Governance Structure. The Academy shall be organized and administered under the direction of the Academy Board and pursuant to the governance structure as set forth in its Bylaws. The Academy’s Board of Directors shall meet at least six times per fiscal year, unless another schedule is mutually agreed upon by the University President or Designee and the Academy.
Governance Structure. The Academy shall be organized and administered as a Michigan nonprofit corporation under the direction of the Academy Board and pursuant to the governance structure as set forth in the Bylaws. The Academy’s Board of Directors shall meet monthly unless another schedule is mutually agreed upon by the President and the Academy. The Academy shall not delegate this duty of organization and administration of the Academy without the express affirmative consent of the University.
Governance Structure. Charter School shall provide a list of the names of the individuals serving on the governing body of Charter School to MPS. Charter School shall be responsible for notifying MPS whenever the membership of the governing body of Charter School changes. The governance structure of Charter School shall be that set forth in Appendix A, including provisions for autonomy related to policy, budget development, staffing and evaluation. Charter School shall abide by its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Charter School shall promptly provide MPS with a copy of any proposed amendment to Appendix D or E. • PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Charter School shall employ the methods described in Appendix A to ensure parental involvement. Parental involvement shall be an integral component of Charter School.
Governance Structure. The Parties agree that the following are key provisions regarding the School’s governance structure. [Insert the key governance structure provisions.]
Governance Structure. The School shall be organized and administered under the direction of the School Board elected in accordance with the School's Bylaws and Applicable Law. The School Board shall decide and be responsible for policy matters related to the operation of the School, not otherwise specified by this Contract, including but not limited to budgeting, curriculum, personnel, and operating procedures, and shall comply with the governance, management and administration plan in Exhibit J.
Governance Structure. The independent JPA governance structure shall be a nine- member Board of Directors. Only superintendents of public school districts and county offices of education, and presidents/chancellors of community college districts from member districts in California may be elected as Directors. Designees other than the elected Director may serve in the elected director’s seat with a majority vote of the entire Board.
Governance Structure. 5.1 The arrangements shall operate within partnership values and the governance structure described below with the roles and responsibilities described for the Strategic Board.
Governance Structure. The School shall be governed by a Board of Directors. The School will file changes in the membership of the Board with the Authorizer and Department. The Board will be composed of at least five nonrelated members and include: (1) at least one licensed teacher employed as a teacher at the school or providing instruction under a contact between the charter school and a cooperative; (2) at least one parent or legal guardian of a student enrolled in the charter school; and (3) at least one interested community member who resides in Minnesota and is not employed by the charter school and does not have a child enrolled in the school. The board may include a majority of teachers or parents or community members, or it may have no clear majority. The chief financial officer and the chief administrator are ex-officio nonvoting board members. No charter school employees shall serve on the board other than licensed teachers employed as a teacher at the school. Board bylaws shall outline the process and procedures for changing the board's governance model, consistent with Chapter 317A and Charter Law. Contractors providing facilities, goods, or services to a charter school may not serve on the board of directors of the charter school. A board may change its governance structure only: (1) by a majority vote of the board of directors and a majority vote of the licensed teachers employed by the school as teachers, including licensed teachers providing instruction under a contract between the school and a cooperative; and (2) with the authorizer's approval. Any change in board governance structure must conform with the composition of the board established under Charter Law.
Governance Structure. A. Point of Discovery School shall be governed by a Governance Crew according to their bylaws. The Governance Crew shall oversee operating committees as determined by the Governance Crew. The Governance Crew shall consist of a president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary, and additional members, the number of which is determined by the Governance Crew based on need. In addition, one faculty member of Point of Discovery School will sit on the Governance Crew, and the District assigned Administrator will serve in a non-voting capacity. Vacant positions on the Governance Crew shall be filled through a nomination and voting process. Nominations made by serving Point of Discovery School Governance Crew Members shall be considered based on level of expertise, the composition of the body, and may include any combination of parents, community leaders, and non-community leaders. Members of committees need not be voting members of the Governance Crew. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew will consider all nominees and fill vacancies based on majority vote for the nominees.
B. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew has the full authority to create and monitor the mission and philosophy of the school and to set forth the policies, rules, and procedures of Point of Discovery School with input from the lead teacher, subject to the terms of this Contract and applicable District policies. Areas of authority include, but are not limited to building-based budget, curriculum, hiring, and retention of Point of Discovery School staff, school calendar, marketing, and fund-raising. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew shall support the District assigned Administrator in fulfilling these operations and policies. Current District policy waivers are included on pages 15 and 16 of this Contract. Point of Discovery School may request that the District waive additional policies in the future. The District has the discretion to grant or deny such requests, to the extent permitted by law. Current and future Point of Discovery School policies will be reviewed by the District assigned Administrator (or his/her designee) for purposes of confirming that they are consistent with District policies and applicable laws. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew and Point of Discovery School shall not take or authorize action which would have an adverse impact on the District or its operations including, without limitation, any action relating to purchases.
Governance Structure. 3.2.1 The Company will have the following governance structure:
(a) a general meeting (algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders) (the "General Meeting");
(b) a supervisory board (raad van commissarissen) (the "Supervisory Board"); and
(c) a management board (statutair bestuur) (the "Management Board").
3.2.2 The Company shall, and the Shareholders shall procure that the Company shall, comply to the extent relevant with the provisions of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code and the participations policy (Deelnemingenbeleid) as applicable to governmental participations (and as may be amended from time to time) (the "Participations Policy").