Overnight Travel For each full day of travel, all three meals are reimbursable. Per diems on the first and last day of a trip are governed as set forth below. Depart before 12:00 noon Lunch and dinner Depart after 12:00 noon Return Day Dinner Return before 12:00 noon Breakfast Return between 12:00 noon & 7:00 p.m. Breakfast and lunch Return after 7:00 p.m.* Breakfast, lunch and dinner *7:00 p.m. is defined as direct travel time and does not include time taken to stop for dinner. The reimbursement rates for individual meals are calculated as a percentage of the full day per diem as follows: Breakfast 15% Lunch 25% Dinner 60%
Night Duty Employees shall be paid eight percent (8%) more than the base rate for each hour worked between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. provided that the employees’ regular shift includes at least one (1) hour between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., except for those employees participating in an authorized flex-time program and who voluntarily work between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 260. Employees shall be paid ten percent (10%) more than the base rate for each hour worked between the hours of midnight (12:00 a.m.) and 7:00 a.m. provided that the employees’ regular shift includes at least five (5) hours between the hours of midnight (12:00 a.m.) and 7:00 a.m.
COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS Hirer can allocate up to 2% in number of the tickets for each performance or day of the Event as complimentary tickets.
Meals Meals charged to the School District should represent mid-fare selections for the hotel/meeting facility or general area, consistent with the maximum allowable reimbursement amount set by the Board. Tips are included with meal charges. Expense forms must explain the meal charges incurred. Alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed.
Mileage Any bargaining unit member required to use his/her vehicle on District business shall be reimbursed at the rate established by the District for all miles driven on behalf of the District. The mileage computation shall include mileage necessary to return to the employee’s normal job site after the completion of District business. This amount shall be payable in a separate warrant prepared for processing in accordance with procedures of the office of the County Superintendent of Schools.
Car 7.1 You will be provided you with a car of suitable age, make, model and specification during the continuance of your employment in accordance with the policy laid down by the Company from time to time and the Company shall pay all standing and running costs relating to it (including the cost of fuel for private mileage) but not any taxable benefit arising. You shall comply with all rules laid down by the Company in relation to Company vehicles, notify the Company immediately of any accident involving your car and of any charge brought against you for a motoring offence and, unless otherwise agreed, shall return the car to your place of work forthwith on termination of your employment.
Travel No expenses for travel will be reimbursed unless specifically permitted under the scope of services or consideration provisions. Expenditures made by the Contractor for travel will be reimbursed at the current rate paid by the State and in accordance with the State Travel Policies and Procedures as specified in the current Financial Management Circular. Out-of-state travel requests must be reviewed by the State for availability of funds and for appropriateness per Circular guidelines.
Alcoholic Beverages Costs of alcoholic beverages are unallowable.
Lodging Board members should request conference rate or mid-fare room accommodations. A single room rate will be reimbursed. Board members should pay personal expenses at checkout. If that is impossible, deductions for the charges should be made on the expense form.
First Aid Attendants a) Designated First Aid Attendants shall receive their job rate of pay plus the Ticket Premium rate. All other employees holding valid First Aid Tickets shall receive a premium of five cents (5¢) per hour over and above their job rate. There shall be no stacking or pyramiding of premiums. b) Where a company is paying a bonus or premium(s) greater than set out above, it shall keep such policy in effect. c) Effective July 1, 1994, premiums for designated First Aid Tickets shall be: Xxxxx 0 - $0.85 per hour Xxxxx 0 - $0.50 per hour