Organizational Rights Sample Clauses
Organizational Rights. 4.1 The Association shall have the right to use the meeting rooms of the Employer, as defined below, after student dismissal times.
4.1.1 The Association shall request use of the Employer's meeting rooms in the same manner and with the same responsibilities as required of other groups who request such rooms.
4.2 The Association shall reimburse the Employer at actual cost for Employer materials or supplies used by the Association, with such use having been approved in writing by the Superintendent or his/her designee prior to such use.
4.3 There shall be available at each building site where five (5) or more Unit Members are permanently assigned, bulletin board space for the exclusive use of the Association. Announcements of teaching positions shall be sent to all certificated staff. Other memos will be sent to sites.
4.4 Association newsletters that may contain a message from the Superintendent and other responsible communications are considered the business of the employer and may be distributed through the Employer’s mail delivery system. These items shall be subject to the same delivery schedule and procedures as any other mail being delivered through the county mail service. All material sent through the Employer’s mail service shall be of a responsible and constructive nature with the Association accountable for items sent under its name. Political communications should not be distributed through the mail system. All other Association communications not approved as the business of the Employer shall be distributed through the U. S. mails or other means. Upon request by the Association, the Employer will provide on its web site a link to the Association’s web site, where the Association may post notices of interest to members. The SCOE web site is not a public forum. The Employer disclaims any responsibility or liability for the content of messages posted on the Association’s web site.
4.5 Representatives of the Association shall have the right to transact Association business with Unit Members after student dismissal time. Unit Members shall have the right to transact Association business on breaks, after student dismissal time, and during staff meetings. If the information is of a confidential nature, it will be shared at the end of the staff meeting with only unit members in attendance.
4.6 The Employer shall supply the Association a list of names, site mailing address, and position of all Unit Members and Non-Unit Members defined in the bargaining ...
Organizational Rights. 14.1 The Association shall have the right to receive one (1) copy of the complete board agenda.
Organizational Rights. 5.1 The Association shall be permitted:
5.1.1 Access at reasonable times to areas in which unit member’s work by an appropriate representative of the Association.
5.1.2 Use of designated institutional bulletin boards, mailboxes, campus mail system, campus email system and Intranet for the posting or transmitting of mass information or notices, provided that a copy of posted or transmitted material is presented to the Superintendent/President at the time of posting or transmission.
5.1.3 Use of institutional facilities and buildings without charge subject to the Civic Center requirements as referenced in Education Code Sections 82537-82548.
5.1.4 The opportunity for a representative of CSEA, who is not an employee of the District to review reviewable material within a unit member's personnel file subject to the condition that the representative be accompanied by or have in his/her possession a written authorization signed by the unit member within one (1) week of the review, and that the representative provides the Human Resources Department twenty-four (24) hours advance notice of his/her desire to review and state the specific reason(s) for the review.
5.1.5 To receive one (1) copy of public Board of Trustee materials on or before scheduled meeting dates of the Board of Trustees.
5.1.6 To designate not more than two (2) job stewards and shall notify the District of the name of each such designated job xxxxxxx. Such notice will be transmitted in writing within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement and will include the area(s) in which each job xxxxxxx will be functioning. The Association further agrees to notify the District within fifteen (15) days of any change in designated job stewards.
5.1.7 Upon written request to the District a once a year hire date seniority roster of all bargaining unit employees represented by CSEA, which shall include name, classification, title, hire date, salary range, and step within thirty (30) days of the written request.
5.1.8 Access to Board meeting minutes within fifteen (15) workdays after each Board meeting.
5.1.9 Monthly membership meetings in accordance with past practice as mutually agreed upon between the District and CSEA.
Organizational Rights. A. Meetings and Visitations
Organizational Rights. 11.1 All Association activities when the majority of membership is engaged will be conducted by unit members or Association officials outside established work hours as defined in Article 7 herein:
a. An authorized Association representative will obtain advance permission from the Superintendent or designee regarding the specific time, place, and activity to be conducted on district property.
b. The Superintendent or designee can verify that such requested activities and use of facilities will not interfere with the school programs and/or duties of unit members as defined in Article 7.
11.2 The Association shall use the school mailboxes and bulletin board spaces designated by the Superintendent subject to the following conditions:
a. All postings for bulletin boards or items for school mailboxes must contain the date of posting or distribution and identification of the organization together with the designated authorization by the Association President/designee.
b. The District Superintendent or designee will notify the Association President/designee and Labor Relations Representative when the complete school district board agenda and associated attachments is available online. The Association shall be provided a digital copy of the agenda and attachments/presentations.
11.3 The Association shall have the right to be supplied with a complete “hire date” seniority roster of all bargaining unit employees on the effective date of this Agreement and each September 1 thereafter. The roster shall indicate the employee’s present classification.
11.4 Annual CSEA Conference Release Time The District will grant release time for authorized chapter delegates to attend the annual CSEA state conference. The District and CSEA agree to use the State CSEA formula to identify the number of eligible delegates to be granted release time to attend the annual conference. CSEA shall also provide the District with a written notice that specifies the names of the authorized chapter delegates for the annual CSEA state conference as soon as known, but no later than two (2) weeks in advance of the state conference. Each delegate that is attending the annual CSEA conference will receive one (1) additional paid day for travel if the travel day occurs during the unit member’s regular work week.
11.5 Release Time for Union Training CSEA shall be entitled up to a maximum of forty (40) hours of paid release time per school year for CSEA training. During Chapter election years (even years), ...
Organizational Rights. 1. CSEA shall have the right of access to unit members before and after working hours, during duty-free lunchtime, and during break time to areas in which employees work. CSEA representatives shall notify the site administrator prior to contacting employees.
2. CSEA shall have the right to use specified institutional bulletin boards and mailboxes for posting or distributing information regarding CSEA business. Such bulletin boards and mailboxes may only be used for valid, legal, purposes. One copy of each posting or distribution shall be provided to the Superintendent's Office and the site administrator at the time of posting or distribution. All CSEA business information posted or distributed shall be clearly identified as CSEA material.
3. CSEA shall have the right to use institutional facilities pursuant to the Civic Center Act for the purpose of meetings to exercise rights provided under the Xxxxx Act.
4. CSEA shall be provided, upon written request, copies of all public documents which directly relate to wages, hours and other provisions of this Agreement and which are required to be prepared by the District to be filed with the county or state. The District may charge the actual cost for making copies.
5. CSEA shall have the right to review materials in personnel files of employees that directly relate to the provisions of this Agreement when accompanied by the employee before or after work hours or during duty-free lunch time or upon presentation to the District of a written authorization by the employee.
6. CSEA shall not have the right to use District equipment, materials or supplies except under the following circumstances:
a. Any officer or designee of CSEA may use the services of the District Duplicating Center. Such use will occur at a lower priority as compared to District use.
b. Such use of these duplicating facilities shall be limited to CSEA business, legally permitted by law, including negotiations and grievance processing.
c. CSEA shall reimburse the District for the actual cost of copies made on the District duplication facilities provided it does not exceed the cost of reimbursement requested of other employee organizations. District agrees to provide CSEA advance notice of any change in costs.
7. CSEA shall be provided a "hire date" roster of members of the negotiating units within thirty (30) days after the effective date of the Agreement. Upon request, the District shall provide CSEA a "hire date" roster every two (2) years thereaf...
Organizational Rights. CSEA shall have the following rights in addition to the rights specifically contained in other portions of this Agreement:
Organizational Rights. A. Each employee in the bargaining unit shall have the right to form, join, or assist any labor organization, or to refrain from such activity, freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal; and each employee shall be protected in the exercise of such right.
B. Except as otherwise provided under 5 USC Chapter 71, bargaining unit employees have the right:
1. To act for a labor organization in the capacity of a representative and the right, in that capacity, to present the views of the labor organization to heads of agencies and other officials of the executive branch of the Government, the Congress, or other appropriate authorities; and
2. To engage in collective bargaining with respect to conditions of employment through representatives chosen by employees under 5 USC 71.
Organizational Rights. Rights and privileges provided in this section shall be granted to the Local/OAPSE as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent and not to any other competing organization. The Board and administration agree to continue Local rights presently permitted as listed. These include:
A. Use of bus driver/aide mailboxes.
B. Use of the buildings for meetings during the school year and when the custodians are on duty.
C. Complete roster of bus drivers/aides and their assignments each year.
D. Name, address, and phone number of new bus drivers each year, unless prohibited by law.
E. Released time for elected Local representatives to attend OAPSE Representative Conference (limited to two).
F. Use of copying machine if Association furnishes supplies.
G. Space for Association materials shall be provided.
H. An OAPSE bulletin board will be provided in the bus garage.
I. The President of the Local or their designee will be granted thirty (30) minutes of orientation time, during their work day, to meet with new employees to advise and answer questions about union membership. Every attempt will be made to group multiple employees.
J. The Union shall have the right to use school email to communicate with membership on Union matters. Bargaining unit members shall not conduct Union business on Board time.
K. The District will provide a list of bargaining unit members, including seniority, contact numbers and an email address, to the OAPSE state office on a semi-annual basis.
Organizational Rights. CSEA shall have the sole and exclusive right to have membership dues deducted for employees in the bargaining unit by the District. The District shall, upon appropriate written authorization from any employee, deduct and make appropriate remittance for insurance premiums, credit union payments, or other plans or programs jointly approved by CSEA and the District.