper operation and/or storage as determined in NCR Voyix¶V VROH GLVFUHWLRQ 6XFK services will be provided in accordance with NCR Voyix¶sVtandard policies and procedures which will be communicated to you from time to time. NCR Voyix reserves the right to replace any NCR Voyix provided hardware and/or malware protection software running on the hardware with a similar functioning hardware and/or malware protection software at any time for any reason at no additional cost to you.
1.2 I WKH 1HWZRUN DQG 6HFXULW\ 6HUYLFHV RSWLRQ NQ is selected by you as part of the Network and Security Services as may be designated on applicable Order, NCR Voyix will provide you with remote access tools and a method for providing your authorized third parties reasonable access to a designated Node within the POS System Network. If you elect to use the Secure Access SMS-based authentication feature, you will be required to provide NCR Voyix with a valid mobile phone number that NCR Voyix will use to provide an authentication code via text message to you that will allow you to access a designated Node within the POS System Network. You acknowledge that message and data rates may apply, such charges include those from your mobile carrier or communication services provider.
1.3 If the Network and Security Services option known as ³7KU'HDIWHQ(oGr iHts sUuc´cessor product) is selected by you as part of the Network and Security Services as may be designated on an applicable Order, NCR Voyix will provide you with application white listing and black listing and other related services which may include NCR Voyix¶V XVH RI-p arYty...