No Layoff Due to Contracting Out Sample Clauses

No Layoff Due to Contracting Out. Without restricting its right to determine the methods by which services are to be provided, the Employer agrees that no employee shall be laid off or have his/her employment terminated as a result of contracting out work or services of a kind performed by its employees.
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No Layoff Due to Contracting Out. Without restricting its right to determine the methods by which municipal services are to be provided, the Region agrees that no permanent employee shall be laid off from work as a result of contracting out present work or services of a kind presently performed by its employees.
No Layoff Due to Contracting Out. Without restricting its right to determine the methods by which library services are to be provided, the Employer agrees that no employee shall be laid off, denied recall, have regular hours of work reduced, or have employment terminated as a result of contracting out work or services of a kind performed by its employees.

Related to No Layoff Due to Contracting Out

  • NO CONTRACTING OUT 15.01 The Hospital shall not contract out any work usually performed by members of the bargaining unit if, as a result of such contracting out, a layoff of any employees other than Casual part-time employees results from such contracting out.

  • CONTRACTING OUT The Hospital shall not contract out any work usually performed by members of the bargaining unit if, as a result of such contracting out, a layoff of any employees other than casual part-time employees results from such contracting out.

  • CONTRACTING OUT WORK Section 1. Contracting out of work that is normally, customarily and currently performed by the bargaining unit, shall be subject to the following:

  • Offtake constraints due to Backdown The Solar Power Developer and Buying Entity shall follow the forecasting and scheduling process as per the regulations in this regard by the Appropriate Commission. The Government of India, as per Clause 5.2(u) of the Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC), encourages a status of “must-run” to solar power projects. Accordingly, no solar power plant, duly commissioned, should be directed to back down by a Discom/ Load Dispatch Centre (LDC). In the eventuality of backdown, including backdown on account of non-dispatch of power due to non-compliance with “Order No. 23/22/2019- R&R dated 28.06.2019 of Ministry of Power regarding Opening and maintaining of adequate Letter of Credit (LC) as Payment Security Mechanism under Power Purchase Agreements by Distribution Licensees” and any clarifications or amendment thereto, except for the cases where the Backdown is on account of events like consideration of grid security or safety of any equipment or personnel or other such conditions, subject to the submission of documentary evidences from the competent authority, the SPD shall be eligible for a minimum generation compensation, from Buying Entity, restricted to the following and there shall be no other claim, directly or indirectly against SECI: Duration of Backdown Provision for Generation Compensation Hours of Backdown during a monthly billing cycle. Generation Compensation = 100% of [(Average Generation per hour during the month) X (number of backdown hours during the month)] X PPA tariff Where, Average Generation per hour during the month (kWh) = Total generation in the month (kWh) ÷ Total hours of generation in the month

  • Notice to Contractors This contract, together with the other documents enumerated in this paragraph, forms the contract between the parties. These documents are as fully a part of the contract as if attached hereto or repeated herein. The Contractor agrees to perform all of the work described in the contract documents and to comply with the terms and conditions defined therein for a total sum of Two Million Two Hundred Fifty-Four Thousand and 00/100 DOLLARS ($2, 254,000.00), said amount being subject to any approved addenda or change order.

  • Right to Contracted Capacity & Energy 4.4.1 The SPD will declare the CUF of the project and will be allowed to revise the same once within first year after COD of the project. Thereafter, the CUF for the Project shall remain unchanged for the entire term of the PPA. The declared annual CUF shall in no case be less than 17%. It shall be the responsibility of the SPD, entirely at its cost and expense to install such number of Solar panels and associated infrastructure(like project equipment)as may be necessary to achieve the required CUF, and for this purpose SPD shall make its own study and investigation of the GHI and other factors prevalent in the area which have implication on the quantum of generation. Further, arrangement of extra land for such installation shall be intimated to MSPDCL in advance and MSPDCL shall have to reply for the same in 7 days in the best interest of the project generation. However,non- availability of land shall not absolve SPD from his obligations under the PPA. SPD shall maintain generation so as to achieve annual CUF within + 10% and -15% of the declared value till the end of 10 years from COD, subject to the annual CUF remaining minimum of 15%, and within +10% and -20% of the declared value of the annual CUF thereafter till the end of the PPA duration of 25 years. The lower limit will, however, be relaxable by MSPDCL to the extent of non-availability of grid for evacuation which is beyond the control of the SPD. The annual CUF will be calculated every Contract Year. The compensation due to shortfall in generation shall be applied to the amount of shortfall in generation during the Contract Year. The amount of compensation shall be equal to the compensation payable (including equivalent amount of Electricity purchased from the grid for meeting load demand due to short fall in solar power) by the buying Entity, which shall ensure that the buying Entity is offset for all potential costs associated with low generation and supply of power under the PPA, subject to a minimum of 50% (fifty per cent) of the cost of this shortfall in energy terms, calculated at PPA tariff. The amount, being equal to the compensation payable, by the buying Entity for not meeting load requirements is only a measure of damage. It shall not be construed that the compensation is payable by SPD only if the buying Entity are required to pay compensation for such not meeting of load requirements or that the buying Entity or the SPD shall be required to prove or establish such payment of compensation for not meeting the load. SPD shall agree that the methodology specified herein above for calculation of liquidated damages payable by the SPD for shortfall in generation is a genuine and accurate pre-estimation of the actual loss that will be suffered by buying Entity. SPD shall further acknowledge that a breach of any of the obligations contained herein result in injuries and that the amount of the liquidated damages or the method of calculating the liquidated damages specified in this document is a genuine and reasonable pre-estimate of the damages that may be suffered by buying Entity in each case specified under this Agreement. However, this compensation shall not be applicable in events of Force Majeure identified under the PPA with MSPDCL, affecting supply of power by the SPD to the Buying Entity.

  • Notice to Contractor The Contractor is required to submit Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the State as evidence of insurance coverage requirements prior to commencing work under this Contract. Contractor shall not commence work under the contract until they have obtained all the insurance described below and the State has approved such insurance. Contractor shall maintain such insurance in force and effect throughout the term of this Contract, unless otherwise specified in this Contract The failure of the Contractor to provide a Certificate of Insurance, for the policies required under this Contract or renewals thereof, or failure of the insurance company to notify the State of the cancellation of policies required under this Contract shall not constitute a waiver by the State to the Contractor to provide such insurance. The State reserves the right to immediately terminate this Contract if the Contractor is not in compliance with the insurance requirements and retains all rights to pursue any legal remedies against the Contractor. All insurance policies must be open to inspection by the State, and copies of policies must be submitted to the State’s Authorized Representative upon written request.

  • Disputes Not Related to Contract Services The Engineer shall be responsible for the settlement of all contractual and administrative issues arising out of any procurement made by the Engineer in support of the services authorized herein.

  • As to Contract Time Should the Design Professional disagree with the Contractor as to the amount of the adjustment to the Contract Time and such disagreement not be resolved between them within seven days, the decision of the Design Professional as to any adjustment in the Contract Time, including any designation by the Design Professional of such time as is eligible for Time Dependent Overhead Costs, shall be final, subject to protest to the Owner of the Design Professional’s decision as set forth in Section 5 Part 2.

  • EXPENSES PRIOR TO CONTRACT EXECUTION The Commissioner and any Authorized User(s) are not liable for any costs incurred by a Vendor, Bidder or Contractor in the preparation and production of a Bid, Mini-Bid, cost proposal revision, or for any work performed prior to Contract execution.

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