OPENING DAY OF SCHOOL. All employees have the choice to attend the orientation day general session/speaker and their building meeting and be paid for the time attending these meetings. Employees who work orientation day must attend within their regularly scheduled day. The Association meeting will be unpaid time. Other orientation day activities (walk, breakfast, etc.) will be unpaid unless the employee is scheduled to work during that time.
OPENING DAY OF SCHOOL. The first day of school for teachers and students will be a full day.
OPENING DAY OF SCHOOL. The Board shall, for the opening day of a school year, shorten that day for some or all students of the school, and may provide for different dismissal times for different students of the school.


  • WORKING DAY BEFORE AUCTION DATE Any intending bidder who intends to bid on behalf of another person, body corporate or firm is required to deposit with the Auctioneer prior to the auction sale an authority letter to state that he/she is acting on behalf of another person, body corporate or firm and he/she is authorised to sign all the necessary documents. All intending bidders shall be required to verify their identities by showing to the Auctioneer their identity cards prior to the commencement of the auction, failing which, they shall not be entitled to bid. In the event that the Bumiputra lot is sold to a non Bumiputra or if the successful bidder is below the age of 18 or is an undischarged bankrupt or is not legally competent to purchase the property, then such sale shall be cancelled and the deposit paid shall be refunded to the successful bidder and thereafter the Assignee shall be at liberty to put up the property for sale. A foreign citizen/foreign company may be allowed to bid for the property and if the bid is successful, the sale is subject to the foreign citizen/company applying and obtaining at his/her/its own cost to the Economic Planning Unit (if applicable) and/or relevant State Authority for the unconditional consent to the sale within the period stated in Clause 11 hereof but subject to Clause 22 hereof.

  • Boxing Day If another Federal, Provincial or Municipal holiday should be proclaimed during the term of this Agreement, such additional proclaimed holiday will replace one of the above-named holidays as agreed by the parties. The intent is that there will be no more than twelve (12) paid holidays per calendar year for the duration of this agreement.

  • Holiday Falling on a Day of Rest ‌ (a) When a paid holiday falls on a regular full-time employee's day of rest, the employee shall be entitled to a day off with pay in lieu of the holiday. (b) If a regular full-time employee is called in to work on the day designated as the lieu day pursuant to (a) above, he/she shall be compensated at time and one-half for all hours worked.

  • Working Day Working Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday which is observed by the construction industry in the area of the Place of the Work.

  • Holiday Falling on a Scheduled Workday An Employee who works on a designated holiday which is a scheduled workday shall be compensated at the rate of double time for hours worked, plus a day off in lieu of the holiday; except for Christmas and New Year's when the compensation shall be at the rate of double time and one-half (2½) for hours worked, plus a day off subject to this Agreement.

  • Opening hours The restaurant must inform Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd of its hours of operation (the “Opening Hours”), and of any changes to such Opening Hours. If the hours of operation are stated on the menu, Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd shall be entitles to treat these as the Opening Hours unless the Restaurant informs Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd otherwise.

  • WORKING DAY BEFORE THE AUCTION DATE and pay the difference between the initial deposit and the sum equivalent to 10% of the successful bid price (“differential sum”) either via bank draft or cashier’s order crossed “A/C PAYEE ONLY” made payable to HONG XXXXX ISLAMIC BANK BERHAD / XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXX or remit the same through online banking transfer within THREE (3) WORKING DAYS after the fall of the hammer by the Auctioneer is made. The initial deposit and the differential sum shall be collectively known as “the deposit” and. Working Day means a day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) on which the Assignee is open for business in Kuala Lumpur. The balance of the purchase price is to be settled within ninety (90) days from the date of auction sale to HONG XXXXX ISLAMIC BANK BERHAD. Please refer to the Auctioneer’s Online Terms and Conditions on the on the manner of payment of the deposit. For further particulars, please contact Messrs. X.X. Xxx & Associates, Solicitors for the Assignee herein whose address is at Xxxxx 0, Xx. 00, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, 50100 Kuala Lumpur. (Ref No.: A/KC/HLIBB-LC/2024/178520/Yani, Tel No.: 00-0000 0000, Fax No.: 00-0000 0000) or the undermentioned Auctioneer. Xxxxx X-00-0X, Xxxxx 00, Xxxxx X, Xxxxx Xxxxxx XX, / XXXXX XXXXX BIN XXXXXX 12, Jalan Yap Xxxx Xxxx, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. (Licensed Auctioneers) Tel No : 00-0000 0000 Fax No: 00-0000 0000 Our Ref. No.: ALIN/XXXXX0000/SNY Bank Ref : 29291000920 & 29291000937 Website : E-mail : (yang mana telah mengambilalih segala aset-aset, perniagaan xxx liabiliti-liabiliti EONCAP Islamic Bank Berhad (715426-H) menurut perintah Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur yang bertarikh pada 24hb Oktober 2011 di bawah Saman Pemula No. D26A- 110(MUAMALAT)-2011) Menurut kuasa xxx xxx xxxx telah diberikan kepada Pihak Pemegang Serahhak/Pemberi Pinjam di bawah Perjanjian Jualan Hartanah, Perjanjian Pembelian Hartanah xxx Suratikatan Penyerahanhak Hartanah (Secara Sekuriti) kesemuanya bertarikh 19hb April, 2007 antara Pihak Pemegang Serahhak/Pemberi Pinjam xxx Pihak Penyerahhak xxx Pihak Peminjam adalah dengan ini diisytiharkan bahawa Pihak Pemegang Serahhak dengan dibantu oleh Pelelong yang tersebut di bawah

  • Date of Completion The Developer must ensure that the Developer’s Works reach Completion on or before the date or milestone referred to in clause 1 of Schedule 3 of this document.

  • Opening of Bids a) The Bids shall be opened by the bid opening & evaluation committee on the date and time mentioned in the NIB in the presence of the bidders or their authorised representatives who choose to be present. b) The committee may co-opt experienced persons in the committee to conduct the process of Bid opening. c) The committee shall prepare a list of the bidders or their representatives attending the opening of Bids and obtain their signatures on the same. The list shall also contain the representative’s name and telephone number and corresponding bidders’ names and addresses. The authority letters, if any, brought by the representatives shall be attached to the list. The list shall be signed by all the members of Bid opening committee with date and time of opening of the Bids. d) All the documents comprising of technical Bid/ cover shall be opened & downloaded from the e-Procurement website (only for the bidders who have submitted the prescribed fee(s) to RISL). e) The committee shall conduct a preliminary scrutiny of the opened technical Bids to assess the prima-facie responsiveness and ensure that the: - a. bid is accompanied by bidding document fee, bid security or bid securing declaration, and processing fee (if applicable); b. bid is valid for the period, specified in the bidding document; c. bid is unconditional and the bidder has agreed to give the required performance security; and d. other conditions, as specified in the bidding document are fulfilled. e. any other information which the committee may consider appropriate. f) No Bid shall be rejected at the time of Bid opening except the Bids not accompanied with the proof of payment or instrument of the required price of bidding document, processing fee and bid security. g) The Financial Bid cover shall be kept unopened and shall be opened later on the date and time intimated to the bidders who qualify in the evaluation of technical Bids.

  • Business Day Convention If the date on which any payment is due to be made under this Agreement shall occur on a day on which is not a Business Day, such payment shall be made in accordance with the Business Day Convention as specified in the Notes or the Indenture.