Notification of implementation Sample Clauses
Notification of implementation. Each member shall promptly inform the Bank of the specific action which it has taken to make effective in its territory the provisions of this chapter.
Notification of implementation. (1) Each Contracting Party shall provide for its competent authorities to make publicly available a document setting out in an intelligible form the provisions regarding the processing of personal data transferred under this Agreement, including the means available for the exercise of the rights of data subjects. Each Contracting Party shall notify a copy of that document to the other Contracting Party.
(2) Where not already in place, each Contracting Party shall ensure that the competent authorities shall adopt rules specifying how compliance with the provisions regarding the processing of personal data transferred under this Agreement will be enforced in practice. Each Contracting Party shall notify a copy of those rules to the other Contracting Party and the respective supervisory authorities.
(3) Notifications by a Contracting Party made pursuant to Articles 14(1), 15, 26(1), 29(1) and 29(2) of this Agreement shall be made through diplomatic channels, in a single note verbale.
Notification of implementation. 1. Each Contracting Party shall provide for its competent authorities to make publicly available a document setting out in an intelligible form the provisions regarding the processing of personal data transferred under this Agreement, including the means available for the exercise of the rights of data subjects. Each Contracting Party shall ensure that a copy of that document is notified to the other Contracting Party.
2. Where not already in place, the competent authorities shall adopt rules specifying how compliance with the provisions regarding the processing of personal data transferred under this Agreement will be enforced in practice. A copy of those rules shall be notified to the other Contracting Party and the respective supervisory authorities.
Notification of implementation. 1. With a view to providing greater transparency and serving as a basis for cooperative and capacity building activities under this Chapter, each Party shall submit a notification of implementation to the Committee through the contact points designated pursuant to Article 15.6.5, within three years of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and at least once every four years thereafter.
2. In its initial notification, each Party shall describe the steps it has taken since the date of entry into force of this Agreement and the steps it intends to take to implement the provisions of this Chapter, including those directed at
(a) Establish processes or mechanisms to facilitate effective inter-agency coordination and review of proposed regulatory measures covered under Article 15.4;
(b) Encourage relevant regulatory authorities to conduct regulatory impact assessments in accordance with Articles 15.5.1 and 15.5.2, and
(c) Ensure that the regulatory measures covered are written and made available to the public in accordance with Article 15.5
3. In subsequent notifications, each Party shall describe the measures, including those set out in paragraph 2, that it has taken since the previous notification, and those that it plans to take to implement this Chapter.
4. In considering matters relating to the implementation and operation of this Chapter, the Committee may review the notifications made by each Party under paragraph 1. In the course of such review, the Parties may ask questions or discuss specific aspects of that Party's notification. The Committee may use its review and discussion of a notification as a basis for identifying opportunities for assistance and cooperative activities to provide support under Article 15.7 and Chapter 13 (Cooperation).
Notification of implementation. The Parties shall provide for each competent authority to make publicly available its contact details as well as a document setting out, using clear and plain language, information regarding the safeguards for personal data guaranteed under this Agreement, including information covering at least the items referred to in Article 14(1), points (a) and (c), and the means available for the exercise of the rights of data subjects. Each Party shall ensure that a copy of that document be provided to the other. Where not already in place, the Parties shall provide in law for the safeguards and obligations contained in Chapter II (Information exchange and data protection), and the competent authorities shall adopt rules specifying how compliance with such provisions will be enforced in practice. A copy of those legal provisions and implementation rules shall be sent to the other Party and their respective supervisory authority. The Parties shall notify each other of the supervisory authority responsible for overseeing the implementation of, and ensuring compliance with, this Agreement in accordance with Article 21.
Notification of implementation. Each Contracting Party shall provide for its competent authorities to make publicly available a document setting out in an intelligible form the provisions regarding the processing of personal data transferred under this Agreement, including the means available for the exercise of the rights of data subjects. Each Contracting Party shall notify a copy of that document to the other Contracting Party. Where not already in place, each Contracting Party shall ensure that the competent authorities shall adopt rules specifying how compliance with the provisions regarding the processing of personal data transferred under this Agreement will be enforced in practice. Each Contracting Party shall notify a copy of those rules to the other Contracting Party and the respective supervisory authorities. Notifications by a Contracting Party made pursuant to Articles 14(1), 15, 26(1), 29(1) and 29(2) of this Agreement shall be made through diplomatic channels, in a single note verbale.