Noise The Hirer shall ensure that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure, particularly late at night and early in the morning. The Hirer shall, if using sound amplification equipment, make use of any noise limitation device provided at the premises and comply with any other licensing condition for the premises.
NOISE/WASTE The Tenant agrees not to commit waste on the premises, maintain, or permit to be maintained, a nuisance thereon, or use, or permit the premises to be used, in an unlawful manner. The Tenant further agrees to abide by any and all local, county, and State noise ordinances.
Erosion Control a. The Purchaser shall construct slash and debris erosion barriers, dips, water bars or ditches in skid trails and landings as directed by the Forest Officer. b. The kinds and frequency of erosion control structures shall be adjusted to soil types, topography and climatic conditions as directed by the Forest Officer. c. The Purchaser is required to recontour any excavated skid trails, and provide for effective erosion control in the trail location as directed by the Forest Officer. d. Erosion control work shall commence as soon as skidding is completed on each skid trail or landing, and must be kept current with unit operations. e. Erosion control work shall be completed and approved by the Forest Officer in unfinished units before operations cease for inactive periods including heavy winter snowfall, spring breakup and restricted dates. f. All erosion control work in each unit shall be completed prior to notification pursuant to Section VII.M.7.