Odour. Entry Gas shall have no odour which might cause National Grid Gas to contravene the Legal Requirement or gas industry practice not to distribute any gas which does not possess a distinctive and characteristic odour.
Odour. Applications to keep a pet will require to meet the following criteria:
Odour. If the WWTP emits odour in excess of 5 odour control units as measured at the boundary of the Project Lands, the CRD shall expeditiously and in good faith, use best efforts to investigate and remediate the source of the odour in order to reduce the odour to the agreed level.
Odour. I. The odour of the paint supplied, must not be excessively pungent or disagreeable both in the container and during application
Odour. To minimize potential odour emissions, if dredged sediment is anticipated to be placed on barge for more than a day the load shall be properly covered as far as practicable to minimise the exposed area and potential odour; and If dredged sediment is found to be malodorous it shall be removed from site as soon as possible within one hour after the barge being filled up. Good site practice to control dust and odour impact to the nearby sensitive receivers Contractor Construction Work Sites (General) Contractor Construction Work Sites (General) Construction Phase Construction Phase Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation EIAO-TM
Odour. Notwithstanding any other applicable requirement (e.g. planning/Approvals) odour shall only be acceptable where it cannot be avoided by applying Prudent Engineering and Operating Practices. ProjectCo shall ensure that exposure that Facility Staff and any other people at the Facility are not exposed to odours violating Approvals.
Odour. The gas shall contain a stenching agent as required by the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations Schedule 3
Odour. The customer shall utilize reasonable commercial efforts necessary to mitigate odour issues in the City’s system caused by the Customer’s Wastewater discharged at the Wastewater Discharge Point.
Odour a. Foul smelling ammonia (20); b. Pleasant i. Symptom reports (1 ns; 2 ns) Not assessed Exp 2 a,e (B) (40, U/K,U/K) smelling niaouli (20) 2. Conditioning: a. Odour + CO2 trials and room air trials (20); b. Odour trials and CO2 trials (20)