NOTIFICATION AND NOMINATION. (a) Overall Nomination. With respect to the Required Minimum Tonnage to be purchased by Mittal in each year 2006 through 2010, inclusive, as provided in Section 1.1, on or before [*********] of the prior year (excluding the year 2006, which has been separately provided for in Section 1.3(b)), Mittal shall notify Cliffs in writing of: (i) Xxxxxx’x proposed allocation of the Required Minimum Tonnage among the Covered Facilities for the coming year; (ii) whether Mittal proposes to purchase any tons in excess of the Required Minimum Tonnage in the coming year (any such excess, the “Excess Tonnage”) and, if so, the amount and allocation of the Excess Tonnage among the Covered Facilities; (iii) whether Mittal proposes to transfer any pellets (including Excess Tonnage) to any Other Facility and, if so, the amount to be transferred to any Other Facility; (iv) the ore grades and types of pellets proposed to be supplied by Cliffs and purchased by Mittal during the coming year; and (v) a preliminary delivery schedule by ore grade for each month of the coming year (collectively, the “Annual Nomination”). Such matters shall be reduced to writing and confirmed by Mittal and Cliffs by [*********]. If Mittal fails to adhere to the provisions of this Section 1.3(a), then Cliffs shall be entitled to proceed in the coming year on the basis of the prior year’s Annual Nomination, and Mittal shall be obligated to accept such performance; provided, that Cliffs shall use commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate its damages (including by adjusting iron ore pellet production to the extent commercially reasonable) upon receipt of evidence from Mittal that is reasonably satisfactory to Cliffs that Mittal will not be able to proceed in the coming year on the basis of the prior year’s Annual Nomination.
NOTIFICATION AND NOMINATION. (a) With respect to the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets to be purchased by Steel for the year 2002, as provided in Section 2, on or before April 30 of the current year, Steel shall notify Cliffs in writing of Steel’s preliminary tonnage of Steel’s Annual Pellet Tonnage Requirements which Steel shall purchase from Cliffs. Such notification shall include: (i) Steel’s Annual Operating Plan for the balance of the current year detailed by months, as such Annual Operating Plan relates to Steel’s planned monthly consumption of all pellets for such year; (ii) the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets which Steel expects to purchase in the current year from Cliffs; and (iii) Steel’s planned monthly pellet consumption for the first four months of the year 2003. (b) With respect to the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets to be purchased by Steel for each of the years 2003 through 2016, as provided in Section 2, on or before November 1 of each of the years prior to the years above, Steel shall notify Cliffs in writing of Steel’s preliminary tonnage of Steel’s Annual Pellet Tonnage Requirements which Steel shall purchase from Cliffs. Such notification shall include: (i) Steel’s Annual Operating Plan for the following year detailed by months, as such Annual Operating Plan relates to Steel’s planned monthly consumption of all pellets for such year (“Steel’s AOP”); (ii) the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets which Steel expects to purchase in the following year from Cliffs; (iii) Steel’s expected total pellet inventory as of December 31 for the then current year; (iv) Steel’s planned total pellet inventory on December 31 for the following year; and (v) Steel’s planned monthly pellet consumption for the first four months of the year which succeeds the following year. (c) With respect to the tonnage of Empire Pellets, Northshore Pellets and Hibbing Pellets which Cliffs will have available for sale to Steel in 2002, on or before May 31, 2002, and in each succeeding year on or before December 31 of each year prior to the years in Section 4(b) above, Cliffs shall notify Steel in writing as to the tonnage of Empire Pellets, Northshore Pellets and Hibbing Pellets Cliffs shall sell to Steel, which tonnage shall equal Steel’s Annual Pellet Tonnage Requirements for such year. (d) With respect to Steel’s Annual Pellet Tonnage Requirements as provided for in Sections 4(a) and 4(b) above, Steel shall notify Cliffs by the 15th day of each month for the year in determination: (i) Steel’s actual consumption of all pellets f...
NOTIFICATION AND NOMINATION. (a) With respect to the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets to be purchased by AK Steel for its facilities for each of the years 2007 through 2013, as provided in Section 2, on or before November 1 of each of the years prior thereto (e.g., November 1, 2007 for the 2008 year), AK Steel shall notify Cliffs in writing of AK Steel’s preliminary tonnage of AK Steel’s Annual Pellet Tonnage for such year (“Annual Nomination”). (i) Beginning in the year 2008, in the event AK Steel requires tonnage in addition to the maximum 1.3 million gross tons plus ten percent (10%), Cliffs is not obligated to provide such excess tonnage. However, as part of its preliminary nomination AK Steel may request additional tonnage, and shall notify Cliffs in writing of such requested excess tonnage on or before November 1 of the preceding year. Cliffs shall have thirty (30) days from the date of the request to determine whether Cliffs will supply all or any portion of such request. In the event Cliffs is able to comply with such request, AK Steel shall be obligated to purchase such tonnage that Cliffs is able to provide. (ii) If at any time during the term of the Agreement AK Steel’s Ashland blast furnace requires a reline, then AK Steel’s Annual Pellet Tonnage shall be adjusted downwards on a pro rata basis during the time in which the reline takes place. AK Steel shall provide Cliffs with written notice of such planned reline with its Annual Nomination in the year prior to the planned reline. (b) (i). With respect to the Annual Nomination for the year 2007, such Annual Nomination is fixed at 1.0 million gross tons, subject to the adjustments process set forth below.
NOTIFICATION AND NOMINATION. (a). With respect to the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets to be purchased by LTV for each of the years 2001 through 2009, as provided in Section 2, on or before November 1 of each of the years prior to the years above, LTV shall notify Cliffs in writing of LTV's preliminary tonnage of LTV's Annual Excess Pellet Tonnage Requirements which LTV shall purchase from Cliffs. Such notification shall include: (i) LTV's Annual Operating Plan for the following year detailed by months, as such Annual Operating Plan relates to LTV's planned monthly consumption of all pellets for such year; (ii) the tonnage of pellets which LTV expects to receive in the following year from LTV's Annual Equity Entitlements; (iii) the tonnage of pellets which LTV expects to receive in the following year from [* * * *] Annual Equity Entitlements; (iv) the tonnage of pellets which LTV expects to purchase in the following year from Cliffs; (v) LTV's expected total pellet inventory as of December 31 for the then current year; and (vi) LTV's planned total pellet inventory on December 31 for the following year.
NOTIFICATION AND NOMINATION. With respect to the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets to be purchased by AK Steel for the year 2015 through and including *** (and during any years after *** in the event the Agreement is extended pursuant to Section 16), on or before October 1 of the prior year thereto, AK Steel shall notify Cliffs in writing of the preliminary total number of tons which AK Steel shall purchase from Cliffs for AK Steel Dearborn.
NOTIFICATION AND NOMINATION. (a) For each of the ten (10) Contract Years 2014 through and including 2023, AK Steel shall notify Cliffs in writing of AK Steel’s preliminary nomination on or before November 15 of the preceding year (“Preliminary Nomination”), which Preliminary Nomination shall be consistent with Sections 2(a), (b) and (c) above. (b) As part of each Contract Years’ Preliminary Nomination, AK Steel shall provide to Cliffs the percentage of the annual tonnage to be delivered to each of the Lower Lakes Docks (“Preliminary Annual Dock Schedule”). On or before August 1 of the then current Contract Year, AK Steel may, by written notification to Cliffs, adjust its Preliminary Annual Dock Schedule for the then current Contract Year by not more than *** up or down. After August 1 of a Contract Year AK Steel’s Preliminary Annual Dock Schedule, including any adjustments, shall be final (“Final Annual Dock Schedule”). (c) AK Steel may revise its Preliminary Nomination on or before the dates below, by the amounts set forth below, so long as the revised nominations are not less than the minimum tonnage and or greater than the maximum tonnage set forth in Sections 2(a), (b) and (c) above for each Contract Year. (d) For each of the Contract Years 2014 through and including 2016, AK Steel shall have an option to nominate up to *** tons (“Optional Tonnage”) more than the maximum tonnage set forth in Sections 2(a), (b) and (c) above for such Contract Year which shall be included with its Preliminary Nomination on or before November 15 of the preceding year. If AK Steel elects to take a portion of or all of the Optional Tonnage greater than the maximum tonnage CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL HAS BEEN OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. ASTERISKS DENOTE SUCH OMISSIONS. set forth above, then the maximum tonnage plus the Optional Tonnage shall be fixed and final for such Contract Year and the adjustment dates set forth below shall not be applicable. (e) With respect to each Preliminary Nomination for each Contract Year beginning with 2014, on or before *** of the then current Contract Year of the purchase and sale, AK Steel may, by written notification to Cliffs, adjust its Preliminary Nomination for the then current Contract Year by not more than *** up or down. (i) For example, for the 2014 Contract Year, on ***, 2014 AK Steel may adjust its Preliminary Nomination up or down by not more than ***. AK Steel may then again adjust its Preliminary Nomination up or down...
NOTIFICATION AND NOMINATION. (a) With respect to the tonnage of Cliffs’ Pellets to be purchased by Severstal for the year 2006 (and during any years after 2006 in the event the Agreement is extended pursuant to Section 16), on or before [*****] of the prior year thereto, Severstal shall notify Cliffs in writing of the preliminary total number of iron units which Severstal shall purchase from Cliffs. (b) With respect to the preliminary tonnage nominations as provided for in Section 4(a) above, on or before [*****] of the then current year, Severstal may, by written notification to Cliffs, adjust its preliminary tonnage nominations by not more than [*****], up or down. If, by [*****] of the then current year, Severstal shall have adjusted its preliminary tonnage nominations, then such adjusted tonnage nominations shall be deemed their final tonnage nominations for such year, and Severstal shall be obligated to purchase such tonnage in accordance with such final tonnage nominations. (c). If, however, Severstal has not adjusted its preliminary tonnage nomination as provided for above, then on or before [*****] of the then current year, Severstal may, by written notification to Cliffs, adjust its preliminary tonnage nominations by not more than [*****], up or down. Such adjusted tonnage nominations shall be deemed to be Severstal’s final tonnage nominations for such year, and Severstal shall be obligated to purchase such tonnage with Cliffs in accordance with such final tonnage nominations.
NOTIFICATION AND NOMINATION. (a) With respect to the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets to be purchased by Steel for the year 2002, as provided in Section 2, on or before April 30 of the current year, Steel shall notify Cliffs in writing of Steel's preliminary tonnage of Steel's Annual Pellet Tonnage Requirements which Steel shall purchase from Cliffs. Such notification shall include: (i) Steel's Annual Operating Plan for the balance of the current year detailed by months, as such Annual Operating Plan relates to Steel's planned monthly consumption of all pellets for such year; (ii) the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets which Steel expects to purchase in the current year from Cliffs; and (iii) Steel's planned monthly pellet consumption for the first four months of the year 2003.
NOTIFICATION AND NOMINATION. (a) With respect to the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets to be purchased by Steel for the year 2004, as provided in Section 2, on or before June 30, 2004 of the current year, Steel shall notify Cliffs in writing of Steel's preliminary tonnage of Steel's Annual Pellet Tonnage Requirements which Steel shall purchase from Cliffs. Such notification shall be in the form set forth in Exhibits 2A and 2B to this Agreement and shall include the following: (i) Steel's Annual Operating Plan for the Weirton Works for the balance of the current year detailed by months, as such Annual Operating Plan relates to Steel's planned monthly consumption of all pellets for such year at the Weirton Works; (ii) the tonnage of Cliffs Pellets which ISG WEIRTON AMD PELLET SALE Steel expects to purchase in the current year from Cliffs for the Weirton Works; and (iii) Steel's planned monthly pellet consumption of all pellets for the first four months of the year 2005 at the Weirton Works.